01 The Incorrigible Flame 02 Warbots A.M. 03 Abraxas of Filth 04 Pure Horses 05 Cordyceps Humanis 06 Raped by an Orb 07 P.G.A.D. 08 Dimensional Modulation Transmogra 09 Ohrwurm 10 When I Arrive 11 Power and Force 12 A King and a Thief 13 Repangaea
Mungkin bagi Band yang terkenal memainkan Konsep yang mereka namakan " Hydro Grind " karena mereka lebih mendukung Kampanye penggunaan Daun Marijuana dengan grindcore/death metal. pada album Klasik terbaik mereka " Conforming to Abnormality " tahun 1998 sekaligus menjadi album full pertama mereka melejit namanya dikancah Death Metal Internasional, dan namun seiring perubahan waktu serta Progresi Musikal band, sejak ke-3 album " Lucid Interval " band Asal Edgewater, Colorado yang eksis sejak 1992 merubah Konsep Musiknya menjadi lebih Technical Grind/Death Metal ketimbang sebelumnya, termasuk juga Durasi lagunya yang semula singkat menjadi lebih lama lagi sejak " Lucid Interval " tersebut hingga sekarang. masih dibawah naungan Bendera Relapse Records, Leonard "Lenzig" Leal Cs ini kembali Bikin gempuran Gress ditahun 2010 sejak absen 2 tahun lamanya pasca album " Xenosapien ". dan materi kali ini mungkin menjadi sebuah Komposisi yang lebih berbobot serta matang setelah mengalami penyempurnaan melalui pergantian Formasi-nya, Gitaris Baru Brian Hopp yang menggantikan Zac Joe yang teman serekan Gitaris Steve Goldberg semasa di Band Adnauseam merasa bersyukur menemukan gitaris bertalenta Luar Biasa seperti Brian Hopp ini, yang secara Musikal turut menambah Bobot Konsep band ini sekarang. track awal " The Incorrigible Flame " Cephalic Carnage udah Mengejutkan dengan permainannya, Lick Part Guitarnya Teknikal banget dengan teknik2 yang mengejutkan, gaya Bernyanyi Vokalis Leonard "Lenzig" Leal juga ga banyak berubah apalagi gempuran drummer Plontos John Merryman semakin mengagumkan dengan teknik2 Acid Jazz-nya. " Warbots A.M. " terdengar lebih Ganas dari Track sebelumnya, struktur musiknya lebih sulit terbaca serta ditebak dengan Hitungan yang serba ganjil membuat gw mesti berulang ulang memainkannya untuk lebih mengenali permainannya, dan satu pertanyaan gw, koq track awal gw belum merasakan gempuran hypersnare? but what the fuck, track ini langsung menjawabnya, mungkin track awal cuman warming up part aja untuk track selanjutnya. Trus " Abraxas of Filth ", vokalis legendaris Death Metal, Ross Dolan dari band Immolation secara sukarela menyumbangkan Vokalnya ditrak ini yang lebih gila memamerkan Kelihaian serta kekompakan Riff Guitar dengan Fretless bassis Nick Schendzielos terdengar begitu jelas rumit. lalu " Pure Horses " digeber cuman dengan Durasi 39 detik dengan Part2 yang Ngebut Punya serta Liar tentunya, selanjutnya " Cordyceps Humanis " menjadi lagu yang sangat membosankan bagi gw ! karena lebih memainkan part2 Sludging serta Down Tempo bangetz. " Raped by an Orb " kembali menyudahi Rasa Boring gw dengan gempuran2 mematikan dengan Karakter deep Growl Leonard "Lenzig" Leal terasa lebih dalam en Berat! selanjutnya " P.G.A.D. " menjadi Track tersingkat dialbum ini yang digeber cuman dengan durasi 36 detik via FastBrutalPart!!! " Dimensional Modulation Transmogra " dengan Intro yang membosankan namun akhirnya tampil mencengangkan dengan Teknikal partnya. track " When I Arrive " terasakan sekali Nuansa kental Brutal death Metal yang mantap berbeda dengan Konsep2 awal lagu selanjutnya menginspirasi track belakangnya menjadi lebih nge-Brutal Death Metal styles !! namun sayang track pamungkas " Repangaea " lagi2 menjadi Track yang membosankan dengan memakan Durasi lagu selama 11:56 menit bagi gw karena lebih terasakan Nuansa Eksperimennya. memang selama 2 tahun ini Cephalic Carnage lebih banyak mendekam dalam Studio Pribadi band untuk mengerjakan materi ini bersama dengan Dave Otero yang sekaligus juga menjadi Produser album ini. dan sepertinya bagi Gw, rasanya sangat sulit untuk melupakan Kehebatan band ini era mendengarkan Karya Klasik mereka seperti " Conforming to Abnormality " Hingga " Exploiting Dysfunction " yang membuat gw lebih mengenal Band ini. walaupun lebih terdengar Eksperimen Konsep, album Baru ini lebih menanamkan secara dasyat Karakter Brutal Death Metal Technical Garang mantap yang ga mengecewakan. Heaps spasms of unpredictability onto their signature grinding death metal madness more The 50+ minute journey into metals most extreme realms see these veterans takes it to edge !!!
Perhaps for that famous band play concept they called "Hydro Grind" because they are more supportive of the Campaign Leaves Marijuana use with grindcore / death metal. Classical album of their best on "conforming to abnormality" in 1998 at a time into their first full album called Rising International Death Metal arena, and yet as time changes and musical progression of the band, since the 3rd album "Lucid Interval" band Origin Edgewater, Colorado existed since 1992 to change the concept of music has become more Technical Grind / Death Metal than before, including the short duration of the song which was originally to be much longer since the "Lucid Interval" until now. still under the auspices of the Flag Relapse Records, Leonard "Lenzig" Leal Cs onslaught Gress Make it back in 2010 after missing 2 years after the album "Xenosapien". and this time the material composition may be a more weighty and mature after experiencing improvements through change of its Formation, New Guitarist Brian Hopp who replaced Joe the friend Zac serekan Guitarist Steve Goldberg at the Bands during Adnauseam was grateful to find such extraordinary talented guitarist Brian Hopp This, which also adds weight Concepts Musical band now. initial track "The Incorrigible Flame" Shocking've cephalic Carnage with his game, Lick Part Guitar Technicals really with a surprising, Singing style vocalist Leonard "Lenzig" Leal also changed a lot especially onslaught ga bald drummer John Merryman more fabulous with his Acid Jazz technics . "Warbots AM" sounds more Malignant from the previous track, the music structure is more difficult to read and guess with the all odd Counts made over and over again I have to play them to better recognize the game, and one question for me , since early tracks have not felt the onslaught hypersnare? but what the fuck, this track straight answer, maybe the track early part still only warming up to the next track. Then, "Abraxas of Filth", the legendary Death Metal vocalist Ross Dolan of Immolation band voluntarily donate more vocal this crazy exhibit shrewdness and compactness Guitar Riff with Fretless bassist Nick Schendzielos sounded so clearly complicated. and "Pure Horses" play only with duration of 39 seconds with a speeding Parts Got Wild, and of course, the next "Cordyceps Humanist" a song that is very boring for me! because it playing part2 Sludging and Down Tempo. "Raped by an Orb" back end Boring Sense of with attacking off with deep character Growl Leonard "Lenzig" Leal feels more in en Weight! hereinafter "PGAD" being the shortest track is with a duration of 36 seconds via FastBrutalPart! "Dimensional Modulation Transmogra" with a boring intro but ended with the Technical part will appear astonishing. track "When I Arrive" Shades of thick felt very solid Brutal Death Metal is different from the early concepts next song became more inspirational tracks behind Brutal Death Metal styles! but unfortunately the final track "Repangaea" mores become a boring track by eating the duration of the song during the 11:56 minute because the more I felt for Nuance experiments. This is for 2 years more cephalic Carnage Personal Studio languishing in the band to work on this matter together with Dave Otero at the same time also the producer of this album. and it seems to Gw, it's very difficult to forget the greatness of this band era they listen Classics such as "conforming to abnormality" Up "Exploiting Dysfunction", which makes i more familiar with this band. although it sounded Experimental Concept, New album is more invested enormously Character Technical Brutal Death Metal steady cruelty who ga disappointing. Heaps spasms of unpredictability onto Their signature Madness more grinding death metal The 50 minute journey into realms of extreme metals most see these Veterans takes it to edge!
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