01 Introduction/Sitra Ahra 02 Kings of Edom 03 Unguentum Sabbati 04 Land of Canaan 05 Hellequin 06 2012 07 Cú Chulainn 08 Kali Yuga, Pt. 3 09 The Shells are Open 10 Din 11 After the Inquisition: Children of the Stone
Karya terbaru dari salah satu Band Veteran terbesar di kancah metal datang dari Kota Stockholm, Swedia, nama Therion tentunya sangat dikenal sekali. terbentuk sejak tahun 1987 dengan Konsep awalnya sebagai band Death Metal dan dalam perkembangan mantapnya menjadi band Symphonic/Operatic Metal berpengaruh generasi penerusnya. digawangi oleh 6 manusia, namun dalam beberapa album dan Panggung selalu kerap melibatkan Musisi tamu yang jumlah-nya hingga sekampung memang semakin membuat karakter Musik Therion memang beda dan selalu terdengar megah !, terhitung saat ini nama Christofer Johnsson adalah Personil paling asli dalam tubuh band yang saat ini diisi oleh para pendatang baru, dan nama Gitaris Christian Vidal adalah Personil yang paling Fresh bergabung dan ikut rekaman album ini bersama dengan Vokalis Snowy Shaw mantan Vokalisnya Dimmu Borgir. Album yang bermaterikan 11 track dalam durasi 01:01:11 menit ini dikerjakan sendiri oleh Frontman Christofer Johnsson di Polar Studio, Stockholm selama tahun 2009 hingga 2010, Rekaman ini kental banget elemen Gothic-nya seperti era album " Gothic Kabbalah " tahun 2007 sekali. sehingga suasana nyantai elo bakalan pas begitu mendengarkan Rilisan ini. diawali dengan " Introduction/Sitra Ahra " yang begitu Syahdu irama Gothic Metal dengan female Vokal Soprano serta penampilan Choir Cathedral-nya, sepertinya Irama Gerejani dimodifikasi dengan sentuhan Gothic metal menjadi elemen yang menarik diband ini. " Kings of Edom " masih menjadi karakter lanjutan yang banyak lagi memainkan headbanging part yang Harmonis dengan Solo2 Melodiusnya. seperti perpaduan antara Gregorian dengan Nightwish juga nich kalo boleh sedikit gw gambarkan. beberapa perpaduan Instrumen Cello, Biola, Orchestran semakin menciptakan elemen Gothic yang begitu kuat dengan dukungan Paduan Suara-nya. lagu " 2012 " juga tersentuh dengan atmosfir yang gelap bak menghidupkan suasana Ramalan bangsa Suku Maya tentang akhir dunia Terasa Hidup disini. lalu lagu " Din " juga memiliki Part yang lebih keras ketimbang Track2 sebelumnya.dan ditutup oleh " After the Inquisition: Children of the Stone " yang kental elemen Doom metal dan Funeral doom, namun masih terkemas dengan Middle Beat yang Asyik. Karya Gress Therion yang memiliki arti " wild beast " ini lagi2 Keren buat elo simak pas suasana nyantai, Coz kita seperti mendengar alunan nada Gregorian dengan Sentuhan Gothic Metal yang megah dan fantastis. I think of it in terms as a vintage wine that becomes better and better with the years.
Recent work of one of the largest Veterans Band metal scene came from the City of Stockholm, Sweden, Therion course is very well known name at all. formed since 1987 with the concept initially as a Death Metal band and in the development of a solid band Symphonic / Operatic Metal affect future generations. guarded by 6 people, but in a few albums and Musicians Stage always often involve a number of his guests until the whole village is increasingly making music Therion character is different and always sounded magnificent!, starting on the current name is Personnel Christofer Johnsson most original bands in the body now filled by newcomers, and the name Christian Guitarist Personnel Vidal is the most Fresh join and participate recording this album along with former vocalist frontman Snowy Shaw Dimmu Borgir. The album that bermaterikan 11 tracks in the duration of 01:01:11 minutes Frontman is done solely by Christofer Johnsson in Polar Studio, Stockholm during the years 2009 to 2010, this record really thick its Gothic elements such as the era of the album "Gothic Kabbalah" in 2007 once. so the atmosphere your relax time going so listen this release. begins with "Introduction / Sitra Ahra" is so serene rhythm of Gothic Metal with female vocals Cathedral Choir Soprano and his appearance, seemed to be modified with a touch of Ecclesial Rhythms Gothic metal becomes an interesting element of this compared to prices. "Kings of Edom" is still the character that much more advanced playing headbanging part Harmonious with Solos Melodius. like a mix between Nightwish Gregorian also if you be a little draw. some combination Instruments Cello, Violin, Orchestran increasingly creating such a strong Gothic elements with the support of his Choir. song "2012" is also touched by the dark atmosphere liven as Mayan prophecy about the end of the world Feels Life here. then the song "Din" also has a Part tougher than Tracks before. and closed by "After the Inquisition: Children of the Stone" is thick element Funeral Doom metal and doom, but still packed with Middle Beat the Fun. The work of Gress Therion which means "wild beast" is More Cool for elo see fit nyantai atmosphere, Coz we like to hear the strains of Gregorian tone with a touch of Gothic Metal magnificent and fantastic. I think of it in terms as a vintage wine That Becomes better and better with the years.
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