Roy Agus - Drum Rizky - Guitars Oki Haribowo - Additional Bass Pandu Mahendra - Vocal
Jogjakarta Corpse Grinder rupanya Punya Jagoan baru yang disegani Eksistensinya setelah nama Death Vomit paling menyita Perhatian. VENOMED yang terbentuk sejak Tahun 2008 dengan Konsep Thrash Metal mendadak diakhir tahun 2009 berubah menjadi Death Metal Brutal dengan sentuhan Slamming Groovy yang Intense sejak kehadiran Roy Death Vomit duduk di Belakang Drum set pada Formasi terbarunya yang kemudian dilengkapi dengan masuknya Pandu-nya Jebolan brutal Band Populer Jogja juga, Brutal Corpse ! sejak merilis " Split 4 Way Supreme Entry " bersama dengan Defeated Sanity ( Jerman ), Moonfog ( Slovakia ) dan Splattred Orgasm ( Thailand ), Reputasi band ini kian melambung dengan Konsep Musik yang mereka tawarkan sebagai bentuk Dualisme Obsesi baru bagi Drummer Roy Agus lebih dominan menari Groovy ketimbang Part2 yang cepat seperti dirinya di Death Vomit ! Slamming Brutal Death Metal menjadi Senjata baru mematikan penuh dengan hentakan tajam ditengah monotonisme imej slam band ditanah air yang selalu terbaca Progresi typical musiknya. meski tidak dapat melepas dari sentuhan kuat dan tebal in the vein Internal Bleeding, Pyrexia, Suffocation hingga Devourment, racikan Venomed bagi Gw siap menjadi bayang2 rival kuat Bagi Band Satu Genre asal Bandung, Kaluman ! Technically, they play well-executed NY brutal death metal with some hardcore influences. We can find a varied range of speed in this work, groovy slow heavy parts, mid-paced to fast sections, and even some furious fast blasting. Songwritting and riffing is quite good, although there're some simple (but not bad) riffs here and there, and solid song structures. Seperti menjadi Taruhan perkembangan Pesat sejak 2 materi sebelumnya kali Venomed mencoba sematang dewasa dan matang menanamkan kekuatan dasyat Brutal Slamming Death Metal yang Intens awesome !! ditunjang dengan Kualitas rekaman yang Mantap sehingga akan sangat dimanjakan sekali kita dengan sentuhan Slamming yang mematikan !! diawali dengan Foreplay Track " Helltro ", telinga dan degup jantung kita belum merasakan adrenalin yang begitu membakar selain Pelemasan Otot Leher kepala kita untuk melakukan Headbang sebelum dihadapkan dengan sajian Utama " Victim, Supreme Brutality " yang selanjutnya bakal mencincang Biji peler kita dengan hentakan Hyperblast mantap yang tersambung dengan hentakan slam Breakdown part simple lumayan meredam brutalisme Venomed yang selalu didominasi dengan Intensitas Low Level yang siap memenuhi Ruang Dengar Gw. where the groovy hardcore influences are more recognizable, even becoming the band's landmark Insanity ! tidak terlalu menawarkan part yang Bertele tele, Venomed cukup simple mengemasnya dengan Hentakan yang Ciamik. " Worm in Throat " menendang awal dengan Hentakan rapat twin pedal yang terdengar hentakan sound Recordingnya rada berbeda dengan Track sebelumnya, tapi ini adalah track yang lebih mengandalkan speed dominan Hyperblasting ! I appreciate the lack of click-clacky trigger happy kicks. meski dipenuhi dengan part yang cepat, namun jangan kuatir kalo Venomed masih menyisakan Beberapa Groovy Part berikutnya untuk mendinginkan suasana. " Pedjah Gesank " Masih menjadi Track Andalan Band dengan komposisi musik yang menarik pula, kental dan kaya ketukan slamming yang Awesome strukturnya seperti halnya " Jelaga Pembakaran " masih menekankan ritme slam Groovy yang selanjutnya mampu terus menggoyang Adrenalin kita untuk Slam Headbang Party ! lots of guttural, somewhat burping growls. There's also a constant procession of start/stop chug riffs over double bass that all sound pretty much exactly like each other. memang Gw rasakan Jikalau karakteristik Growling Vokalis Pandu banyak berubah jika Gw bandingkan dengan Caranya bernyanyi era di Brutal Corpse, disini lebih menekan Emosional growl yang dalem lebih sinkron dengan karakter bermusik Venomed sendiri bersama 10 Track yang disudahi dengan Cover version lawas " Suicide " milik Brutal Corpse yang lebih menjadi Komposisi kian Intens saja dengan sentuhan barunya sekaligus telah menjadi Track Anthemic untuk In Memoriam Brutal Corpse, jelas ini semakin melengkapi saja kesadisan Full album pertama yang menjadi Sejarah pertama Venomed kian eksis bertaring di Kancah Death Metal Nusantara. Sebuah Rekomendasi Bagus untuk kalian Penikmat Sejati Gaya Slamming Brutal Death Metal yang lebih Bagus dan Berbobot tanpa meninggalkan Kesan Boring Sedikitpun. At times he might sound a little cheesy, though. I really don't like to listen to this album through headphones, due largely to the awful guitar tone. It's great fun blasting this bad boy out of some speakers, though. The production does strike me as being quite up to par for a Slamming Brutal death metal album. BUY OR SLAM !!!!
Jogjakarta Corpse Grinder Got a new champ apparently respected Existence after Death Vomit name most unnecessary attention . VENOMED formed since 2008 with the concept of Thrash Metal abrupt end in 2009 turned into Brutal Death Metal with a touch of Groovy Slamming the Intense since the presence of Roy Death Vomit sitting on Formation Rear Drum sets are then equipped with the latest entry of his Scout Dropout brutal Popular Band also Jogja , Brutal Corpse ! since the release of " 4 Way Split Entry Supreme " along with Defeated Sanity ( Germany ) , Moonfog ( Slovakia ) and Splattred Orgasm ( Thailand ) , becoming the band's reputation soar with the concept of music that they offer as a form of dualism new obsession for Drummer Roy Agus more dominant Groovy dancing Part2 rapid than like him in Death Vomit ! Slamming Brutal Death Metal to be filled with deadly new weapons amid a sharp snap slam monotonisme band image in this country who always read Progression typical music . can not even take off from a touch stronger and thicker in the vein Internal Bleeding , Pyrexia , Suffocation up Devourment , Venomed concoction for Gw ready to be a strong rival bayang2 Genre For The Band from Bandung , Kaluman ! Technically , they play well - executed NY brutal death metal with some hardcore Influences . We can find a varied range of speed in this work , groovy slow parts heavy , mid - paced to fast sections , and even some fast furious blasting . Songwritting and riffing is quite good , although there're some simple ( but not bad ) riffs here and there , and solid song structures . Bet like a Rapid developments since the 2 previous material times Venomed try as mature adults and mature embed terrible power Slamming Brutal Death Metal Intense awesome ! ! supported by the recording quality is very steady so it will be completely spoiled us with a deadly touch Slamming ! ! Foreplay begins with Track " Helltro " , ears and heart rate we have not felt the adrenaline is so burning muscle relaxation neck than our heads to do Headbang before confronted with the main dish " Victim , Supreme Brutality " which in turn would mutilate Seeds Hyperblast peler us with a steady beat which is connected with the beat slam Breakdown fairly simple part Venomed dampen brutality that is always dominated by the intensity that is ready to meet the Low Level Hearing room Gw . where the groovy hardcore Influences are more recognizable , even becoming the band 's landmark Insanity ! not too offer spare tele Bertele , Venomed quite simple pack with the beat of the good . " Worm in Throat " kick start pedal twin meeting with the beat pounding sound is heard recordingnya A somewhat different to the previous track , but this is a track that relies on speed dominant hyperblasting ! I appreciate the lack of click - happy trigger clacky kicks . though filled with a fast part , but do not worry if Venomed still leaves a few Groovy Part next to cool the atmosphere . " Pedjah Gesank " Still a Mainstay Track Band with musical compositions that draw well , thick and rich Awesome beats slamming a structure like the " Soot Combustion " still emphasize rhythm slam Groovy hereinafter able to continue to shake up our adrenaline to Headbang Slam Party! lots of guttural , somewhat burping growls . There 's also a constant procession of start / stop Chug over double bass riffs that all sound pretty much exactly like each other . If the characteristic is Gw feel Growling Vocalist Pandu change much if Gw compare with singing trick in the era Corpse Brutal , here is more pressing emotional growl more in sync with the palace Venomed own musical character with 10 Track Cover quits with older version " Suicide " belongs Brutal Corpse become increasingly more intense composition course with a touch of new well has become anthemic for in Memoriam Track Brutal Corpse , the more complete it is obvious sadism first full-length album which became the first History Venomed increasingly exist in the arena fanged Death Metal Nusantara . A Good Recommendation for you Connoisseurs True Style Slamming Brutal Death Metal is more Good and Boring Weighing without leaving the slightest impression . At times he might sound a little cheesy , though . I really do not like to listen to this album through headphones , largely due to the awful guitar tone . It's great fun blasting this bad boy out of some speakers , though . The production does strike me as being quite up to par for a Slamming Brutal death metal album . BUY OR SLAM ! ! ! !
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