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Horde Casket - Slab Of Infinite Butchery 2010

Horde Casket - Slab Of Infinite Butchery
Sevared Records 2010

01 Psychedelic Butchery       
02 Nemisis Delivered To The Parallel Crypts       
03 Banished Into Obscurity       
04 Excrement Covered Stabwounds       
05 CPR (Cardiopulmonary Regurgitation)       
06 Defiled Apparitions       
07 Slops Of Impending Illness       
08 Abhorrent Subsistance       
09 Prophets Of Sadistic Obliteration       
10 Rapid Depopulation       
11 Grotesque Contents ( Bonus Track )
12 Repository Necrotic Inception ( Bonus Track )
13 Purulent Gassings ( Bonus Track )
14 Order Of The Tyrant ( Bonus Track )

Band ini pernah Gw wawancarai di Issue Update sebelumnya pasca Rilisan " Landscape of Cadavers " tahun 2008 ( Hello Steve !!! ), Yup memang Frontman Steve Giddens ( Guitar/Vocal ), selain eksis diband ini, namanya juga gw kenal main diband Infliction (USA) dan Septic Devourment. band asli Oklahoma serta Texas ini eksis sejak terbentuk tahun 2007 yang langsung merilis " Horde Casket Demo " tahun 2007 dengan konsis memainkan Komponen Brutal bergaya  Suffocation,Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel dengan sentuhan klasik Death serta Slayer dalam progresi musikalitas yang mereka ciptakan diband ini, serta beberapa sentuhan Klasik elemen banyak meracuni beberapa Part. " Psychedelic Butchery " tampil diawal Track dan langsung menghajar gw dengan sangat kejam melalui Gempuran Hypersnare Mantap dan rapat !! well, sepertinya musik mereka semakin dewasa juga dalam penguasaan Sound band. Beberapa Tremolo Cucking Riff sedikit mengingatkan dengan gayanya Cannibal Corpse era " Hammer Smashed Face ", track ini dimainkan dengan Beat yang Powerfully sebagai Warm up telinga Kita sebelum disiksa lanjut. " Nemisis Delivered To The Parallel Crypts " sedikit bergaya Malevolent Creation Era " The Fine Art .. " serta sentuhan Suffocation era " Despise The Sun " sekali, namun sosok Cannibal Corpse lebih Kuat melekat dalam Musikalitas band ini sejak pertama terbentuk. beberapa solo cantik ala Trey Azaghtoth-nya Morbid Angel banyak menghias beberapa part. yang jelas sebuah peningkatan tajam mereka dari segi Sound dan Kualitas rekaman menjadi Poin Plus dirilisan ini. " Banished Into Obscurity " semakin menghantam dengan Fast part yang rapat dengan ketukan Mantap Hypersnare drummer Kevin Bernardy, solo gitar Matt Grice semakin memainan karakter Morbid Angel sekali, sebuah Kerjasama yang sangat Bagus antara Matt dan steve untuk saling melengkapi struktur musik. well ada total 10 Lagu Plus Bonus Track 4 lagu yang butuh waktu 30 menitan buat elo dengerin, dan yang menjadi Poin Plus lagi adalah Hadirnya artwork karya JonZig yang menghias Front Cover-nya. mungkin sudah merasa Bosan dengan materi " Landscape of Cadavers ", seperti " Slab Of Infinite Butchery " adalah pilihan yang sangat tepat untuk mengusir Perasaan Bosan itu. karena karya ini sangat Layak untuk Brutal Death Fans Koleksi ... Listen Or Die !!!

The band has been interviewed in last Issue Update Previous post-release "Landscape of cadavers" in 2008 (Hello Steve!), Yup indeed Frontman Steve Giddens (Guitar / Vocals), compared to prices other than this exists, I know his name also play compared to prices Infliction ( USA) and Septic Devourment. Oklahoma and Texas the original band was formed in 2007 existed since the immediate release of "Horde Casket Demo" in 2007 with a consistent playing style Brutal Components Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel with a touch of classic Death and Slayer in the progression of musicality that they created this compared to prices, as well as some classical touches many elements of poisoning several Parts. "Psychedelic Butchery" appears at the beginning of Track and directly hit with a very cruel gw through incursions Hypersnare Steady and meetings! well, their music seems more mature also in control of Sound band. Some tremolo Riff Cucking little reminder in his era Cannibal Corpse "Hammer Smashed Face", this track is played by Beat that Powerfully as Warm-up ears We before being tortured further. "Nemisis Delivered To The Parallel crypts" a little style Malevolent Creation Era "The Fine Art .." and a touch of the era Suffocation "Despise The Sun" once, but the figure of Cannibal Corpse more strength inherent in the musicality of this band since first formed. some beautiful solo Trey ala Morbid Angel Azaghtoth his many decorate some parts. is clearly a sharp increase in their terms and Quality Sound recordings into this Releases Plus Points. "Banished Into Obscurity" getting hit with Fast part of the meeting to the beat Steady Hypersnare drummer Kevin Bernardy, solo guitar Matt Grice increasingly memainan Morbid Angel character once, a very good cooperation between Matt and steve for the complementary structure of music. well there are a total of 10 Songs Plus Bonus Track 4 songs which took 30 minutes for elo listen to, and which became more Plus Points are the presence of artwork that decorate the work JonZig Front Cover her. may already feel bored with the material "Landscape of cadavers," such as "Infinite Slab Of Butchery" is a very appropriate choice to drive out Tired feeling it. because this work is Eligible for Brutal Death Fans Collection ... Listen Or Die!

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