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Rexus - Withdrawal of Thinking 2013

Rexus - Withdrawal of Thinking
Get Pissed Stay Pissed Records 2013

01 Hatecore 04:30      
02 Merciless Convulsion 01:52      
03 Repentance Past     05:10      
04 Forced to Addiction 02:53      
05 Temple of the Endless Carnage 02:44      
06 Fearless Army 05:44      
07 You Fucking Gossip Whore 02:32      
08 Perpetual State of Consciousness 05:08      
09 Eat Your Own Guts (2011) 06:27      
10 Soulbreaker (2010) 05:44

Roberto Bataller - Guitars
Jorge Inlan Bravo - Drums
Esteban Bargas - Bass, Vocals

FUCK TRENDS IN DEATH METAL, HARDCORE & GRINDCORE ! Lumayan menarik perhatian gw dikali awal mengenal Rilisan dalam bentuk Digital Release yang mereka pajang di, sekedar coba2 gimana komposisi yang mereka tawarkan, Surprize banget begitu mendengar track awal " Hatecore ", Hentakan Gaya Brutal Death Metal dengan sentuhan Groovy yang Kental In The Name Dying Fetus, Internal Bleeding hingga Pyrexia awal begitu padat terasa dikekuatan musikalitas dari Trio Band asal Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico yang eksis sejak 2009 lalu dengan Gaya Total yang mengingatkan Banget dengan In The Name Dying Fetus, Deep Guttural Growlingnya John Galagher Banget Gileee !!! things that make you puke , brutal death metal / grindcore / hardcore bands, love, cake and flowers !!! meski tidak ada yang istimewa atau orisinil dari segi karakter bermusik, Tapi Gw Yakin kalo debut full album ini adalah sebuah sajian yang Bagus dan jauh dari kesan Boring, coz apa yang disajikan di 10 track nya adalah sebuah Catchy Song yang Awesome ! apalagi buat kalian Pecinta sejati serta Fanatik Dying Fetus !! komposisi musik yang tertata rapi dengan balutan full slam groovy yang terbaur dengan Beat2 Hardcore type memang membuat Aransemen musik modern ciamik nikmat saji dalam segala suasana deh. meski Imej band ini terlihat " Joke " namun Kualitas musikal mereka bener2 menawarkan sesuatu yang serius loh. Seperti mendengar John Galagher sedang bernyanyi Reinkarnasi baru hahahaha ... Typical Metallic Hardcore yang tajam memang menjadi salah satu sajian nikmat yang Gw pribadi sangat suka. yah seperti yang mereka katakan " things that make you puke , brutal death metal / grindcore / hardcore bands, love, cake and flowers ", salut juga untuk Gitaris berbakat yang mengerjakan seluruh materi ini, Roberto Bataller serta Drummer Jorge Inlan Bravo bersama Bassis/Vokalis Esteban Bargas bisa gw sejajarkan dengan formasi Soils Of Fate (Swedia) hahahhaa... Fuck Yeah !!! ... selain Konsen dominasi dengan Slam Groovy Part Breakdown, Ga lupa Gitaris Roberto Bataller masih dengan lincahnya menyisipkan solo2 melodius yang Killer Attraktif pokoknya. " Merciless Convulsion ", dengan komposisi yang makin cepat dan Kejam, Duo Typical Vokal deep Growling dengan Emosional Hardcore attitude menjadi perpaduan Intens untuk karakteristik musik band ini. dan " Merciless Convulsion " menjadi Track Paling Singkat di Album ini. Hentakan Hypersnare mantap coba ditawarkan di track " Repentance Past " tanpa banyak melepas elemen2 slam Groovy yang ciamik itu, bahkan track ini lebih menambahkan sentuhan Technical Thrashing klasik gayanya Dark Angel hingga Exodus cukup menjadi perpaduan unik tersendiri pas track ini lebih berbeda dari 3 track sebelumnya. " Forced to Addiction " membantai kemudian dengan beat yang Hypersnare dengan aromatisme Dark Harmonize riffing. track menarik berikutnya adalah Instrumental Track " Temple of the Endless Carnage ", Eksplorasi Riffing Roberto makin liar dengan sentuhan Old School Thrash Metal tajam coba digabungkan dengan Modern Death Metal fantastis. meski menyakina barisan part simple dengan Refrain berulang ulang, namun tetap tidak menciptakan komposisi yang bikin boring sedikitpun. " Fearless Army " coba menanamkan kembali Sentuhan yang mungkin terasa berbeda lagi dari sebelumnya, makanya Nuansa Musikal Kompleks memang akan kita rasakan banget. a target of criticism for allowing the current slam scene to grow and expand the horizons on Deathcore. I don't give a shit because they are fucking awesome. To some this is a gateway band and to others it is the wrong direction for metal to go. dan jangan lupakan untuk " You Fucking Gossip Whore " yang teraransemen cukup ciamik kembali ke Jalur awal sebelum mereka bener2 melenceng dari Thrash Riffing sebelumnya serta begitu juga dengan " Perpetual State of Consciousness " menutup aksi full perdana trio Slam Groovy ciamik ini yang ending Track mereka menambahkan bonus track 2 lagu dari materi Promo sebelumnya yang bagi gw malah memiliki Materi Yang Fantastis !. sehingga lagi (lagi) buat kalian fans berat Gaya Bermusik Dying Fetus, Soils Of Fate hingga Pyrexia, gw jamin ga akan menyesal mencoba debutan keren ini. The sound wasn’t clear enough to showcase the abilities of the musicians. It was mucky and murky. The bass was a bystander as the guitars attempted to take complete control of the soundscapes, albeit badly. The guitars, the bass and even the fast paced percussion sections were all disappointing. The debut did nothing but highlight the problems behind the scenes. untuk Hasil Final Pasca Produksi di garap oleh Henry Everitt di Baltimore, Maryland yang memahami betul karakter Rexus menjadi Dying Fetus-nya Mexico hehehe .... is a masterpiece of mindblowing talent and speed. And if you think Dying Fetus is More enjoy, check this shit out!

FUCK TRENDS IN DEATH METAL , HARDCORE & grindcore ! I multiplied hefty interest early to know Releases Digital Release in the form they display in , composition coba2 how they offer , Surprize really hear the track so early " Hatecore " , beat Brutal Death Metal style with a touch of Groovy that Lumpy In The name Dying Fetus , Internal Bleeding until early Pyrexia dikekuatan feels so solid musicality of Trio Band from Mérida , Yucatán , Mexico which exists since 2009 and with a style that reminds Total Banget with Dying Fetus in The name , Deep Guttural Growlingnya John Galagher Banget Gileee ! ! ! things that make you puke , brutal death metal / grindcore / hardcore bands , love , cake and flowers! ! ! although nothing special or original in terms of musical character , but Gw sure if this debut album is a full- grain Good and far from Boring , coz what is presented in its 10 tracks is a Catchy Song is Awesome ! Lovers especially true for you as well as Dying Fetus Fanatics ! ! musical composition is neat with a bandage full diffused with a groovy slam Beat2 Hardcore type of music is making modern Arrangement ciamik favors fast in all situations deh . The image , although the band look " Joke " but the musical quality they offer something serious bener2 loh . Like to hear John singing Galagher new Reincarnation hahahaha ... Typical Metallic Hardcore sharp indeed be one of the delicious dish that Gw personally really like . Well as they say "things that make you puke , brutal death metal / grindcore / hardcore bands , love , cake and flowers" , salute also for talented guitarist who worked through this material , Roberto Bataller and drummer Jorge Bravo Inlan with Bassist / Vocalist Esteban Bargas can i align with the formation of Soils Of Fate ( Sweden ) hahahhaa ... Fuck Yeah ! ! ! ... besides Konsen Slam dominance with Groovy Part Breakdown , Ga forget Guitarist Roberto Bataller still with lively melodic solo2 insert the Killer attraktif anyway . " Merciless convulsion " , whose composition is more rapid and Cruel , Vocal Duo Typical Emotional Hardcore deep Growling with a blend of intense attitude to the characteristics of the band's music . and " Merciless convulsion " a Short Track Most in this album . Hypersnare steady pounding on the track trying to offer " Repentance Past " without removing much of the good elemen2 Groovy slam it , this track even more add a touch of classic style Technical thrashing Dark Angel Exodus enough to be its own unique blend of track fitting is more different from the 3 previous track . " Forced to Addiction " with a beat slaughter later that Hypersnare with aromatisme Dark Harmonize riffing . The next interesting track is Instrumental Track " Temple of the Endless Carnage " , riffing Exploration Roberto grew wild with a touch of Old School Thrash Metal combined with a sharp try Modern Death Metal fantastic . menyakina lineup despite the simple part Refrain repeated , but still does not create a composition that makes boring at all . " Fearless Army " trying to reassert touch may feel different than before , so Nuance Musical complex indeed we will feel really. a the target of criticism for allowing the current slam scene to grow and expand the horizons on Deathcore . I do not give a shit Because they are fucking awesome . To some this is a gateway band and to others it is the wrong direction for the metal to go . and do not forget to " Gossip You Fucking Whore " which teraransemen quite ciamik back to the start line before they bener2 previously deviated from Thrash riffing as well as well as the " Perpetual State of Consciousness " closing trio Slam debut full action ciamik Groovy is the ending they added Track track 2 bonus tracks from previous Promo for i even have a material that fantastic ! . so again ( again ) for you fans of heavy music style Dying Fetus , Soils Of Fate until Pyrexia , I guarantee you will regret ga try this cool debut . The sound was not clear enough to showcase the abilities of the musicians . It was mucky and murky . The bass was a bystander as the guitars Attempted to take complete control of the soundscapes , albeit badly . The guitars , the bass and even the fast paced percussion sections were all disappointing . The debut did nothing but highlight the problems behind the scenes . to result in work on Final Post Production by Henry Everitt in Baltimore , Maryland who understand the true character into Dying Fetus Rexus his Mexico hehehe .... mindblowing is a masterpiece of talent and speed . And if you think Dying Fetus is More enjoy, check this shit out !

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