Patrick Mameli - Guitars, Vocals Patrick Uterwijk - Guitars David Haley - Drums Georg Baier - Bass
Beberapa kali bongkar pasang Posisi Drummer membuat Salah Satu Dedengkot Death Metal terbaik Netherland Scene, Pestilence harus menata ulang komposisi bermusiknya mengikuti Moody member-nya, sebuah pekerjaan Berat bagi Frontman Gitaris Vokalis Patrick Mameli serta Gitaris Patrick Uterwijk untuk menjaga Konsep " Utuh " Band sendiri sejak terbentuk tahun 1989 dengan berangkat sebagai Band Yang mengusung Genre Thrash Metal lalu menjadi Death Metal hingga akhirnya lebih mencoba sentuhan kuat Progressive/Jazz Fusion dibeberapa album terakhir. dan tentunya saat pertama kali mengenal nama band ini saat awal gw memiliki Kaset Pita untuk album full ke-3 " Testimony of the Ancients " Tahun 1991, yang disebut2 sebagai album paling fenomenal bagi band Death Metal Dinamis Asal Enschede, Overijssel, Netherland. It seems unlikely that even adventurous music fans who worship at the altar of prog-tastic death acts like Cynic, Cryptopsy, Obscura or latter-day Death will be capable of tolerating horrific bleating or finding this hodge-podge of styles enjoyable. If you like offbeat odds and sods, explore with caution. I’ll stick with their classic albums and their previous non-Primus-ized platter. If you have a neighbor you really dislike, go away for a day or two while leaving this playing loudly on repeat. Mameli will personally see to it that they suffer grievously. so Buat kalian yang mungkin sempat terkagum2 dengan Konsep Baru 2 Album reunian mereka " Resurrection Macabre " dan " Doctrine " adalah Fresh Materi Band sejak membubarkan diri tahun 1994. seperti masih membawa kekuatan Kuat Era 90-an, Karakteristik Growling Vokal Patrick Mameli mengingatkan dengan gaya bernyanyi ala John Tardy-nya Obituary ini coba lebih menyempurnakan gaya bermain Cynic dan Death masih dengan sentuhan kuat ala mereka. sempat kelimpungan dengan beberapa kali Mengalami kekosongan Posisi Drummer, Akhirnya Pestilence merekrut Drummer Blastbeat Terbaik Asal Negeri Australia yang Juga kerap wara wiri dibeberapa band, David Haley ( Blood Duster, Psycroptic, Ruins, The Amenta, ex-Disseminate ) rupanya membawa pengaruh Signifikan untuk Intensitas Band menjadi terdengar lebih Cepat dan " Keras " lagi dari sebelumnya. serta hadirnya Bassis Baru muda bertalenta berkebangsaan Jerman, George Maier, Both guys are really down to earth and real easy going. Of course, Patrick Uterwijk is my most respectable and long-going friend and musician.!!! Gw juga salah satu Fans Pestilence sejak Full Album Ke-3 menjadi lebih fanatik dengan konsep bermusik ciamiknya dan album baru ini adalah sesuatu yang Gw nantikan sejak Merasa " Kurang " Puas dengan Greget 2 Album sebelumnya, kayaknya harus bernafas lega begitu mendengarkan materi Keren ini. " Obsideo " ini seperti penggabungan antara Konsep " Testimony of the Ancients " dengan Aroma " Leprosy "-nya Death ditambah dengan Intensitas Psycroptic ! So Bisa elo bayangkan sendiri khan ?? Begini .... Track pertama udah memajang Track Ampuh " Obsideo " serentak meluluh lantakkan Ruang Kamar gw hingga berantakan dengan serbuan Blastbeat Mantap setelah diawali dengan 45 Detik Intro dengan Nuansa Menegangkan, each of these tracks is a self-contained expression of mediocrity. there is not one that stands out. Pestilence are reborn as a bland technical death metal act, although many of the guitar riffs here lack complexity. Sayatan Riffing yang terhitung simple namun memiliki Spirit yang Menonjok masih menjadi Logika Bermusik Sebenarnya bagi Pestilence ini. gempuran drummer Dave Haley Gw yakin menjadi Dalang menjadi " Brutal " beat Pestilence saat ini, apalagi Enjiner Victor Bullok aka V. Santura yang sukses menggarap beberapa album Obscura menjadi Kerjasama ke-2 sejak Album " Doctrine " membantu menciptakan Sound Modern Pestilence yang terasa lebih Megah ! the band have found a dirty, mechanical sound drenched with a fat low end. Tapi Gw rasakan koq beberapa pengaruh The jazz fusion influence heard on Spheres -nya kurang begitu kental terasa jika Gw bandingkan dengan 2 album sebelumnya. Materi kali ini seperti " Root " Back dengan Materi Awal Death Metal 90-an Pestilence sendiri. " Soulrot ", suguhan Technical Death Metal yang Cepat dan Kuat menjadi sajian Berikutnya dengan Balutan Simple Riffing yang terkadang Monoton Progress Bar demi Bar-nya, lebih cenderung bergaya Old School Banget Karismatik-nya, sehingga kita ga terlalu dibuat pusing untuk dapat mencerna komposisi yang Pestilence tawarkan saat ini. This may sound horrendous but actually it works. Lead guitar is excellent and while you won't find any shredding here what you do get is well thought out, generally slow, atonal, atmospheric solos. Often a passage of music within a track will slow down in order for a solo to come in. Sounds weird, and in some cases it is, but again, I think it works and, of course, the band has used this style many times before. tantangan serius berikutnya saat Gw mendengarkan lagu " Laniatus ", ini seperti pertarungan Old To New banget Spirit-nya penuh dengan luapan skill antar member-nya. selain menyuguhkan permainan yang prima, Pestilence lebih terasa ciamik saat menorehkan beberapa Melodic Solo Yang Brilian sana sini. From that point on inspiration was gone. Let me quote: Inspiration refers to an unconscious burst of creativity in a literary, musical, or other artistic endeavour. Literally, and it has its origins in both Hellenism and Hebraism. Meskipun tidak terlalu ada kesan menonjol untuk Fresh Material Kali ini, Pestilence masih tetap menunjukkan kelas terbaiknya sebagai salah satu Ponggawa Death Metal Kugiran dari Netherland Scene. Komposisi Musikalitas yang kian matang memang menjadi tujuan Istimewa Album ini tetap terjaga Kekuatan dasyatnya yang terangkum dalam 10 lagu berdurasi sekitar 35 Menit ini siap mengoyak Naluri Lemah elo dengan sajian yang serba membombardir emosioanal kalian menjadi lebih Terpanggang api neraka melewati sajian demi sajiannya. over again in an uninspired, insipid attempt to circulate their guitar work into the bizarre rhythms and simplistic postulates. although he does some insane stuff with his voice occasionally. Nothing extraordinary, but certainly worth mentioning succumb to aimless complexities and careless song writing falling into overtly-repetitious territory and everyday woes of how not to do unusual death metal. Berani menerima Tantangan yang Lebih Mematikan ??? Silahkan Coba Aroma Masa Lalu dibangkitkan dengan spirit Modern ini. KILL OR TO BE KILLED !!!!
Several times a disassembly position Drummer One dedengkot make the best Death Metal Scene Netherland , Pestilence should rearrange musical composition follow Moody its members , a job for Weight Guitarist Frontman Vocalist and guitarist Patrick Mameli Patrick Uterwijk to keep the concept of " Whole " Band itself since formed in 1989 by setting off a Band That brings the genre of thrash metal to death metal to finally try a touch more powerful Progressive / Jazz Fusion last several albums . and of course when you first get to know the band's name at the beginning i had a cassette tape for 3rd full album " Testimony of the Ancients " in 1991 , which disebut2 as the most phenomenal album for the band Death Metal Dynamic Origin Enschede , Overijssel , Netherland . It seems unlikely that even adventurous music fans who worship at the altar of death prog - tastic acts like Cynic , Cryptopsy , Obscura or latter - day Death will be capable of tolerating horrific bleating or finding this hodge - Podge of styles enjoyable . If you like offbeat odds and sods , explore with caution . I'll stick with their classic albums and their previous non - Primus - ized platter . If you have a neighbor you really dislike , go away for a day or two while leaving this playing loudly on repeat . Mameli will personally see to it that they suffer grievously . For those of you who might be so had terkagum2 with New Concept 2 their reunion album " Resurrection Macabre " and " Doctrine" is Fresh material since the band broke up in 1994. Strong as they bring the power of the 90s era , Characteristics Growling Vocals Patrick Mameli singing style reminiscent of the style of his John Tardy Obituary try to further refine the playing style Cynic and Death still with a strong touch of their style . was distraught with several Experiencing emptiness position Drummer , Drummer Blastbeat Finally Pestilence recruit Best Australian State of Origin Also often wara Wiri in several bands , David Haley ( Blood Duster , Psycroptic , Ruins , The Amenta , ex - Disseminate ) apparently brings significant influence to Intensity The band became more audible Quick and " Hard " than before . New bassist and the presence of young talented German national, George Maier , Both guys are really down to earth and real easy going . Of course , Patrick Uterwijk is my most respectable and long -going friend and musician . ! ! ! I also one of the Pestilence Fans from 3rd Full Album become more fanatical ciamiknya musical concept and this new album is something that Gw forward since Feel " Less " Satisfied with greget 2 previous albums , I think it must be so relieved to hear this cool material . " Obsideo " is like a merger between the concept of " Testimony of the Ancients " by Aroma " Leprosy " Death coupled with its intensity Psycroptic ! So imagine yourself Can elo right? ? Well .... The first track is already displaying a Potent Track " Obsideo " simultaneously devastated gw Room space to mess with invasive Blastbeat Settled after starting with 45 Seconds Intro with Nuance Stressful , each of these tracks is a self -contained expression of mediocrity . there is not one that stands out . Pestilence are reborn as a bland technical death metal act , although many of the guitar riffs here lack complexity . Incision riffing comparatively simple but has a Spirit who logic musical punch is still a fact for the Pestilence . onslaught drummer Dave Haley Gw be sure to Dalang " Brutal " Pestilence beat today, especially Engineer Bullok aka Victor V. Santura who successfully worked on several albums became Partnership to Obscura - 2 from Album " Doctrine" to help create a sound that feels more Modern Pestilence Magnificent ! the band have found a dirty , mechanical sound drenched with a fat low end . But Gw feel koq some jazz fusion influences The influence heard on his Spheres less so thick felt if Gw compared with 2 previous albums . The material such as " Root " Back to the Material Early 90's Death Metal Pestilence own . " Soulrot " , treat Technical Death Metal Fast and Powerful Next to Wrap a dish that sometimes monotonous riffing Simple Progress Bar for the Bar , more likely styled Old School Banget Charismatic her , so we made ga too dizzy to be able to digest composition Pestilence offer today . This may sound horrendous but actually it works . Lead guitar is excellent and while you will not find any shredding here what you do get is well thought out , generally slow , atonal , atmospheric solos . Often a passage of music within a track will slow down in order for a solo to come in. Sounds weird , and in some cases it is , but again , I think it works and , of course , the band has used this style many times before . The next serious challenge when Gw listen to the song " Laniatus " , is like a battle Old To New really filled with his Spirit overflow skill among its members . besides presenting a prima game , Pestilence more pronounced when chalked ciamik The Brilliant Melodic Solo here and there. From that point on inspiration was gone . Let me quote : Inspiration Refers to an unconscious burst of creativity in a literary , musical , or other artistic endeavor . Literally , and it has its origins in both Hellenism and Hebraism . Although there are not too obtrusive for Fresh Material impression this time , Pestilence still showed class as one of the best Death Metal Ponggawa Kugiran of Netherland Scene . Musicality composition is becoming increasingly mature Outstanding Album goal is to stay awake Power dasyatnya summarized in 10 songs lasted about 35 Minutes is ready to rip Instinct Weak elo with a dish that completely bombard you become parched emosioanal hellfire for their grain through the grain . over again in an uninspired , insipid attempt to Circulate their guitar work into the bizarre rhythms and simplistic postulates . although he does some insane stuff with his voice occasionally . Nothing extraordinary , but certainly worth mentioning succumb to aimless complexities and careless song - writing overtly falling into repetitious territory and everyday woes of how not to do unusual death metal . Dare to accept the challenge of the more deadly ? ? ? Please Try Aroma Past raised with this modern spirit . TO KILL OR BE KILLED ! ! ! !
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