01 This Is Not An Introduction 02 Plastisol Attack 03 Dance Of The Freaky Circle 04 Angkuh 05 Konversi Membawa Bencana 06 Yakkun Power 07 Jangan Lakukan dirumah 08 Grind The Bastards 09 Gasmask Massacre 10 Polusi Sebuah Warisan 11 Global Warming 12 Social Time Bomb 13 Land Of The Dead 14 Stupid Sensation 15 Collapse 16 Suicide 17 Polusi Sebuah Warisan 18 Collapse 19 Global Warming 20 Stupid Sensation 21 Jangan Lakukan dirumah 22 Dance Of The Freaky Circle 23 Land Of The Dead 24 Angkuh 25 Pro Inul Grindcore 26 Suicide 27 Indah As Fuck 28 Sampah Masyarakat 29 Damai Hanyalah Sebuah Mimpi 30 Trend Konsumerisme Pada Masyarakat 31 Tersanjung 32 Belaian Sinetron TV 33 Masker Gas Untuk Masa Depan Yang Suram 34 Perang itu Indah dimata 35 Seragam Mu tidak Mencerminkan Sikap Mu 36 Mereka Bukan Jalan Keluar 37 Demokrasi Mati Negeri Ini 38 Eksploitasi Kebebasan Anak 39 Siap Saji Siap Mati 40 Dosa 41 Bullshit Propaganda 42 Tiba Saatnya 43 Aids Bukan Untuk Ditakuti 44 Ketika Rumah Menjadi Impian 45 Biar Waktu yang Menjawab 46 Bekerja Tanpa Menjadi Budak 47 Aids Bukan Untuk Ditakuti 48 Green Me ( Extreme Decay Cover ) 49 Polusi Sebuah Warisan 50 Mati Untu Mafia
Tersanjung 13 Now Line Up Erik - Vocals Dimen - Guitar Mandra - Bass Moro - Drums
99% Punkrock 1% Grindcore ! klaim humor band asal Tangerang ini memang asli bikin Penasaran saja untuk pertama kali membaca Statement band-nya, apalagi nama TERSANJUNG 13 juga memiliki Anonim kata sendiri untuk kita menghubungkan dengan sebuah tayangan sinetron TV dan sebuah lagu yang populer diawal 2000 dan satu persepsi menjadi Opini serentak jika konotasi alur cerita dan Histori-nya adalah sebuah " MONOTOISME " sehingga mengantarkan ke Muara BORING ! yup dengan konsepsi Membosankan pada gaya ceritanya, memicu Band ini untuk menggunakannya sebagai nama band adalah mungkin bentuk refleksi Kebosanan mereka dengan apa yang mereka rasakan tentang Kehidupan di Negeri ini lengkap dengan segala Kompleks problemnya dengan persepsi " Just Funny " ajah. hmmm sebuah makna simple namun mengandung arti luas mencangkup semua ide dan inspirasi yang mereka usung. Pengaruh Kuat dan Panjang Gaya Grinding musikal Terrorizer, Napalm Death Awal, Code 13, Brutal Truth Hingga Unholy Grave adalah konspirasi Idealis yang mereka tanam sejak Band ini terbentuk di Studio Kecil dikawasan Tangerang. .for me, truly great grind should sound chaotic and insane with anger, as if it’d take any amount of punishment opportunity where it could rip your spine out. This music lacks that sense of chaos and blitzkrieg fury. You can hear everything that’s going on happening in an orderly fashion...and that’s just not right, because at no point do you end up staring at the speakers wondering what the hell it was that just fucking happened !!! dengan konsep bermain cepat, teratur dan Mematikan, Konsep Bermusic Tersanjung 13 memang patut menjadi Perhatian serius untuk diperhitungkan !! mungkin kebanyakan band2 tanah Air kita memainkan gaya bermain yang " Monoton " tentang konsep Grindcore style, tapi beda banget kalo gw bandingkan dengan Tersanjung 13 ini. permainan konstan serba intense menjadi kekuatan handal bagi mereka untuk menggerinda dengan segenap kekuatan mematikan pula. essentially define grindcore, and this one is arguably the best example of what grind is – short, sharp shocks of raw, harsh, animosity spat in the general direction of anyone unfortunate enough to be standing in front of it. beruntung banget Kalo Kolektif 2 label Grind Independen Grindtoday Records & Maximum Noise Records mengkompilasikan 9 Rilisan Band ini menjadi sebuah Album Diskografy dalam Format CD dengan kemasan Package Cover menarik dari 8 Rilisan dan 1 Unreleased Track-nya Total ada 50 TRACK SIAP MENGHANCURKAN !!!!, sehingga mungkin yang suka banget dengan Gempuran Najis Tersanjung 13 bakalan mendengarkan kembali rilisan2 lama mereka dari tahun 2002 hingga 2013 ini deh. hasyeeekkkkk !!! The best phrase that could be used to describe this Musick would be "razor sharp." The most obvious manifestation of that phrase The blastbeats sound like a machine gun firing as the guitar riffs take hold !!! Urutan Track-nya dimulai dari materi Split 7 Inchi dengan Band Grindcore asal Vallejo, California, Godstomper ! adalah Rilisan Fat Ass Records, Tersanjung 13 menyuguhkan 4 lagu denga Komposisi musik yang sadis en Keren ! meskipun masih menyuguhkan Kualitas sound yang terasa Raw, gw rasakan banget sentuhan kental Terrorizer Style dengan Gaya bermain Death/Grind Dinamis, terdengar alunan Karakter yang ngebut ala Pig Destroyer dan Phobia juga, Tersanjung 13 melaju cepat dengan Progresi musikal skill yang bagus !! with his perfect blast beats, is unbelievable, fast as a train for the period. Perpaduan Skill Drum dan Riff memang menarik perhatian Gw banget meski tidak terlalu Pure Grindcore banget, namun Free Style Grindingnya Memukau sekali. Selanjutnya 3 lagu masih dengan Kualitas rekaman yang sama dicomot dari Split 7 Inchi mereka dengan band Death/Grind Switzerland, Embalming Theatre ! yang dirilis oleh Kolektif label dari Rotten To The Core Records, Grindfather Production, Vulgar Records, Rotten Gorol Records dan Zas ! AutoproduzionI masih terpesona banget materinya gw ma Tersanjung 13 ini. managing to be amazingly speedy without sacrificing technicality. Lirik2 Kritis tentang Refleksi Kehidupan Sosial mereka tentang Ketimpangan yang terjadi di Negeri ini menjadi Santapan Lezat untuk Tersanjung 13 membawa-nya dalam segala bentuk Emosional bersikap. kemudian Materi selanjutnya dari Split dengan salah satu Band Faforite mereka, Unholy Grave, Japanesse Grinding asal daerah Nagoya, Aichi yang memiliki Segudang Rilisan ini Tersanjung 13 semakin prima dengan sounding Yang lebih Clear dari sebelumnya. Sehingga Jelas banget gw menikmati Sajian Kejam Grinding Terror-nya memenuhi Ruangan Kamar sunyi belakang gw menjadi lebih Padat dengan Hiruk Pikuk Totally Grinding Musick yeahhh !!! dengan konsep bermain In The Vein Terrorizer era " World Down Fall " banget, kesan boring sama sekali ga membelenggu benak gw untuk terus mendengar dan menulis Tentang Lagu2 ini hehehe dan Split ini adalah Rilisan Kolektif beberapa Label seperti Grindblock Records, Crucificados Records dan Drop Out Records, ........ lalu Materi Split CD selanjutnya adalah dengan Grindbashersrilisan Herrie Records masih menampilkan Sound rekaman yang RAW banget, namun tetap terjaga permainannya. sound Gitar yang Super Raw sangat sulit terjaga pada setiap Harmonisasi-nya selain pukulan High Snare level Drumming-nya, namun walo begitu inilah justru yang menjadi kekuatan Imej Grinding yang Old School Banget hehehe ..... lalu 2 lagu diambil dari Splittape bareng Inquiry Last Scenenary ( ILS ) Rilisan 2 label Independen lokal, Bebal Mailorder dan LikuLiku An Entertainment, Sound Gitar Super Raw Distortion makin memperlihatkan gempuran grinding yang kejam !!, Sebuah Track Humor dengan titel " Pro Inul Grindcore " cukup memberikan Asumsi Spontanitas terhadap Kreatifitas Tersanjung 13 yang Stay Grind !! lanjutttt !!! .... dicomot dari rilisan Ep Pertama mereka " Jangan Lakukan Di rumah " rilisan Tukang Sayur Records menampilkan 13 rekaman dengan penulisan Lirik yang serius dan Matang didukung dengan Kualitas sound yang Mumpuni, semakin nyata terdengar konsep band yang berbahaya ! While still played at breakneck speed, the songs were longer, more complex, and held their instrumental definition better than most grind of the time. kemudian 4 lagu selanjutnya adalah dari CD " 99% Punkrock 1% Grindcore " Rilisan Snop Records, sayang Kualitas Recording-nya Kurang begitu Balance, sehingga gw kurang mendengar jelas setiap ketukan yang mereka mainkan karena overload mixing track dengan High BassMix-nya sehingga hanya terdengar lebih pada level Vokal-nya, padahal gempurannya sangat ciamik abis !! kemudian materi selanjutnya dari album Kompilasi Tape & CD " Breathless War " rilisan Tukang Sayur Records, Tersanjung 13 masih menyumbangkan 5 lagu termasuk cover version milik band sejenis asal Malang, Extreme Decay pada track " Green Me ", ini adalah rekaman Rehearsal Jamming yang Raw Banget, namun cukup terdengar Karakter Musiknya seperti gw mendengar sendiri Tersanjung 13 melakukan Latihan Studio hehehe. yeah RAW AS FUCK !!! dan Track Terakhir adalah materi " Unreleased Track " yang belum pernah terpublikasikan sebelumnya, masih dengan Kualitas rekaman Rehearsal LIVE saat Band ini Perform. dan pada ending gw menulis, bisa gw bayangkan jika 50 lagu ini direkam kembali dengan Profesional recording, tentu akan mendapat Input mencengangkan dengan konsep bermusik bagus mereka. So Hilangkan Kesan Kalo Musik Grindcore itu cuman asal Berisik ! karena dengan menambahkan skill dan Improve yang mumpuni bisa gw pastikan Genre Grindcore akan terdengar lebih indah, ya seperti salah satu Titel lagu andalan Band ini, " INDAH AS FUCK " hahaha... sebuah rilisan Discografy album yang telah melalui Proses mastering untuk balancing soundnya, sehingga untuk menikmatinya kita ga bakalan terganggu dengan Instrumen yang over distortif ! dengan kemasan Booklet Kover Unik warna Hitam Profesional, Rilisan Kolektif 2 label ini patut banget segera Kalian Miliki !! ada Bonus Poster-nya Loh !!! No self-respecting adherent to death/grind should go without hearing it at least once, and it is arguably the only album with grind influences on it to own for those who aren't particularly fond of it yet have found themselves in any way interested in GRINDCORE RULES !!!!.
1% 99% Punkrock Grindcore! Tangerang humor band claims is indeed original Curious make it for the first time his band statement reads, let alone the name of Anonymous flattered 13 also has its own word for us to connect with a TV show and a sitcom popular song at the beginning of 2000 and the perception of being simultaneously Opinion if connotation storyline and its History is a "MONOTOISME" that led to the Muara BORING! yup with conception Boring in narrative style, this band trigger to use it as a band name is probably a form of reflection Boredom them with what they feel about life in this country complete with all the complex the problem with the perception of "Just Funny" Ajah. hmmm a simple meaning but contains a broad sense encompasses all the ideas and inspiration they stretcher. Strong influences and musical Grinding Length Style Terrorizer, Napalm Death Early, Code 13, Brutal Truth To Unholy Grave conspiracy Idealists are they planted since the band was formed in Small Studio Tangerang region. . For me, truly great grind should sound chaotic and insane with anger, as if it'd take any amount of punishment opportunity where it could rip your spine out. This music lacks that sense of chaos and fury blitzkrieg. You can hear everything that's going on in an orderly fashion happening ... and that's just not right, Because at no point do you end up staring at the speakers wondering what the hell it was that just fucking happened!!! with the concept of playing fast, regular and Deadly, Concept Bermusic Flattered 13 was worth a serious concern to be taken into account! Water the soil most likely band2 we play a style of play that "Monotony" about the concept of Grindcore style, but very different if i compare this with Flattered 13. constant paced intense game became a reliable force for them to grind with all the power shut off anyway. Essentially define grindcore, and this one is arguably the best example of what grind is - short, sharp shocks of raw, harsh, animosity spat in the general direction of anyone unfortunate enough to be standing in front of it. If really lucky Collective 2 label Grindtoday Independent Grind Records & Maximum Noise Records Release 9 The band compiled into an album Diskografy in CD format with attractive packaging Cover Package of 8 1 Unreleased Track Releases and his total of 50 TRACK READY TO DESTROY!!!! , so maybe that really like Onslaught Impure Honoured with 13 going back to listen to their old rilisan2 from 2002 to 2013 it deh. hasyeeekkkkk!!! The best phrase that could be used to describe this Musick would be "razor sharp." The most obvious manifestation of that phrase The blastbeats sound like a machine gun firing as the guitar riffs take hold!!! Track the order of the starting material Split 7 Inch with Grindcore band origin of Vallejo, California, Godstomper! is a Fat Ass Records release, Flattered 13 presenting 4 songs premises sadistic musical composition en Cool! although it still presents a sound quality that feels Raw, I feel really thick Terrorizer Style with a touch of style to play Death / Grind Dynamic, heard the strains of a speeding Character style and Phobia Pig Destroyer as well, speeding 13 Honoured with Progression great musical skill!! with his perfect blast beats, is unbelievable, fast as a train for the period. Skill mix Drum and Riff Gw really do attract attention, though not too Pure Grindcore really, but Free Style Grindingnya Riveting once. The next 3 songs are still with the same quality of the recordings picked from their Split 7-inch with the band Death / Grind Switzerland, Embalming Theatre! Collective released by the label of Rotten To The Core Records, Grindfather Production, Vulgar Records, Rotten Records Gorol and Zas! AutoproduzionI still bowled very material Flattered 13 gw ma's. managing to be amazingly speedy without sacrificing technicality. Critical Reflection lirik2 about their Social Life of inequality that occurred in this country to be Honoured 13 Tasty Eats bring her in any form of emotional being. then the next material of Split with one of their Faforite Band, Unholy Grave, Japanesse Grinding origin Nagoya, Aichi who has Flattered 13 Myriad This release is getting primed with Clear sounding Even more than before. So i really enjoy the dish Obviously Ruthless Grinding his Terror quiet room behind the meet room gw became more frenzied Totally Solid with Grinding Musick yeahhh!!! with the concept of playing In The Vein era Terrorizer "World Down Fall" really, totally boring impression minds gw ga handcuff to continue to hear and write About this lagu2 Split hehehe and this is a Collective Releases Label as Grindblock Records, Crucificados Drop Out Records and Records , ........ Split the material next CD is still showing Grindbashersrilisan Herrie Records Sound recording RAW really, but still maintained his game. The guitar sound is very difficult Super Raw maintained at every blow apart his Harmonization High Snare Drumming his level, but walo so this is precisely the strength Grinding The image that Old School Banget hehehe ..... last 2 songs taken from Splittape with Inquiry Last Scenenary (ILS) Release 2 local independent label, mailorder and Lomani An ignoramus Entertainment, Raw Super Distortion Guitar Sound show more cruel onslaught of grinding!!, A Track humor with the title "Pro Inul Grindcore" Spontaneity gives enough assumption to Stay Creativity Flattered 13 Grind!! lanjutttt!!! .... picked from the release of their first EP "Do not Do it at home" Builders Vegetable Records release featuring 13 recordings with the writing of lyrics are serious and Matang supported with sound quality that Mumpuni, more real sounding band concept is dangerous! While still played at breakneck speed, the songs were longer, more complex, and held their instrumental definition grind better than most of the time. 4 then the next song is from the CD "99% 1% Punkrock Grindcore" SNOP Release Records, Recording Quality her dear Less so Balance, so the less i hear clearly every beats they play due to overload High BassMix mixing tracks with her so that just sounds more on his vocal level, but very ciamik gempurannya abis!! then further material from Tape & CD Compilation album "Breathless War" Builders Vegetable Records release, Flattered 13 still donate 5 songs including the band's cover version of a type from Malang, Extreme Decay on the track "Green Me", this is the Raw footage Jamming Rehearsal Banget , but quite audible character as i heard his own music Flattered Exercise Studio 13 did hehehe. yeah RAW AS FUCK!!! and Last Track is material "Unreleased Track" that has never been publicized before, still with Quality Rehearsal footage Perform LIVE at the band. and the ending i write, i can imagine if these 50 songs re-recorded with recording professionals, will certainly get input astonish with their great musical concepts. So Eliminate impression Grindcore Music If it's just the origin Whoop! because by adding skills and be capable Improve Genre Grindcore i sure would sound more beautiful, yes like one of the band's flagship song titles, "BEAUTIFUL AS FUCK" hahaha ... Discografy an album release that has been through the mastering process for balancing soundnya, so we enjoy going ga to interfere with the instrument over distorted! Unique packaging Coverage Booklet with color Black Professionals, Collective Release 2 this label should really soon Have You!! Bonus his no-Loh Poster!!! No self-respecting adherent to death / grind should go without hearing it at least once, and it is arguably the only album with grind Influences on it to own for those who are not particularly fond of it yet have found Themselves in any way interested in grindcore RULES!!!!.
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