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Extreme Hate - 15 Years Of Hatred (Discography 1998-2013)

Extreme Hate - 15 Years Of Hatred (Discography 1998-2013)
Grindtoday Records / R.A.P.S Records CD 2013

It's all about GRINDFREAKS that we heard and spread!!! Grindtoday Records Kayaknya masih terus Idealis serta Optimis dengan Rilisan GRINDCORE, GRINDCORE and GRINDCORE-nya ! setelah beberapa waktu sebelumnya Gw tulis Album Discography-nya Proletar, Kini Giliran Grindfreak Asal Tangerang, Extreme Hate untuk diabadikan karir Grinding-nya dalam sebuah CD, dan Inilah perjalanan Panjang Karir Band sejak terbentuk Tahun 1998 di Jogjakarta hingga di Berpindah Markas di Tangerang dengan Kerap sekali Berganti Formasi berkarya hingga Tahun 2013, Total 50 Track tersajikan dengan penuh berisik irama Grinding di album Discography Kedua mereka yang juga dirilis dalam format Kaset setelah " Hopeless Documentary " (1998-2003) yang dirilis oleh Lo-Fi Records (Italy). Hadir dengan Kemasan Yang menarik dan Profesional, kita akan digiring mundur dalam perjalanan Bermusik Band yang banyak mengalami Evolusi Musikalitas dari Perubahan Formasi-nya. 4 lagu pertama dicomot dari materi Demo 2013, dengan Gaya Crusty Grind yang kental, Extreme Hate seperti telah menemukan Progres Grinding barunya sebagai salah satu Konsep utama. Karakter Vokalis Egy yang Tenang rasanya kurang Mendominasi Musik, apakah Mungkin level vokalnya tertutup dengan Instrumen lainnya, tapi cukup powerfully untuk menjadi Aksi yang provokatif dengan Serak dan Parau-nya. It's really good grindcore, too; fast and furious with only occasional departures into more grooving territory, clearly influenced with crust/grind artists of old. It's fast, raw, and brutal, just as it should be. It's got a ton of Nice, memorable tracks, and it's one of the few easily available items from this cult grindcore band. Grab it if you can. 11 lagu berikutnya bagi Gw lebih " Crusty " banget Kualitasnya dengan gaya bermain yang lebih Cepat dan Liar ! Raungan Vokal Sally Memang terasa Parau dan Kering Tenggorokannya Meluapkan Emosional Bernyanyi-nya dengan Komposisi Grinding yang lebih Chaotic materi dari " Demo 2005 " ini ! MORE FASTER THAN FASTER BEFORE ! selanjutnya dari demo 2006 Pihak Label Mencomot 7 lagu yang juga sempat dirilis Sebagai Split Album bersama Band Warsore asal Australia. an unequalled energy and reactionary atmosphere surrounding it. Even the crustcore and grindcore songs on the album had some very catchy breaks and hooks !! lalu 3 lagu berikutnya masih dari materi Demo 2006, dengan Kualitas Rekaman yang Terdengar Raw, Naluri Grindcore seperti terasa Hidup dengan nuansa Chaotic-nya. setelah itu 11 lagu berikutnya di ambil dari Materi 3 Way Split " It's About Whole Truth " Bersama dengan Band Borox dan Infected Tendence, Kualitas sound K Studio-nya Buat Gw teringat Era 90-an, dimana Scene Indonesia sedang dikuasai oleh Sound Karakter Khas K Studio ini. Other quickly strummed crust riffs are sometimes used, but there's also a big oldschool death metal groove used at certain points, The production is sort of chaotic and I enjoy it; the guitars and bass are very wide and 'uncollected' and the drums are snappier than usual, creating an interesting sort of dichotomy. The vocals are rather buried in the mix, unfortunately, but perhaps that's a good thing as it prevents the music from obtaining an unwanted level of coherency. dari materi " Demo 2004 " dihadirkan 2 lagu saja, Kualitas Recording yang Terasa Raw Sekali seperti rekaman Rehearsal Saja, apalagi Level Vokal Moeg Moeg yang berkarakter Hardcore Banget Cukup Mendominasi. The compositional qualities on this album are pretty strange and sound rather ahead of their time in a lot of ways. Instead of the conventional crusty song structures from before, there are more one-idea microsongs with unusual riffing styles. 5 lagu kemudian di adaptasi dari materi split dengan Band asal Malasya, Tasukete Kudasai, terdengar Raungan Raw Vokal Sobat lama Gw, Cece (yang saat itu Gw Kenal banget Bersama Clitoris Death-nya), sayang rekamannya Terlalu Mendem dan Raw Banget, Almarhum Sobat lama Gw Boris yang memainkan bass disini gw kenal banget bersama Band Brutal Death Metalnya, Decomposed ! semakin berjalan mundur ke Tahunnya, semakin pula kita akan merasakan kembali dan Nostalgia dengan situasi Sound rekaman Saat itu (90-an) dimana saat itu memang Populeritas Kaset Pita tetap menjadi sesuatu yang membooming ketimbang Compact Disk, sehingga Kualitas seperti inilah yang terasa sangat dirindukan Metalhead di Era 90-an Hehehe ... So Bayangin Sendiri aja selama 01:13:43 telinga Kita akan dibikin Berdarah darah dengan terjangan Irama Grinding Nan Berisik ! bener2 Konsep Nostalgia dihitung waktu Mundur terasa setiap Evolusi Band seiring berjalannya Formasi dan Konsep tentunya. Fans Gaya lama Napalm Death, Carcass, Terrorizer ampe Agathocles, siap2 untuk meluluh lantakkan seisi Kamar elo dengan serangan 50 Chaotic Track Biadab disini. at times have too much effects over them and because of the foggy sound of the bassguitar and guitar, they almost disappear at certain points or become one with the racket. This is a shame and makes the album sound more sloppy than it actually is. Also the vocal performance isn’t quite up to normal standards of quality. Slow buildups project a real aura of menace before slowly slipping into a deliberate groove section or an explosion of grindcore frenzy while streams of blast beats abruptly end in detonating fills. It's a very intense listening experience from beginning to end.

It's all about GRINDFREAKS that we heard and spread ! ! ! I think Grindtoday Records still idealistic and optimistic with the Release of grindcore , grindcore and grindcore her ! after some time previously Gw wrote his Discography Albums Proletarian , Now Turn Grindfreak Origin Tangerang , Extreme Hate to be immortalized Grinding his career in a CD , and band Career This trip length since forming in 1998 in Jogjakarta to Move Headquarters in Tangerang Often Switching Formation once worked up in 2013 , with a total of 50 full tersajikan Track Grinding noisy rhythm in their second album discography also released in cassette format after the " Hopeless Documentary " ( 1998-2003) released by the Lo - Fi Records ( Italy ) . The packaging comes with an attractive and professional , we will be brought back in a musical journey that many experienced Band Evolution musicality of its Formation Change . The first 4 song demo of material picked from 2013 , with a thick Style Crusty Grind , Extreme Hate like to have found his new Grinding Progress as one of the main concept . Vocalist Egy character who seems less Dominate Quiet Music , whether vocal level may be covered by other instruments , but powerfully enough to be a provocative action with Husky and his husky . It's really good grindcore , too ; fast and furious with only occasional Departures into more grooving territory , Clearly influenced with crust / grind artists of old . It's fast , raw , and brutal , just as it should be . It's got a ton of nice , memorable tracks , and it's one of the few items Easily available from this cult grindcore bands . Grab it if you can . 11 Gw next song to be " Crusty " The quality is really the style of play that is more Fast and Wild ! Indeed roar Sally feels husky vocals and Dry throat singing her emotional vent with composition Chaotic Grinding more material from " Demo 2005 " this ! MORE FASTER FASTER THAN BEFORE ! The next demo 2006 Label Pinch 7 songs which also was released as Split Album with Warsore band from Australia . Unequalled an energy and reactionary atmosphere surrounding it . Even the crustcore and grindcore songs on the album had some very catchy breaks and hooks ! ! then 3 the next song is from demo material in 2006 , with the Recording Quality Raw Sounds , feels like instinct Grindcore Chaotic Life with its nuances . after the 11 next song taken from Matter 3 Way Split " It's About The Whole Truth " Together with the Band Borox and Infected Tendence , sound quality K Studio the Create Gw remembered era of the 90s , where the scene of Indonesia is dominated by Sound Character Typical K this studio . Other quickly intervening crust strummed riffs are sometimes used , but there 's also a big oldschool death metal groove used at certain points , the production is sort of chaotic and I enjoy it ; The guitars and bass are very wide and ' uncollected ' and the drums are snappier than usual , creating an interesting sort of dichotomy . The vocals are rather buried in the mix , unfortunately , but perhaps that's a good thing as it prevents the music from Obtaining an unwanted level of coherency . of material " Demo 2004 " presented 2 songs, the Recording Quality Raw Feels like recording Rehearsal Only once , let alone Level Vocal Moeg Moeg Hardcore character Banget Simply Dominate . The compositional qualities on this album are pretty strange and rather sound ahead of their time in a lot of ways . Instead of the conventional song structures crusty from before , there are more one -idea microsongs with unusual riffing styles . 5 songs later in the adaptation of the material split with Band from Malasya , Tasukete Kudasai , sounding roar Raw Vocal Gw old friend , Cece ( who was then Gw really know her Along Clitoral Death ) , unfortunately the tape too Mendem and Raw Banget , the late old friend Gw Boris who plays bass here i know really with Brutal Death metal band , decomposed ! The year is getting to walk backwards , the more we will feel back and Nostalgia with Sound recording situation that time ( 90's ) at which time it was Populeritas Cassette Tape Boom still be something rather than Compact Discs , so this feels like a quality sorely missed Metalhead the 90's Era Hehehe ... So Imagine Yourself wrote for the ear 01:13:43 We will contrived to hack blood Bloody rhythm Grinding Noisy Nan ! Nostalgia concept bener2 calculated feels every time Backward Evolution Band with the passage of Formation and Concepts course . Fans old style Napalm Death , Carcass , Terrorizer ampe Agathocles , siap2 for the whole room burst into elo with 50 Chaotic Track Barbaric attacks here . at times have too much effects over Them and Because of the foggy bassguitar and sound of the guitar , they almost disappear at certain points or Become one with the racket . This is a shame and makes the album sound more sloppy than it actually is . Also the vocal performance is not quite up to the normal standards of quality . Slow buildups project a real aura of menace before slowly slipping into a groove section deliberate or an explosion of frenzy while streams of grindcore blast beats abruptly end in detonating fills . It's a very intense listening experience from beginning to end .

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