Album Full Ke-2 Brutal Death Metal mengerikan Asal Russia Scene ini memang asli menampar sekali Geliat-nya lewat suguhan 17 Track selama durasi 25:12 ! tentu menjadi sesuatu yang ga lazim untuk durasi lagu band2 dari genre Brutal Death Metal seperti biasanya yang hingga 2 - 5 menit, namun tidak untuk Perverse Dependence ini. This guys tick all the right boxes for me. They have slams/breakdowns. Check. They have gutturals. Check. And they have blastbests!! But do they deliever it well? Arrghhhhhhh !!!! ..... makin tambah panas aja Scene Negara Russia untuk menjadi Gudang Band2 berbahaya generasi baru ini. setelah cukup menyita perhatian lewat full album pertama mereka " Gruesome Forms of Distorted Libido " tahun 2009 memikat minat Label asal Jepang, Amputated Vein records untuk mengawal Masterpiece terbaru mereka ini. sentuhan pengaruh kuat Disgorge, Guttural Secrete, Enmity, Goratory, Brodequin, hingga Orchidectomy adalah yang terkuat membelenggu Ekspresi mereka untuk eksis dalam Konsep Brutal Death Metal sadis seperti ini. The thing I'm not so struck on is that for me because the drums are so high, it's becomes just a blur of drums and just becomes a very monotonous sound and with that, passes me by. The lyrical theme is aimed towards gore, murder that type of thing but to be honest nothing really stands out nor sucks the listener in. There are a few grooves here and there but I've heard it all before. Sentuhan Teknikal Riffing yang kaya akan Chugging menarik sana sini sangat mengingatkan dengan karakteristik Disgorge abis ! sementara pukulan drummer Maxim tetap menorehkan balutan mematikan pada setiap Blastbeat dinamis-nya dan Guttural Vokill Kostya yang terasah sebelumnya di band Mucous Secretion cukup menyempurnakan Ambisi mereka membantai Death metal Freak dengan sajian musik yang serba meledak ledak ! blast beats, and pounding/punishing riffs is definitely something hard to swallow at first to those that are used to the slower tempos of a good amount of younger brutal death metal bands, but here the group definitely prefer things fast. The riffs of Perverse Dependence usually alternate between what sounds to be a hybrid of the technicality!! dan rasanya masih kurang begitu puas jika dalam tempo waktu 25 menit kita seperti dibuat tanpa sadar dengan Amukan Hyper Blastbeat Teknikal Brutal pada 17 lagu didalamnya seperti sebuah Mimpi ..... Hmmmmm.... Lirik2 Sadis Imajinasi band termuat dalam 17 lagu ini memang asli bikin muntah !! apalagi artwork kover-nya semakin menjanjikan aroma amis darah bertebaran dimana mana. Fans berat Disgorge yang bertemu dengan Kebiadaban Guttural Secrete, gw Rekomendasikan Rilisan Keji yang satu ini buat kalian. you'll find a good amount of great acts and the others are just awful. But to music of this magnitude exposed to the mainstream ear who probably wouldn't even be compelled one time in their life to call this "music". I believe a light shines for those wanting to seek out extremely heavy music, who can find this album and give it a try before running away from their stereo the first few times. and every song title has something to do with shit, death, or perversion. The real thing keeping you interested in this whole charade, however, is the songwriting. It's simplistic, yeah, but it's catchy and memorable, instead of just blasting wherever the band wants to. These songs are about as memorable as your average pop song, and that's a compliment. They're just...enjoyable. Overall, this is a good first full-length by a band that seems to be the cream of the crop in what they do. Part of the magic is that every second you're wondering "damn, this is fast and heavy" and guess what? The next second you're rescinding and improvising your beliefs. Now this part is fast and heavy.
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