01 Pandaemonium 06:12 02 Death by Metal 03:28 03 March of the Undying 03:50 04 Haunted by Demons 03:49 05 Murder Blood Assasination 05:41 06 Necromancy Divine 06:48 07 Satan's Braut 03:17 08 Todesstimmen 02:03 09 Masaya (Boca Del Infierno) 03:02 10 When Empires Fall to Dust 04:16 11 Beyond Perpetual Ice 03:39 12 La Voisine 08:08
Alexander Krull - Vocals, Keyboards Thorsten Bauer - Guitars Sander van der Meer - Guitars Joris Nijenhuis - Drums
Seperti sudah menemukan sebuah titik jenuh-nya, opsi ending harus memojokkan band ini mungkin harus seperti kembali ke " selera " asal saja. sejak Menjelang materi album terakhir mereka " After The Storm " Tahun 2010, To my surprise, this new release sounds much better than I expected. Alexander Krull still can't sing very well and the ethnic "hey ya, hey ya hey" sing alongs still sound completely bland. Musically, the band surely improved. The tracks are more thought out and diversified and build up some meditative new age atmosphere that fits to the natural topics. The record is easy to digest and works well as a very harmonic and inspiring background music Back. There are still better combinations of rock and metal music with ethnic folk into Extreme Death Metal sounds but I give this record a few spins from time to time and see it as a big improvement from the first release. Nevertheless, the chapter should now be closed and the band should continue with something new and try to get back on track. yeah Atrocity seperti telah akan mencoba langkah baru untuk kembali ke konsep dasar mereka yang mulai hilang sejak band ini memutuskan mengubah konsep mereka menjadi Folk Metal, Gothic/Industrial Metal dari Konsep Dasyat 2 album pertama Terbaik sepanjang Karir mereka memberi kontribusi Untuk Death Metal Movement sepanjang masa untuk Album bergaya sentuhan pertama Band veteran asal Ludwigsburg, Baden-Württemberg, jerman yang eksis sejak Tahun 1985 sebagai penyebar gaya Technical Death Metal di Jerman Scene Khususnya, tetap beri Hormat untuk Album " Hallucinations ( 1990 ) dan Todessehnsucht ( 1992 ) " tetap disebut sebagai album Death Metal paling berpengaruh sepanjang Masa ! ... dan Untuk pertama kalinya gw merasa terkejut sekali untuk materi Gress ini ditahun 2013, Atrocity melempar debut " Okkult ", yang oleh beberapa media Musik Internasional langsung mendapat Pujian, dan Frontman Alex Krull sempat berkoar Kalo album ini " the “OKKULT” series is also brutal, bombastic and dark. These will not only be the heaviest and most brutal albums of ATROCITY since years, but also the darkest works of our band’s history. Lovers of our harder material like “Hallucinations”, “Todessehnsucht”, “Blut” or “Atlantis” will surely be delighted with the “OKKULT” series at their expense, although the “OKKULT” songs have their own trademarks, of course.” dan benar saja ketika Gw mendengar Track pertama " Pandaemonium " setelah Intro selama menit ke 01:40, hentakan hebat Hyperblast seperti telah membangkitkan Spirit Awal Band ini menjadi kental sentuhan Death Metal !!! Atrocity has Back to Beginning style !! The new ATROCITY opus “OKKULT” is the kickstart to an album trilogy, as it has not been seen before in the metal scene! Musically ATROCITY show an enormous tension width, and deliver a very powerful, homogeneous and atmospheric album: On the one hand with much bombast and big choirs a la “March Of The Undying”; on the other hand ATROCITY deliver equally purist, brutal metal songs, which get under your skin just as intensely, closely and authentically.The overall sound is perfectly harmonized. The earthy, brilliant production sounds intoxicating and gives the musical pieces the necessary energy, atmosphere and roughness to dive immediately into the lyrical concept. This is anything but one-dimensional. Alex Krull lebih menggunakan Gaya Harsh dan Growl Vokal mencoba tetap mendominasi permainan mantap dan Dinamis Drummer baru mereka, Joris Nijenhuis telah memaksa Atrocity harus kembali Tampil Nge-Death dan membuang Jauh Kesan Trance-Disco Atrocity yang mengecewakan itu hehehe ... Dark Harmonization Riffing dan Atmospheric Orchestral-nya pula semakin menambah elemen gelap Track-nya. There's barely any guitars on here, but when they do show up they do even less than in Leaves' Eyes, just blaring along shapelessly beneath the vocals and twanging folk instruments. Gempuran Hyperblast Snare Manis tetap membawa kembali Atrocity tampil lebih sadis lagi. " Death by Metal " tetap Nge-Death Metal banget sentuhannya. despite the cheesy growls this is a rare interesting moment. another "metal" song is a total bore, by this point the flutes aren't even entertaining me to the same extent they do on say. meskipun ga terlalu memainkan Aransemen musik yang dinamis, Gebrakan kali ini banyak mengingatkan perpaduan antara Konsep Era " Hallucination " serta Gaya Malevolent Creation sekali. Death Headbang Riffing Modern memang kerap bikin Gw Headbang !! ini bener2 The new ATROCITY album “OKKULT” is in every sense a real treat! So let’s start the occult treasure hunt with ATROCITY !! " March of the Undying " Sentuhan Epic Orchestral-nya megah semakin membuat suasana mencekam dengan paduan Death Metal Style cool, permainan Lingua Mortis Orchestra pimpinan Victor Smolski memang asli keren coy !! Besides all harshness and bombast ATROCITY again show their excellent sense of very good, catchy songs. sekali lagi Atrocity bener2 kembali Tampil Nge-Death Metal banget sekali di album gress ini !! meski tidak banyak melepas sentuhan modernnya yang membosankan itu, Atrocity jelas memainkan komposisi musik yang lebih bagus dan dewasa setelah memutuskan " Comeback Root " ini dalam 12 Track berdurasi Total 54:13 menitan. Sebagai seorang Istri Yang berkecimpung sama di Bidang Musik, Pasangan Setia hidupnya, Liv Kristine ( Kita kenal sebagai Mantan Vokalis Theatre Of Tragedy .ed ) masih setia mengisi Female Vokal disini. Rasanya Fans Lama Atrocity harus bisa coba membuktikan sendiri Album Keren Atrocity ini. As a culmination the poisoner and witch “La Voisine” does her mischief in the Paris of the 17th Century: What could fit better than a smashing, furious metal song of the brand ATROCITY !!!
As has already found a saturation point her, ending option should discredit this band might be like returning to the "taste" perfunctory. Toward material since their last album "After The Storm" in 2010, To my surprise, this new release sounds much better than I expected. Alexander Krull still can not sing very well and the ethnic "hey ya, hey ya hey" sing alongs still sound completely bland. Musically, the band surely improved. The tracks are more thought out and diversified and build up some new age meditative atmosphere that fits to the natural topics. The record is easy to digest and works well as a very harmonic and inspiring background music Back. There are still better combinations of rock and metal music with ethnic folk sounds into Extreme Death Metal but I give this record a few spins from time to time and see it as a big improvement from the first release. Nevertheless, the chapter should now be closed and the band should continue with something new and try to get back on track. yeah Atrocity as a new step has been to try to get back to the basic concept of those who begin to disappear since the band decided to change their concept into Folk Metal, Gothic / Industrial Metal of Concept terrible first 2 albums Best contribute throughout their career to Death Metal Movement of all time The first touch of style to Album Band veteran Ludwigsburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany which existed since 1985 as a disseminator of style in German Technical Death Metal Scene In particular, it remains to give Yours Album "Hallucinations (1990) and Todessehnsucht (1992)" would be referred to as Death Metal album throughout the period of the most influential! ... and for the first time i was shocked once for Gress this material in 2013, Atrocity throws debut "Okkult", which by some media immediately got Praise International Music, and frontman Alex Krull had boasted If this album "the" OKKULT "series is also brutal , Bombastic and dark. these will not only be the heaviest and most brutal albums of Atrocity since years, but also the darkest works of our band's history. Lovers of our harder material like "Hallucinations", "Todessehnsucht", "Blut" or " Atlantis "will surely be delighted with the" OKKULT "series at their expense, although the" OKKULT "songs have their own trademarks, of course." and sure enough when Gw heard the first track "Pandaemonium" after the intro for minutes to 01:40 , terrific pounding Hyperblast like Spirit raised Beginning Band is a touch lumpy Death Metal!!! Atrocity has Back to Beginning styles! The Atrocity new opus "OKKULT" is the kickstart to an album trilogy, as it has not been seen before in the metal scene! Musically Atrocity width show an enormous tension, and deliver a very powerful, homogeneous and atmospheric album: On the one hand with much Bombast and big choirs a la "March Of The Undying"; Atrocity on the other hand deliver Equally purist , brutal metal songs, roomates get under your skin just as Intensely, closely and authentically.The overall sound is perfectly harmonized. The earthy, brilliant production Intoxicating sounds and gives the musical pieces the Necessary energy, atmosphere and roughness to dive immediately into the lyrical concept. This is anything but one-dimensional. Alex Krull be using Growl Vocal Style Harsh and try to dominate the game remains steady and the dynamic of their new drummer, Joris Nijenhuis has forced Atrocity must return Shown NGE-Death and throw away-Trance Disco Atrocity impression that hehehe ... it's disappointing Harmonization Dark riffing and Atmospheric Orchestral also adds to the darker elements of his track. There's barely any guitars on here, but when they do show up they do even less than in Leaves' Eyes, just blaring along shapelessly beneath the vocals and twanging folk instruments. Onslaught Hyperblast Sweet Snare keep bringing back Atrocity appear more sadistic. "Death by Metal" remains NGE-Death Metal really touch. despite the cheesy growls interesting this is a rare moment. another "metal" song is a total bore, by this point the flutes are not even entertaining me to the same extent they do on say. though ga Arrangement plays music too dynamic, breakthrough time is much reminiscent of a blend between the concept Era "Hallucination" and Malevolent Creation Style once. Death Headbang riffing Modern indeed often make Gw Headbang!'s bener2 The new Atrocity album "OKKULT" is in every sense a real treat! So let's start the occult treasure hunt with Atrocity!! "March of the Undying" Touch Epic Orchestral His magnificent increasingly make the atmosphere tense with a blend of Death Metal Style cool, game Lingua Mortis Orchestra leader Victor Smolski is genuine cool coy!! Besides all harshness and Bombast Atrocity again show their excellent sense of very good, catchy songs. bener2 back once again Atrocity Shown NGE-Death Metal album really all in this gress!! although not much off the boring modern touches, Atrocity clearly plays better music composition and adults after deciding "Comeback Root" is the total duration of 12 Track menitan 54:13. As a working wife the same thing in the field of music, his Faithful Couple, Liv Kristine (we know as the former vocalist Theatre Of Tragedy. ed) still loyal fill Female Vocals here. feels Atrocity Older Fans should be able to try to prove himself this Atrocity Cool album. As a culmination the poisoner and witch "La Voisine" does her mischief in the Paris of the 17th Century: What could fit better than a smashing, furious metal song of the brand Atrocity!!!
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