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Hail of Bullets - III The Rommel Chronicles 2013

Hail of Bullets - III The Rommel Chronicles
Metal Blade Records CD 2013

01 Swoop of the Falcon 05:20      
02 Pour le Mérite 04:14      
03 DG-7 06:25    
04 To the Last Breath of Man and Beast 03:11      
05 DAK 03:45    
06 The Desert Fox 05:20      
07 Tobruk 04:26      
08 Farewell to Africa 02:51      
09 The Final Front 04:45      
10 Death of a Field Marshal 05:31

Theo van Eekelen - Bass
Martin van Drunen - Vocals
Paul Baayens - Guitars
Stephan Gebédi - Guitars
Ed Warby - Drums

Melemah dan Melemah itu yang Gw rasakan untuk Debutan Album Band Kugiran dengan Nama Baru asli Netherlands yang menampilkan Mantan Drummer Veteran Death Metal Negeri Kincir angin, Ed Warby bersama dengan Vokalis Martin van Drunen, 2 sosok penting ini memang memiliki Andil besar dalam perkembangan Musik Metal Scenenya. dan Entah Kenapa Penampilan Album baru ini cenderung melemah dan mulai bikin Boring mulai album " On Divine Winds " Tahun 2010, Padahal Penampilan Album pertama mereka " ...of Frost and War " tahun 2008 sangat mempesona sehingga Gw berhasil melakukan Interview bareng Drummer Ed Warby beberapa Tahun lalu. masih konsis mengusung Death Metal Old School dengan Typical Modern Sound tetep menjadi Idealis mereka diawal terbentuknya band tahun 2006. Masih dengan Formasi Album Ke-2nya ini Hail of Bullets bagi gw sudah banyak mengalami Dekadensi Bermusiknya menjadi lebih Nge-Doom dan Melodius, seperti Gorefest saat memasuki Album Yang menuai Kritik " Erase ", Karisma Band ini seperti sedang memudar Seiring dengan Perkembangan Musikal Skill member-nya. desolate riffs. The songs themselves intersect with each other very nicely and totally undistracting, making this album a great and enjoyable listen throughout. Lead guitar is also very prominent, playing an assortment of solos and leads which all sound great. Materi Band ini masih Bisa Gw katakan sebagai Pertemuan antara Gorefest, Bolt Thrower dan Asphyx banget. dengan Karakter Sound yang Gothenburg Banget, Typical Death Metal Standard Klasik masih kuat dipertahankan sekali " Orisinilitas " nya. None of the instruments ever go around showing off--this band is about songs, not technicality--and they have not let the concept album storytelling hurt the songwriting in any way. Penampilan track awal " Swoop of the Falcon " rasanya sudah menyakinkan banget Gw kalo materi Kali ini sudah " Melemah " jika gw bandingin dengan konsep sebelumnya yang memiliki Hulu Ledak beat yang Membakar. This is Enough high quality death metal. There's no innovation, but the songwriting is superb and if you listen closely enough to the lyrics, you just might learn something about history. seperti tidak mempunyai kejutan lagi, selain Sound-nya yang makin keren, Aransemen track-nya Kurang menendang deh. " Pour le Mérite ", Drummer Ed Warby seperti harus tunduk dengan Sludgy Doomy Riffing Gitarnya dan Karakternya sangat mengingatkan kembali dengan Asphyx banget. Hail Of Bullets still play a heavily Bolt Thrower (maybe more so than the debut) and Stockholm influenced, crunchy, classic Euro death metal that culls from all of the band members’ other projects. While the immediacy and impact of a second album from such a quality line-up isn’t quite as dynamic as the debut. Tempo yang kian membosankan ada di " DG-7 ", lama2 Gw jadi Kurang menikmati sajiannya dan cenderung mengalami mood Boring. meskipun gw suka Track " To the Last Breath of Man and Beast " dengan Part Opening yang Enerjik serta Lagu " The Final Front ", Hampir 80% Materi disini bagi Gw mengecewakan ! heavy as balls subject material into something slightly more multi-dimensional than your average Bolt Thrower clone. I dare say that they are one of the 'catchiest' death metal bands out there, at least among the newer crop, and the collective experience of the band's constituents has once more ensured a primal, impartial glimpse into the oppression of warfare and the menace and far-from-obsolete majesty of death fucking metal.

It weakens and weakens the Gw feel for debutant Album Band Kugiran with native Netherlands New Name featuring former Death Metal Drummer Veterans Affairs windmills, Ed Warby along with vocalist Martin van Drunen, 2 important figure does have a large share of the development of Metal Music Scenenya . and I wonder why this new album tends to look down and began to make a start Boring album "On Divine Winds" In 2010, their first album appearance Yet "... of Frost and War" in 2008 so fascinating that Gw successfully perform Interview with Drummer Ed Warby a year ago. still consistent carrying Old School Death Metal with a Typical Modern Sound tetep their idealistic beginning of the formation of the band in 2006. Still with Album Formation 2nya All Hail of Bullets for this i have a lot of experience to be more musical decadence Nge-Doom and melodic, like when entering Gorefest Album The reaping Criticism "Erase", Karisma band is like being faded Along with the development of Musical Skill member her. desolate riffs. The songs Themselves intersect with each other very nicely and totally undistracting, making this album a great and enjoyable listen throughout. Lead guitar is also very prominent, playing an assortment of solos and leads roomates all sound great. The band material Gw can still say a meeting between Gorefest, Bolt Thrower and Asphyx really. with the Gothenburg Sound Banget Character, Death Metal Typical Standard Classics still retained very strong "originality" of his. None of the instruments ever go around showing off - this band is about songs, not technicality - and they have not let the storytelling concept album the songwriting hurt in any way. Appearance early track "Swoop of the Falcon" it's been really convincing if Gw This time the material has been "weakened" if gw a comparison with previous concepts that have beat Explosive Burning Hulu. This is Enough high quality death metal. There is no innovation, but the songwriting is superb and if you listen closely enough to the lyrics, you just might learn something about history. such as having no more surprises, in addition to his increasingly Sound cool, his track Arrangement Less kick deh. "Pour le Mérite", drummer Ed Warby such must comply with Sludgy His guitar and doomy riffing back with a character very reminiscent of Asphyx really. Hail Of Bullets still play a Heavily Bolt Thrower (maybe more so than the debut) and Stockholm influenced, crunchy, classic Euro death metal that culls from all of the band members' other projects. While the immediacy and impact of a second album from such a quality line-up is not quite as dynamic as the debut. Tempo is increasingly tedious in "DG-7", lama2 I so enjoyed their meal and less likely to have mood Boring. although I like Track "To the Last Breath of Man and Beast" Part Opening with the energetic and the song "The Final Front", nearly 80% of material here for Gw disappoint! heavy balls as subject material into something slightly more multi-dimensional than your average clone Bolt Thrower. I dare say that they are one of the 'catchiest' death metal bands out there, at least among the newer crop, and the collective experience of the band's Constituents has once more ensured a primal, as impartial glimpse into the oppression of warfare and the menace and far-from-obsolete majesty of death fucking metal.

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