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Execrated - Condemnation To Eternal Punishment EP 2013

Execrated - Condemnation To Eternal Punishment
Anopsys Records EP 2013

01 Condemnation To Eternal Punishment 04:08
02 Image Of Holocaust Creation 03:11
03 Pregnant Disposal 03:02
04 Suffered From The Wound Of Death 03:02

Norman - Vocals
Lhoi - Bass
Aldrin - Guitars
Tadz - Drums

A Brutal Death Metal band from the Davao Shitty Philippines EXECRATED kembali Menorehkan sejarah Movement Death Metal scene di negeri ini dengan Debutan Ep Perdana yang mengundang Interest label brutal Anopsys Records untuk merilisnya. meskipun EP ini hanya memuat 4 lagu berdarah, namun gw yakin buat kalian Fans Brutal Death Metal akan sangat menyukai Komposisi musik yang ditawarkannya ini hasil perpaduan Kejam antara Putridity, Woundeep, Plasmoptysis, Antropofagus, Disgorge, Down From The Wound, hingga Defeated Sanity menjadi Struktur Track yang Dasyat !! Band yang pertama kali terbentuk tahun 2007 dengan nama Degrade Incinerate ini masih mengandalkan Powerfully Style tanpa banyak mendapat Polesan sempurna Digital Recording, sehingga Kita akan merasakan sendiri penampilan mereka seperti diatas panggung sekalipun! Komposisi musiknya adalah slamming groove to more aggresiveness, faster and deeper brutal music lewat 4 lagu didalamnya. tentunya gw respect bener jika mereka ini masih Percaya diri dengan Talenta yang mereka miliki sendiri tanpa harus banyak diperbudak dengan Digital System recording. Pengaruh2 gaya bermain band 1 scene nya, Human Mastication, Perverse Molestation, Disastrous, Projectile Vomit, Erectile Dysfunction, hingga Congenital adalah bukti otentik nyata jikalau Philipina masih memiliki Gaya " Khas " nya, meski tidak ada yang terlalu baru, namun gebrakan band ini cukup memberikan Surprise untuk kita waspadai dikemudian hari.

A Brutal Death Metal band from the Philippines Davao shitty EXECRATED again made ​​history Movement Death Metal scene in this country by inviting Prime Ep Debutant Interest brutal Anopsys Records label to release it . although this EP contains 4 songs only bleed , but I'm sure for you Brutal Death Metal Fans will love this music composition which offers a blend result between Putridity Cruel , Woundeep , Plasmoptysis , Antropofagus , Disgorge , Down From The Wound , until Defeated Sanity into Structure track is terrible ! ! The band was first formed in 2007 under the name Degrade incinerate still rely Powerfully Style without much got the perfect Gloss Digital Recording , so that we will feel their appearance as himself on stage though ! Musical composition is slamming groove to more aggresiveness , faster and deeper brutal music through 4 songs in it . of course i respect bener if they are still confident with their own talents without having much enslaved by the Digital System recording . Pengaruh2 style scene playing his first band , Human Mastication , Perverse Molestation , Disastrous , Vomit projectile , Erectile Dysfunction , up Congenital is a real authentic proof if Filipinos still has style " Typical " it , although nothing too new , but it 's quite a buzz band gives Surprise to be cautious in the future .

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