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Made of Hate - Pathogen 2010

Made of Hate - Pathogen
AFM 2010

01 Friend   
02 Russian Roulette       
03 You Departed       
04 I Can't Believe   
05 Lock 'n' Load       
06 Pathogen       
07 False Flag       
08 Questions   

Well sepertinya band ini udah mulai melakukan Perubahan dari kesan band Cloning Melodic Death Metal kenamaan Finlandia, Children Of Bodom, mungkin album pertama mereka setelah memakai nama baru Made Of hate " Bullet In Your Head "ditahun 2008 terlalu mendapat Kritikan tajam tentang Cloning total COB tersebut, band yang terbentuk sejak tahun 2007 merupakan Reinkarnasi dari band Archeon terlalu banyak meng-copyCat bahkan Cloning abis COB mulai dari Sound Music, karakter hingga Fashion Style terlalu nembak abis. walau " Bullet In Your Head " kenyataannya menjadi album yang Enak buat para penggemar Irama Melodius, kali ini ditahun 2010 band asal Warsaw, Polandia dengan Michal Kostrzynski Cs mencoba memberikan " Kesan " baru-nya. begitu gw dapet CD baru mereka langsung aja gw Puter coz gw adalah sebagian besar pengagum Irama2 Melodius Death Metal hwe he he apalagi era album " Bullet In Your Head ", diawali dengan nomor " Friend ", sebuah Titel lagu yang lumayan Ringan mengangkat tema tentang Keseharian Mereka tentang Arti seorang teman, gaya melodius Riff-nya masih ga banyak berubah, namun gw rada terkejut begitu mendengar gaya Vokal Michal Kostrzynski yang berganti dari Harsh menjadi Middle Growl Total !! yah mungkin inilah sebagian dari perubahan musikal band untuk menjauhi Copycat band dengan COB, gw so pasti masih terpesona dengan Riff2 melodic-nya yang cantik serta mendayu dayu banget, sehingga tanpa sengaja membius gw kealam laen ceileee, melodic Riff2nya pada beberapa part mengingatkan juga dengan Gayanya Night In Gales era " Toward the Twilight " bangetz, lick2nya begitu tertata rapi dengan sentuhan yang Harmonius sehingga terjaga Nuansa irama yang berkesinambungan. lalu " Russian Roulette " masih bergaya COB banget kembali, perpaduan duet solo gitar yang cantik terasakan sekali pada Reff lagu, dan sepertinya karakter Vokal Middle Growl ga begitu sesuai dengan Typical Musik begini, sehingga lebih menampilkan kesan Band Pure death Metal yang Modern. selama mendengarkan 8 lagu berdurasi total 37:33 menitan, memang sentuhan Memorable riffs with tasty solos menjadi begitu Dominan terhadap band ini yang masih dipayungi label AFM semenjak Full album pertama-nya, talenta pemuda2 ini emang luar biasa dalam memadukan Riff2 yang Bagus menjadi sebuah Komposisi yang Easy Listening, membius serta Bikin terlena, namun rupanya mereka ini masih belum menemukan Konsep yang lebih " Nyata " dalam band yang begitu beda dan menonjol selain cuman band Copycats, namun harapan gw suatu hari nanti mereka bisa bakalan menemukan karakter yang sesuai untuk menyingkirkan jauh jauh kesan tersebut dalam Karir-nya. Dengan Formasi solid-nya mereka siap menjajah Scene Metal. fans berat Children Of Bodom, Night In Gales ampe In Flames lama pasti menyukai lagu2 dialbum ini. Let there be metal made of hate!

Well it seems the band has already started to change the impression Cloning Melodic Death Metal band celebrated Finland, Children Of Bodom !!, maybe their first album after taking a new name Made Of hate "Bullet In Your Head" in 2008 too received sharp criticism about the COB total Cloning , the band formed since 2007 is a reincarnation of the band Archeon too much to even Cloning copyCat COB start of Sound Music, Fashion Style characters until too shoot abis. although "Bullet In Your Head" in fact be a nice album for fans of melodic rhythms, this time in 2010 the band from Warsaw, Poland by Michal Kostrzynski Cs trying to give the "impression" of his new. so i get their new CD I immediately wrote turn on coz i is mostly melodic death metal fans Hwe he he let alone era album "Bullet In Your Head", beginning with the number "Friend", a song that pretty lightweight title with the theme of the Everyday They are about the meaning of a friend, Riff his melodic style is still ga changed much, but I was surprised when I heard Michal Kostrzynski Vocal styles that CHANGE from the Middle Growl Total Harsh! well maybe this is part of the change in musical bands to stay away from Copycat bands with the COB, so I'd still be fascinated with his melodic Riffs beautiful and really melodiusly, so I accidentally drugged from beyond, melodic Riffs in some parts remind also with the style Night In Gales era of "Toward the Twilight" in the vein, some licks so neatly with a touch of Harmonius thus maintained a continuous rhythmic nuance. and "Russian Roulette" is still very re-COB-style, a fusion duet guitar solo once in Reff felt pretty songs, and seemed to Middle Growl Vocals character not so in accordance with Typical Music like this, so it shows the impression of Pure Death Metal Band of the Modern. listening to 8 songs for a total duration of 37:33 minutes, indeed Memorable riffs with a touch of Tasty solos become so dominant against the band that still umbrella label AFM since his first full-length album, this youngers talent in combining exceptional Riffs the Good into a composition the Easy Listening, drugged and Make complacent, but apparently they still have not found the concept of a more "Real" in the band that was so different and stand out in addition to the band only copycats, but I hope they can someday going to find a suitable character to get rid of far much impression in his career. With his solid formation they are ready to colonize the Metal Scene. Children Of Bodom fan, Night In Gales till old In Flames definitely like this songs album. Let there be metal made of hate!

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