01 Never 02 Lost Souls 03 Reap The Outcasts 04 Killing The Eternal 05 Failed 06 Urban Waste 07 Makind's Burden 08 Hollow Steps 09 Drain, Murder And Loss 10 The Faith You Have Misused 11 Black Ash 12 Spawned By Illusions (digipack bonus track) 13 Allegory To A Dying World
Menjadi sebuah masterpiece yang gw tunggu pasca album " Cataract " ditahun 2008, band yang memang memiliki banyak kesamaan nama dengan beberapa nama yang gw kenal sebelumnya, namun Cataract yang satu ini dari Zug, Switzerland yang namanya pertama kali gw kenal lewat album " Great Days of Vengeance " tahun 2003 via Lifeforce Records saat band ini masih mengusung konsep Hardcore metal !! dan Gw masih ingat kalo mantan Gitaris band ini, Simon Füllemann yang mengirimkan advance Copy CD nya ke Redaksi LIC beberapa tahun yang lalu. memang sejak album " Cataract ", band banyak secara drastis merubah konsep musiknya dari Hardcore metal menjadi Thrash/Death/Metalcore yang extreme serta berat!! nama Tom Kuzmic yang juga main diband Brutal Death Disparaged juga terlibat diformasi band ini. 27 September 2010 secara resmi album ini dilepas oleh Roster Metal Raksasa Mereka, Metal Blade Records untuk kedua kalinya, sebuah album yang menawarkan 13 Nomor Keras berdurasi total 42:39 menit sangat menunjukkan kemajuan Konsep mereka, dibuka oleh " Never " band ini langsung menghantamkan Komposisi Musik yang terdengar kejam dengan Perfet sound-nya !! Gaya Vokalis Federico Carminitana masih mempertahankan khas Vokal Metallic Hardcore walau Konsep Musiknya sendiri sudah banyak bergeser menjadi lebih keras! Elemen Deathcore yang masih mempertahankan Metallic Hardcore Vocals !! Metallic Hardcore Riff dengan Sentuhan Death metal dimainkan secara bagus dan saling mengisi dalam aransemen, sepertinya ini menjadi Bukti kedewasaan musik yang mereka ciptakan sebelumnya. direkam di Antfarm studios, Aarhus, Denmark masih melibatkan nama Populer Tue Madsen ke-4 kalinya sejak materi " With Triumph Comes Loss " tahun 2004 sekaligus awal Kebersamaan band ini dengan Metal Blade Records setelah Kontrak mereka selesai di Lifeforce Records, menjadikan Karya mereka kali ini menjadi yang terbaik. aransemen musiknya juga serba Dinamis, kita tidak melulu digempur dengan fast Part, masih banyak sekali Breakdown Beat headbang serta Melodius solo sana sini dan yang pasti musiknya mereka bakalan jauh dari kesan membosankan. memang dilihat dari Perjalanan Karir band ini, so pasti Gw berani berkata kalau band ini tetap Band yang dasyat, sehingga lagi gw berani jamin kalo Materi kali ini adalah yang makin terbaik, jadi tidak bakalan menyesal sedikitpun kalo elo Koleksi. dan hebatnya lagi Rilisan ini telah masuk dalam Chart Nasional diposisi #55, semakin mengukuhkan Karya ini memang layak dan wajib dikoleksi. Buy Or Die !!!
Become a masterpiece that I wait after the album "Cataract" in 2008, the band does have a lot in common names with some names that I knew before, but this one Cataract of Zug, Switzerland whose name is the first time I met through the album "Great Days of Vengeance "in 2003 via Lifeforce Records when the band was still carrying the concept of hardcore metal! and I'm still remember the reply of former guitarist of this band, Simon Füllemann who sends advance copies of his CD to the Editorial LIC a few years ago. indeed since the album "Cataract", the band drastically changed the concept a lot of hardcore metal music into Thrash / Death / metalcore that extreme and heavy! Tom Kuzmic name that also play compared to prices Brutal Death Disparaged also involved Formation this band. 27 September 2010 the album was officially released by the Giants They Roster Metal, Metal Blade Records for the second time, an album that offers 13 Number Loud 42:39 minutes total duration is showing progress their concept, opened by "Never" the band immediately slammed Composition Music that sounds cruel with his Perfet sound! Style vocalist Federico Carminitana still retain distinctive vocals though Concept Metallic Hardcore music itself has become much harder to shift! Deathcore elements that still retain Metallic Hardcore Vocals! Metallic hardcore with a touch of Death metal riff played well and complement each other in the arrangement, this seems to be evidence of musical maturity that they created earlier. Recorded at Antfarm studios, Aarhus, Denmark still involve Popular name Tue Madsen 4th time since the matter "With Triumph Comes Loss" in 2004 while the band's early Togetherness with Metal Blade Records after their contract finished at Lifeforce Records, making their work this time be the best. musical arrangements are also all-round Dynamic, we are not merely battered with fast Part, there are very many Beat Breakdown headbang and melodic solo here and there and that their music is definitely going away from the impression of boring. indeed be seen from this band's career journey, so definitely Gw dare say if the band was still a terrible band, so again I can assure you if this matter is that the best, so it is not going to regret it one bit if you do Collections. and another great release has been entered in the National Chart positioned # 55, this work reinforces the well-deserved and required collected. Buy Or Die!
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