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Femur - Sketching the Holy Blood CD 2014

Femur - Sketching the Holy Blood
Independent CD 2014

01 Apriciate This Live 03:28      
02 Darah Itu Suci 04:01    
03 Defisit Empati 04:37    
04 Dominus Flevit 02:58    
05 Eruption of Soul 03:01      
06 Jiwa Terpasung 02:32    
07 Realisasi Ego 02:40      
08 Sesal Meradang 02:53    
09 Sound of Natural Sickness 03:43    
10 Terisolir Tradisi Darah 03:08      
11 City of God (Sodom cover) 04:50

Arie - Bass
Didi - Vocals
Rizkan - Guitars
Gerhard - Guitars
Rofi - Drums

Sesuatu Banget itu Pas Malming Ga Punya Pacar atau Duit, tapi tiba tiba ada Cewek Cantik Traktir Ngajakin Hangout lepas Ampe Pagi, Persis saat Mendengarkan Materi Super Biadab " Sketching the Holy Blood " Milik Death Metal Sadis Asli Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur, FEMUR ! Bagi gw ini adalah siksaan yang siap Membuat Koruptor & Pecundang Busuk Negara akan Mati secara lebih mengenaskan ! is cast aside in favor of Blazing sweep picking and ridiculous blast beats that are dispersed throughout the album are fast and technical, while at the same time carrying an incredible melody not found in other bands. The riffs are often harmonized and quite catchy, they're fast but don't seem like extensions of the solos !!! seperti masih menjadi Pengamatan Gw selama ini, Perkembangan Musisi Cadas Tanah Air lebih berbahaya dibanding 10 Tahun lalu, dimana Pulau Jawa Masih begitu Mendominasi band2 sadis-nya, en Anggapan seperti itu kayaknya harus dimusnahkan, saat Perkembangan Pesat Tengah melanda Scene Tanah air semakin dipandang Dunia Internasional sebagai yang BERBAHAYA !! Walau Nama Femur sendiri tidak sebegitu Booming dengan Deretan nama Band2 Death Metal Potensial yang lebih di Gandrungi Metalhead Saat ini, Femur siap melibas Asumsi Konyol ini, FEMUR have managed to successfully create brutal death metal that is fast, Dymanic, Powerfully and at the same time very melodic and varied, keeping the listener interested the whole way through. terbentuk sejak 2009, Femur mulai Menapaki Karir awalnya dengan melepas " Promo 2011 " yang membuka mata Publik Metal dengan Sayatan 3 Track Mematikan ! Well ini seperti menjadi Submit Ticket resmi bagi Femur untuk melangkah selanjutnya dalam " Sketching the Holy Blood " sebagai Mahakarya Matang mereka meski hanya dirilis secara Independen, Femur ingin lebih merasakan Pahit Manisnya Eksis dalam Idealisme. Menjadi sangat tidak bersabar ketika melihat Track " Darah itu Suci " yang mereka Kemas dalam Video Clip Keren sebagai Promosi Full Album " Sketching the Holy Blood " ini. Despite the complexity of the music there were no sections that were not pleasing to the ears and the musicians are very proficient. Let's Check This Awesome release from Borneo Island .. Let's Check Fuckin This Out !!

Seperti Tidak mengenal Sebuah Basa basi (Baca : Intro .ed), Femur langsung Menghadang dengan serangan Keji membabi Buta lewat Epik Track " Apriciate This Live " sebagai Opening Mematikannya, Track Lagu dengan Aransemen Megah yang melibatkan serangan bengis Brutal Death Metal dengan sentuhan Melodius Solo Gitar Cantik ! have on some level crafted a sound unique to themselves It is a sonic statement from a confident band, so to speak. Eggers and Horner display the advantage of restraint beautifully on this album. Technical Riffing yang kompak Membantai bersama gempuran Cepat Drum, adalah Ornamen Ritual mengerikannya, ditambah dengan sayatan Melodius Solo Gitarnya makin akan melengkapi Siksaan nyata Femur. Karakter Musikal yang diantaranya mengingatkan dengan Konsep Bermain Band Death Metal asal Bali, Parau yang kemudian di fermentasikan dengan style Dinamis Spawn Of Possession, Necrophagist serta Disavowed ini telah menciptakan Komposisi Mega sadis ! Lalu " Darah itu Suci " menjadi Epik Track Berikutnya yang asli menjadi Hits Track di Debut full perdana ini, Masih dengan Komposisi yang rancak siap menguras Konsentrasi Audience dengan sajian Musikal Death Metal yang Modern serta Kompleks ! Kemudian dibagian akhir Femur menambahkan Choir Female Vokal menambah Nuansa Horror epik yang mengingatkan dengan Stylistic Fleshgod Apocalypse ! the riffs generally range from bland and forgettable to average and stale at best, which is to say that there is not much to write home about. They are technical, yes indeed, but not exactly exciting nor memorable. " Defisit Empati " kian Membuat tebal Aransemen Metal Empirik dengan Suguhan Melodic Riffing yang terasa begitu Modern, seakan tak kehabisan ide menuangkan warna Riff yang melodius, Duet Gitaris Rizkan dan Gerhard telah Melakukan Tugas yang Begitu Maksimal selain Skill Profiling Drummer Rofi menciptakan Komposisi serba Dasyat ! memang Kalo secara cermat, Femur lebih menawarkan Komposisi Death Metal yang Kompleks dengan berbagai Sentuhan Genre Metal yang ciamik pokok-nya (Especially for Some Beautiful Solos !). Kemudian " Dominus Flevit " lumayan Memacu Emosi kita dengan Kontraksi Beat Musik yang Relevan mengalami Dinamika untuk menjauhkan stigma Monoton-nya. combining your standard death metal fare of gravity blast beats, rapid-fire double bass pummeling and interesting, technical fills with a rather Dynamic edge. This directly impacts the music and the surface impression it gives off, and immediately sets it apart from many technical death metal bands. Begitu juga sambutan Opening Track Keren selanjutnya adalah " Eruption of Soul ", Meski tidak mau terjebak dengan Konstan Beat Catchy, Femur Kemudian masih menepisnya dengan hentakan Jahanam Blast Beat sebagai Trademark selanjutnya, serta Melodius Riffing sebagai The Real Femur Concept ! Tanpa Kenal lelah Menentukan Progres Ketukan beat yang Kian Cepat, Track " Jiwa Terpasung " masih mengumbar Liar Kekejaman ! terus " Realisasi Ego, dan Sesal Meradang " Begitu Membabi buta Aroma Brutality dinamis yang tiada Henti Mengguncang Adrenalin dari sejak awal. which are rather generic technical death metal fare as I stated before and offer nothing as far as supreme individuality is concerned. So, really, we have a bulk of solid, same-y tech-death that have some kick ass guitar solos and progressive drumming. 10 Track Ambisius Memuntahkan Ketukan Musik yang Serba cepat dan Dinamis seakan tidak sedikitpun meninggalkan Kesan Boring, Karena memang Femur memang telah mengemasnya dengan sajian yang Extra Talented dari segi Musikal melalui sentuhan yang Serba Dinamis dari berbagai Death Metal Style en Progress. bener2 ini menjadi sajian yang teramat istimewa disaat Gw masih terlekat dengan Stereotype sebelumnya, Asli tanpa menambah en mengurangi, Femur telah melakukan Konspirasi matang dalam Agresi Perdananya ini, dan kalian bisa Buktikan Jika Femur telah Menjadi Potensi Yang Berbahaya dari Borneo Island ! Sedikit menambahkan Enerji Lain, di Bagian Track Akhir, Femur coba Merusak " City of God " nya Sodom dalam Versi Femur menjadi Lebih menendang sekali Sensitifitasnya, Yeahh, Nice Arrangement To Be Killed ! and really add another dimension to the songs that is usually not prevalent within death metal Track !

Setelah Menyelesaikan 11 Track dalam Durasi Setengah Jam yang cepat serta melelahkan, Evaluasi Keseluruhan Materi dalam " Sketching the Holy Blood " adalah yang sangat Luar Biasa dalam Pengkomposisian serta Pengemasan Sound-nya Bareng Enjiner Ari Rakha Wardhana di Backstage Studio Samarinda adalah sesuatu yang sangat Mendekati Sempurna ! dari Track Pertama hingga Terakhir telah memang tersusun secara Balance sekali, sehingga Death Metal Fans akan sangat Menikmati Sadis Performa Musikal Femur sebenarnya. a very organic sound with a solid consistency Get baked until comprehendible. Meski Gw masih menangkap sedikit kesan Miring tentang sound Drumming-nya yang Digital Banget, namun Masih Begitu Manusiawi diberbagai Ketukannya. Kemudian Artwork Kover-nya kurang begitu menarik jika sekilas Metalhead Melihat-nya karena cuman dimuat secara simple artwork aja, meski Kemasan Cover Profesional akan sangat Memanjakan Para Kolektor dan Sayang banget Pada Proses Penggandaan Disk-nya hanya menggunakan CD-R dan Bukan CD Pro, yah Kemungkinan Hal Finansial telah Menjegal Produksi Independen ini, Harapan Gw tentu selanjutnya Femur bakalan menemukan Label yang tepat untuk Menyempurnakan Agresi Mematikannya. But, Percaya atau Tidak, Swear ! " Sketching the Holy Blood " adalah sebuah Mahakarya yang Luar biasa untuk kalian Coba sendiri Enerji Liar-nya. The production of this album is simply amazing, it really adds to the album's atmosphere and makes it better. What is delivered is a complete package with very few discernable flaws, the only main one being the songs can indeed sound rather same-y towards the end. BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!

Something About That Have Weekend Its No girlfriend or Money, but all of a sudden there Followed Treat Beautiful Girls Hangout off Till Morning, Just when Listening Material Super Barbaric "Sketching the Holy Blood" Original Sadistic Death Metal Owned Samarinda, East Kalimantan, femur! For this i was ready to torment Corruptor & Losers Make Rotten Dead State will be more pathetic! is cast aside in favor of Blazing ridiculous sweep picking and blast beats that are dispersed throughout the album are fast and technical, while at the same time carrying an incredible melody not found in other bands. The riffs are catchy and quite harmonized Often, they're fast but do not seem like extensions of the solos !!! such observations I still be far, development of Musicians Cadas country more dangerous than 10 years ago, where Java is still so dominate his sadistic bands, en assumption as it seems to be destroyed, when Rapidly development of Central struck Scene Homeland increasingly viewed World International as a DANGEROUS !! Although the name itself is not really boom femur with rows of name bands more Death Metal Potential at Likely Metalhead Currently, Femur ready to crush this ridiculous assumption, femur have managed to successfully create brutal death metal that is fast, dymanic, Powerfully and at the same time very melodic and varied, keeping the listener interested the whole way through. formed since 2009, Femur Career Stepping originally started by removing the "Promo 2011", which opened the eyes of the Public Metal with incision 3 Track Deadly! Well it's like to be the official Ticket Submit Femur for the next step in the "Sketching the Holy Blood" as they Mature Masterpieces although only released in the Independent, Femur want more feel bitter sweetness Exist in Idealism. Being very patient when viewing Track "The Holy Blood" in which they Pack Promotional Video Clip Cool as a full-length album "Sketching the Holy Blood" is. Despite the complexity of the music there were no sections that were not pleasing to the ears and the musicians are very proficient. Let's Check This Awesome release from Borneo Island .. Let's Check This Out Fuckin !!

Not familiar with a tongue like a stale (Read: Intro .ed), Femur directly Facing the Vile attack blindly through Epic Track "This apriciate Live" as the Opening Turn it off, Track Song with Magnificent Arrangement involving violent attacks Brutal Death Metal with a touch of melodic Solo Beautiful guitar! on some level have crafted a unique sound to Themselves It is a sonic statement from a confident band, so to speak. Eggers and Horner display the advantage of restraint beautifully on this album. Technical riffing compact slaughtering Drum with Quick strikes, is a harrowing ritual ornaments, coupled with melodic incision His guitar Solo will increasingly complement Femur real torture. Musical character that reminds them with the concept of Playing Death Metal Band from Bali, the rough which is then fermented by Spawn Of Possession Dynamic style, Necrophagist and this has created a composition disavowed Mega sadistic! Then "The Holy Blood" into the original Epic Track Next Track became hits in this first full debut, Still with random composition prepared dish drain Concentration Audience with the Modern Love and Death Metal Complex! Then the last part of Female Vocal Choir Femur add add nuance Horror epic that reminds the Stylistic Fleshgod Apocalypse! Generally the riffs range from bland and forgettable to average and stale at best, the which is to say that there is not much to write home about. They are technical, yes indeed, but not exactly exciting nor memorable. "Empathy Deficit" Make increasingly thick with Treat Arrangement Empirical Metal Melodic riffing that feels so modern, as if nothing out of ideas pouring color melodic riffs, guitarist Duet Rizkan and Gerhard have Perform Tasks Skill Profiling other than Maximum Once Drummer Rofi create compositions completely terrible! If it carefully, Femur more offers Composition Death Metal Complex with a variety of genre Metal Touch Cool his principal (Especially for Some Beautiful Solos!). Then "Dominus Flevit" sizable contractions Spur Our emotions with the Beat Music Relevant experience stigma Monotone Dynamics to keep her. combining your standard death metal fare of gravity blast beats, rapid-fire double bass pummeling and interesting, with a rather technical fills Dynamic edge. This directly Impacts the music and the surface impression it gives off, and immediately sets it apart from many technical death metal bands. So is the next Cool Track Opening remarks were "Eruption of Soul", Although not want to be stuck with Constant Beat Catchy, Femur Later still brushed it off with the beat of Hell Blast Beat as further Trademark, and melodic riffing as The Real Femur Concept! Determining Progress tirelessly Kian beat Beats Fast Track "Sticky Soul" is spit Wild Cruelty! continue "Realization Ego, and Regret Inflamed" So Blindly Aroma dynamic Brutality Stop Rocked no adrenaline from the beginning. roomates are rather generic technical death metal fare as I stated before and offer nothing as far as the supreme individuality is concerned. So, really, we have a bulk of solid, same-y tech-death that have some kick ass guitar solos and progressive drumming. 10 Track Ambitious Spew fast-paced music beats and Dynamic as not to leave the slightest impression Boring, Femur Because it has been packaged with a dish that Extra Talented musical terms through Dynamic Multi touch of various Death Metal Style en Progress. This Really be a very special dish when I still was attached to the previous stereotypes, Original without adding and reducing, Femur has made his First Conspiracy Aggression matured in this, and you can Prove If Femur has Become The Dangerous Potential of Borneo Island! Another little added Energy, in Section Track End, Femur try Destructive "City of God" in his version of Sodom More Femur be kicked once Sensitivity, Yeahh, Nice Arrangement To Be Killed! and really add another dimension to the songs that is usually not prevalent within the death metal track!

After Completing the Track 11 Half Hour Duration fast and tiring, Overall Evaluation Material in "Sketching the Holy Blood" is very Extraordinary Composition in its sound as well as Packaging Engineer Ari Rakha Ward Together in Backstage Studio Samarinda is something very Approaching Perfect ! of Track First to Last has indeed arranged Balance once, so Death Metal Fans will be very Enjoying Sadistic actually Femur Musical Performance. a very organic sound with a solid consistency Get baked until comprehendible. Although Gw still catch little impression Leaning on his sound Drumming Really Digital, but Still So Humane various knock. Then Artwork Cover her less attractive if its a glance Metalhead Seeing as published by simple artwork only wrote, despite Cover Packaging Professionals will be very Spoil The Collector and In Too bad its Disk Cloning process only uses the CD-R and CD Non Pro, it well Possible Production Independent Financial has been tripped, the subsequent course Gw Hope Femur going to find the right label for Improving Aggression Turn it off. But, believe it or not, Swear! "Sketching the Holy Blood" is a Masterpiece of the Incredible to your own Try her Wild Energy. The production of this album is simply amazing, it really adds to the album's atmosphere and makes it better. What is delivered is a complete package with very few discernable flaws, one being the only play the songs can indeed sound rather same-y towards the end. BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!

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