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Atheist - Jupiter 2010

Atheist - Jupiter
Season of Mist 2010

01 Second to Sun       
02 Fictitious Glide   
03 Fraudulent Cloth       
04 Live and Live Again       
05 Faux King Christ       
06 Tortoise the Titan       
07 When the Beast       
08 Third Person

Sepertinya Frontman Kelly Shaefer harus belajar lebih bisa menerima perkembangan musik hari ini, dan ini sepertinya menjadi rasa yang tertinggal dari Drummer sejawat-nya di Atheist yang dibentuk Barengan Kelly Shaefer ditahun 1988, Steve Flynn yang menjadi anggota kedua yang masih asli dalam tubuh band Veteran yang disegani discene Sarasota, Florida serta kancah Internasional. Drummer Steve lebih dulu menjalani Progresi Musik Extreme dengan membentuk sebuah band baru bernama Gnostic yang merupakan cikal bakal nuansa berbeda bakalan elo rasakan dalam album Gress ini. Apalagi menjadi sebuah Kejutan yang berarti buat fans lama mereka semenjak band ini terakhir merilis lagu2nya sejak materi " Elements " tahun 1993, well menjadi jeda waktu yang sangat lama untuk band ini kembali melahirkan karya terbarunya, selain setelah rilisan tahun 1993, Atheist lebih merilis Boxset serta Live album " Unquestionable Presence: Live At Wacken " tahun 2009 setelah band ini memutuskan untuk Reunian kembali. well album " Jupiter " yang dikerjakan di LedBelly studios, Atlanta, Georgia bareng Enjiner Matt Washburn dan Hasil finalnya dimixing oleh Jason Suecof ( yang pernah menangani materinya Trivium, Chimaira, DevilDriver ) secara ga langsung juga banyak memberi sentuhan yang baru dalam komponen musik mereka di " Jupiter " ini, track pembuka " Second to Sun " menjadi awal yang mengejutkan memang buat fans Atheist era 90-an dengan perubahan yang mendasar dimateri kali ini, yang tentunya elo kenal Konsep Band ini lebih memainkan gaya Death/Thrash Metal dengan sentuhan warna Jazz serta Progressive, kali ini bakalan elo rasakan Naluri Liar mereka dengan sentuhan Liar yang Menggeber Progressive Death/Thrash Metal yang lebih Modern !! memang secara tidak langsung elo juga bakalan merasakan Sentuhan Permainan Dasyat Gnostic, Biarpun Drummer Steve termakan oleh Usia, namun Attitude-nya semakin lebih menjadi Liar begitu mengenal Para musisi muda dalam band bentukannya, Gnostic, sebut saja nama Gitaris Chris Baker yang gabung juga di Atheist sejak tahun 2006 lalu disusul Rekannya di Gnostic, Gitaris Jonathan Thompson yang baru bergabung tahun 2009 kemaren dalam tubuh band ini secara ga langsung mengusung Naluri bermain Gnostic dalam Tubuh Atheist, hasilnya ... Vokalis Kelly Shaefer seperti terbawa dalam Pusaran dasyat permainan member lain tanpa harus melepaskan Karakter Vokal khas-nya sejak band ini terbentuk. Old Thrash Rock Style, Yeachh !!! memang ga pernah mati. " Second to Sun " memang langsung memainkan permainan yang Mathcore banget dari Talenta Dasyat member, duet Riff maut seakan membangkitkan adrenalin Drummer Steve buat tampil Gila gilaan disini, jelas menjadi Konsep yang berbeda saat Steve & Kelly melakukannya bersama Gitaris Frank Emmi. sebuah Potret baru dalam karir Atheist untuk tetep mempertahan eksistensi namanya walaupun telah menjelma menjadi karakter baru. memang Gitaris Jonathan Thompson menjadi sosok yang menonjol disini selain gape maenin Instrumen gitar, diproses rekaman album ini, Jonathan Thompson juga merangkap sebagai Bassis, karena memang sejak cabutnya bassis Tony Choy yang terlalu sibuk dengan jadwal tour panjang setelah Reunian barengan Pestilence, Atheist belum menemukan seorang penggantinya. permainan Bass ala Fusion Jazz amat terasakan dengan gaya betotan Fretless-nya. lalu track " Fictitious Glide ", vokalis Kelly makin terus mempertahankan karakter Khas Vokalnya walo konsep musik band ini menjadi lebih Liar dan berat, namun secara ga langsung, inilah Konsep terkini Atheist!!, solo solo gitar Cantik duet Jonathan dan Christ beradu skill dilagu ini. Stamina Drummer Steve memang Powerfully abis walau usia telah menelannya. " Fraudulent Cloth ", menjadi perpaduan konsep nyata Gnostic dengan Atheist, perang perbedaan telah melahirkan sesuatu yang unik ditampilkan disini, asli memang ini sebuah karya matang en bagus buat elo coba sendiri kedasyatannya!!, Shreed Riff Gitar serta Fusion Acid Jazz style membuat sepintas konsep band ini bergaya Dillinger Escape Plan, yah walau ga seliar dan sekomplek DEP, jelas Atheist tetap memainkan Komposisi Musik kompleks yang Modern dan Heavy as Fuck !! This is Fucking Really Technical !!! " Live and Live Again " lumayan sedikit membawa nuansa 90-an di part awal sebelum akhirnya kembali melebur dalam konsep Dasyat terkini mereka. Track ini terasa terdengar gelap dengan beberapa Harmonisasi serta solo cantik hitam-nya, permainan Nge-jazz Steve sedikit bersolo drum ditengah lagu, dan Kelly tetep bernyanyi dengan gayanya, well track yang unik dialbum ini coy!! " Faux King Christ ", permainan Downstroke serta Shredd Riff semakin menggila dengan kerap menciptakan komposisi mematikan, karakter-nya menjadi semakin lebih unik setelah track ke-4 tadi, well ini seperti kembali lagi dengan karakter awal lagu lagu Atheist dari era 90-an banget yang terkemas dengan sound yang lebih Modern lagi. hingga track akhir " Third Person " Atheist seperti tiada henti memamerkan Kedasyatan Musik Death/Thrash Metal dengan Jazz dan sentuhan Progressive metal yang gelap dan cepat! Memang sepertinya akan menjadi sangat susah Buat Atheist Bakalan bisa tampil seperti Era album-albumnya ditahun 1990, karena mereka sendiri terbelenggu dalam Kehidupan era 2000, dimana segala sesuatunya telah melakukan penyempurnaan apa yang ada dari sebelumnya, but inilah Irama Kehidupan yang Manusia secara otomatis bakalan mengikutinya. dan Idealisme yang sangat bagus untuk Vokalis Kelly Shaefer untuk mempertahankan Karakter Khas Vokalnya, Oh ya Kelly Shaefer sendiri pernah Menjalani Audisi untuk Vokalis Band HardRock Legendaris Velvet Revolver, sebelum akhirnya tersingkirkan oleh nama Scott Weiland yang terpilih menjadi Vokalis Band Rock terkenal itu. dan jangan dilupakan lagi Artwork Kover album ini juga Keren buat elo Nikmati, Hasil karya Seniman Eliran Kantor yang pernah menghiasi juga albumnya Testament, Sigh, Anacrusis hingga GWAR, seakan menjadi daya tarik tersendiri Metalhead era kini mengingat kembali kebesaran nama Atheist di era 1990 dan ini pembuktian kembali mereka, kalo mereka tidak akan mati setelah tersebar berita akan Bubarnya band legendaris Atheist yang pernah diperkuat oleh Drummer Veteran Technikal Death Metal Florida, Lee Harrison, namun Lee di Atheist justru Hadir sebagai seorang gitaris tahun 1990, Album " Jupiter " menjadi sebuah album penghargaan lagi untuk Bassis Roger Patterson yang meninggal dalam sebuah Kecelakaan Van Tour band ditahun 1991. buat yang demen dengan gaya bermain Dinamis dan serba Kompleks dengan intensitas yang dasyat, sepertinya album ini wajib elo miliki dan coba sendiri keganasan dari tahun 1990 ditahun 2010 ! Atheist terbukti berhasil membawa kembali The technical/jazz metal-nya. A dynamic, forceful and exciting record that doesn't stain their previous recordings, while also gaining a sense of veteran knowledge to write an album that isn't regurgitating the past !!

It seems Frontman Kelly Shaefer had to learn more receptive to the development of music today, and this seems to be feeling left over from his colleague Drummer Atheist formed in unison Kelly Shaefer on 1988, Steve Flynn is a member of both the pristine in the body bands Veterans discene respected Sarasota, Florida as well as international arena. Drummer Steve first undergo Extreme Music Progression by forming a new band called Gnostic which is the origin of different shades going new feel in this album. Especially to be a surprise that means for their old fans since the band last released songs since the matter "Elements" in 1993, well into a very long lag time for the band re-birth of the newest, other than after release in 1993, more Atheist and released Boxset Live album "Unquestionable Presence: Live At Wacken" in 2009 after the band decided to Reunian back. well the album "Jupiter" is done in LedBelly studios, Atlanta, Georgia with my engineers Matt Washburn and the final result mixing by Jason Suecof (who had handled the material Trivium, Chimaira, DevilDriver) by direct ga too much to give a new touch in their music component in "Jupiter", the opening track "Second to Sun" to the beginning of a surprising indeed for fans of Atheist era of the 90s with a fundamental change dimateri this time, which of course you familiar concept of this band more playing style Death / Thrash Metal with a touch of color Jazz and Progressive, this time going you feel their wild instincts with a touch of Wild playing Progressive Death / Thrash Metal a more modern! indeed indirectly elo also going to feel the touch of terrible games Gnostics, Even Drummer Steve consumed by age, but his attitude became more and more familiar with the Wild as a young musician in the band formed, Gnostics, just mention the name of guitarist Chris Baker who also join the Atheist since 2006 and followed His partner at the Gnostic, guitarist Jonathan Thompson in 2009 joined the new body yesterday in this band brings direct no instincts play in the Body Atheist Gnostics, the result ... Vocalist Kelly Shaefer such terrible turbulence brought in another member playing without having to let go of his characters distinctive vocals since the band was formed. Old Thrash Rock Style, Yeachh! no indeed never die. "Second to Sun" are direct plays Mathcore play really terrible member of Talents, a duet as if raising the adrenal Riff death for appearing Mad Drummer Steve madness here, clearly a different concept when Steve & Kelly did with guitarist Frank Emmi. a new portrait career tetep Atheist to retain its name despite the existence has been transformed into a new character. Guitarist Jonathan Thompson indeed become a prominent figure here besides can Play Instruments guitar, processed recording this album, Jonathan Thompson also serves as a Bassist, because since left out bassist Tony Choy who are too busy tour schedule length after Reunian unison Pestilence, Atheist yet to find a replacement. Jazz Fusion Bass-style play is very felt by his Fretless style. Last track "Fictitious Glide", vocalist Kelly continued to maintain the typical character Altough vocal music concept band became more wild and heavy, but no direct a, this is the latest concept Atheist!!, solo guitar solo duet Beautiful Jonathan and Chris competed this skill song . Stamina Drummer Steve was Powerfully  although age has been swallowed. "Fraudulent Cloth", a blend of real concept with Atheist Gnostics, the war has spawned the differences shown here something unique, original, this is a mature work great for elo en try for yourself Greatest !!, Shredd Guitar Riff and Acid Jazz Fusion style make cursory concept This band Dillinger Escape Plan-style, well though wild and No Variously DEP, clear Atheist Music Composition complex has played a Modern Heavy as Fuck! This is the Technical Really Fucking! "Live and Live Again" quite a bit to bring the feel of the 90s in the early part before finally returning to immerse themselves in their current terrible concepts. It feels dark sounding track with some lovely solo black Harmonization and his game a little Steve jazz drum solo in the middle of songs, and Kelly keep sing with her style, well this track is unique album coy! "Faux King Christ", the game Shredd Riff downstroke and the craze by creating a composition is often deadly, his character becomes more and more unique after-4 track to last, well it's like back again with the initial character Atheist songs from the era of the 90s really which is packed with a more modern sound again. until the final track "Third Person" Atheist like a never-ending showcase great Music Death / Thrash Metal with Jazz and Progressive metal touch the dark and fast! It would seem to be very difficult to Create Atheist going to look like Era albums on 1990, because they themselves fettered in the Life of an era, 2000, where everything has to improve what was there from before, but this is the Rhythm of Life is going to follow it automatically Man . and idealism which is great for vocalist Kelly Shaefer to maintain the typical character of her vocals, Oh yes Kelly Shaefer himself had Undergoing Vocal Band Auditions for Velvet Revolver Legendary HardRock, before being eliminated by the name of Scott Weiland who was elected to the famous Rock Band Vocalist. and should not be forgotten again Artwork cover of this album also made you Enjoy Cool, Eliran artist's work that once graced the Office of the album too Testament, Sigh, Anacrusis to GWAR, though the main attraction metalhead era of greatness now recall the name of Atheist in the 1990 and this re proving them, if they are not going to die after the news spread to the unraveling of the legendary band Atheist which was reinforced by Drummer Death Metal Florida Veterans Technikal, Lee Harrison, but Lee at Atheist actually present as a guitarist in 1990, album "Jupiter" into an album award again for Bassist Roger Patterson, who died in an accident band Van Tour 1991. make an Amendment with Dynamic and versatile playing style complex with a terrible intensity, this album seemed to obligatory elo have and try for yourself malignancy from 1990 in 2010! Atheist proven to bring back the technical / her jazz metal. A dynamic, forceful and exciting record That does not stain previous Their Recordings, while Also Gaining a sense of veteran knowledge to write an album, That Is not regurgitating the past!

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