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Razor of Occam - Homage to Martyrs 2008

Razor of Occam - Homage to Martyrs
Metal Blade Records 2009

01 Altar of Corruption   
02 Bite of Dogmata   
03 Day of Wrath   
04 Heat of Battle   
05 Immortal Code   
06 Pattern on the Stone   
07 Flame Bearers   
08 Shadow of the Cross   

Sebelumnya ga nyangka banget nama band ini emang terdengar asing dan baru buat Kuping gw sebelumnya, Razor of Occam, tapi sapa sangka kalo nama band yang diilhami dari Prinsip Teori meta yang selama 14 tahun menjadi Logika inggris yang dikemukakan oleh William Occham. sehingga menjadi salah satu Ide band ini mengangkat tema tentang ateis dan anti agama dalam Lirik lagunya. dimotori oleh Vokalis dan Gitaris Matt Schneemilch yang emang dikenal sebagai Frontman band Black metal kenamaan Scene Australia, Deströyer 666, yang bersama dengan teman sejawatnya Gitaris Ian "Shrapnel" Gray, Bassis Alex dan Drummer Peter Hunt yang namanya pernah mengisi Formasi band Marshall Law , DragonHeart, Axis of Evil,  Savage Messiah, Paindivision, serta Assaulter memang menjadi Formasi tersakti untuk menggunakan nama Razor of Occam walaupun Peter udah ga sejalan lagi pasca merekam materi ini dan digantikan oleh teman serekan Peter, Didier Almouzni. Razor of Occam terhitung sebagai band baru yang mengusung konsep Blackened Thrash Metal yang hitam dan kelam begitu elo rasakan atmosfirnya yang penuh dengan penghujatan. kalo boleh sedikit gw gambarkan, konsepnya seperti perpaduan antara Dissection, Deströyer 666 dan Dark Funeral dengan gempuran Avant garde Fast Black Metalnya Emperor mungkin, yup sebetulnya gw setuju banget aja menyebut Musik mereka sebagai Blackened Black metal ketimbang Thrash metal mengingat Riff2 serta komposisi Musiknya lebih kental digenre itu, fast and fast itulah yang begitu terasa begitu mendengar semua lagunya dialbum Full perdana ini, Homage to Martyrs’ is a tribute to the great men of science who died in the pursuit of knowledge, from the early astronomers who were burned at the stake for daring to displace man from the center of the universe to the modern theoreticians driven to insanity and suicide by their paradoxical discoveries and the cold denial of their peers !!!

Previous no really never thought this band names sound familiar and new for previous my Ear, Razor of Occam, but said would have thought if the band name was inspired from the principle of meta theory for 14 years as a British logic put forward by William Occham. thus become one of the bands idea is the theme of atheism and anti-religious in his song lyrics. led by vocalist and guitarist Matt  Schneemilch which is known as the Frontman Black metal band famous Australian Scene, Destroyer 666, who along with his colleagues guitarist Ian "Shrapnel" Gray, Alex Bassist and Drummer Peter Hunt whose names never fill Formation band Marshall Law, DragonHeart , Axis of Evil, Savage Messiah, Paindivision, and indeed become Formation Assaulter tersakti to use the name of Occam's Razor although Peter've ga in line again post record this material and replaced by a friendmates Peter, Didier Almouzni. Razor of Occam's counted as a new band that brought the concept of Blackened Thrash Metal, black and dark so elo feel the atmosphere filled with blasphemy. I should reply a little draw, the concept is like a mix of Dissection, Destroyer 666 and Dark Funeral with the onslaught Fast Avant garde metal Black Emperor may, yup i actually agree they really wrote called Music as Blackened Thrash metal Black metal rather than considering Riffs and the composition of music was more condensed genre it, fast and fast is what it feels when I heard all the songs of this inaugural Full album, Homage to Martyrs' is a tribute to the great men of science WHO Died in the pursuit of knowledge, from the early astronomers WHO were the resource persons burned at the stake for online to displace man from the center of the universe to the modern theoreticians Insanity and driven to suicide by Their paradoxical discoveries and the cold denial of Their peers!

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