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Decrepancy - Paralyzed Will 2012

Decrepancy - Paralyzed Will
No Label Records CD 2012

01 The God Forbid 05:27      
02 Paralyzed Will 05:27      
03 Cryptic Torment 05:37      
04 Sanity Pollution 05:43    
05 Dead Again (The Son Of God and Men) 05:04      
06 Forced to Believe 04:49      
07 Call to Arms (from the Ancient Times) 03:52      
08 Silent Armageddon 06:29

Marko Radenkovic - Bass
Andrija Marovic - Guitars
Igor Nikolic "Gizma" - Vocals
Dusan Milosevic - drums
Marko Cvetkovic - Guitar

Disaat semua band berlomba memainkan Konsep Death Metal yang cepat dan Brutal, ternyata masih ada angan terbesit beberapa musisi metal ingin tetap konsis dan idealis memainkan konsep root Death Metal bergaya Klasik, sebuah konsep death metal yang jauh lebih simple dan membawa kesan enjoy bagi band, hal ini juga tengah dilakukan oleh Band asal Jagodina, Serbia yang eksis sejak tahun 2004. Serbia adalah sebuah negara republik di tenggara dan pusat Eropa. Pada 2003 hingga 2006, Serbia bergabung dengan Montenegro dalam suatu persemakmuran yang dinamakan Uni Negara Serbia dan Montenegro dengan ibukota negara Belgrade. Serbia berbatasan dengan Hungaria di utara; Romania dan Bulgaria di timur; Republik Makedonia dan Albania di selatan; dan Montenegro, Kroasia, dan Bosnia-Herzegovina di sebelah barat. ternyata menyimpan juga sebuah band berpotensi yang tidak begitu terekspos, Decrepancy ! saat ini masih menyisakan frontman orisinil, Vokalis Igor Nikolic "Gizma", dan Gitaris Andrija Marovic tetap terus eksis menghidupkan nafas band dan melahirkan karya2 bernuansa Old School Death metal style dengan Modern sound, mungkin bagi yang merasa penasaran seperti konsep apakah band ini mainkan, gw bisa sedikit menggambarkan Konsep Musik Decrepancy ini adalah Kolaborasi gaya Death Metal klasik Pestilence, Morgoth, Death, Immolation, Gorguts, Benediction, Demilich, Obituary dengan sentuhan Sound yang lebih modern. jadi jangan pernah berharap jikalau Band ini akan memainkan konsep musik yang meledak ledak ! sebelum melepas Debut Full CD yang digarap di Wild Cat Studio ini, Decrepancy lebih dulu mengenalkan Promo CD ditahun 2010, dan kemudian menarik perhatian Label Metal eksis bermarkas di Surabaya Jawa Timur Indonesia untuk merilis CD pertama ini yang dimulai dengan track " The God Forbid ", Konsep Old School Death Metal Riffing sudah begitu kental terdengar dengan ketukan nada standard yang so pasti akan mengajak kita untuk Headbanging ! mulai dari standard hingga slow beat menjadi karakter yang memorable untuk Perkembangan Death Metal era 90-an. Gaya Pattern Grunting Growl Vokalis Igor juga masih renyah bergaya Klasik mengingatkan dengan gaya Ian Tracey-nya Benediction era Ep " Dark Is The Season ". This is another way of saying that while they weren't the best players, they were solid and competent and knew how to write good, crushing death metal straight no chaser, and it worked. memang ga membutuhkan konsentrasi Khusus untuk mendengarkan materi Decrepancy ini selain kesan Rilex dan suasana Adem ayem sambil terus headbang menikmati nuansa death metal-nya. In the midsection, it slows down again for more doomage. It certainly gets you headbanging! kemudian " Paralyzed Will " malah menampilkan gaya Sludging Doomy pada awal track-nya mengingatkan dengan Karakter Khas Obituary Banget, dan setelah itu ada beberapa Blastbeat Drumming Standard menciptakan kesan Cadas-nya, dan setelah itu, Headbanging part tetap adalah Ornamen utama Decrepancy. setelah itu masih menyambung track ke-2, track " Cryptic Torment " tetap memiliki Struktur musikalitas yang ga jauh berbeda. " Sanity Pollution " terdengar lebih cepat pada Part awalnya dengan hentakan blastbeat snare, menjadikan track ini Extreme abis ! dan yang menjadi Track Faforite Gw adalah " Dead Again (The Son Of God and Men) " memiliki komposisi musik yang lebih menarik dari sebelumnya, It builds nicely with a chugga-chugga riff, then adds a palm muted melody over it before going into a skank and Extreme beat. The music however, although still heavily Death influenced, was slighty more European in terms of using a fairly larger amount of polka ‘punk’ drums. The songs themselves were uptempo catchy death metal and at that point in time problably the best pure death metal. total 8 lagu berdurasi total 00:42:27 kita akan ditarik bernostalgia dengan era keemasan perkembangan Death Metal Era 90-an. So buat kalian yang mulai merasa jenuh digempur dengan Konsep beat cepat dan meledak ledak akan sedikit dimanjakan dengan Konsep Decrepancy ini. hadir dengan sound yang Clean dan Cool semakin dimanjakan juga Indera dengar kita. Pure Death Metal Still Alive !!!

While all competing bands playing Death Metal Concepts, fast and brutal, there was still dreaming terbesit some metal musicians want to remain consistent and idealistic concepts of root Death Metal play Classical style, a concept that death metal is much more simple and enjoy the band take effect, it is also being conducted by the Band from Jagodina, Serbia which exists since 2004. Serbia is a republic in southeastern and central Europe. In 2003 to 2006, Serbia joined with Montenegro in a commonwealth called the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro to the nation's capital Belgrade. Serbia borders Hungary to the north; Romania and Bulgaria to the east; Republic of Macedonia and Albania to the south, and Montenegro, Croatia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina on the west. also turned out to save a band that is not so potentially exposed, Decrepancy! while it still leaves the original frontman, vocalist Igor Nikolic "Gizma", and guitarist Andrija Marovic still continue to exist and bear band breath turn karya2 nuanced Old School Death Metal style with a modern sound, it might be curious as to the concept of what the band played, gw Music can be a little Decrepancy illustrate this concept is the classic death metal style collaboration Pestilence, Morgoth, Death, Immolation, Gorguts, Benediction, Demilich, Sound Obituary with more modern touches. so do not ever expect if The band will play music concept explosive! before removing Debut Full CD that worked on Wild Cat Studio's, Decrepancy Promo CD first introduced in 2010, and later attracted the attention of Metal Labels exist headquartered in Surabaya East Java Indonesia for the first CD release, which began with the track "The God forbid", The concept of Old School Death Metal riffing is so thick tone sounds with beats so standard that will surely bring us to headbanging! ranging from the standard to the slow beat a memorable character for the development of death metal era of the 90s. Grunting Pattern Growl style vocalist Igor is still crisp classic style reminiscent of the style of Ian Tracey his era Benediction Ep "Dark Is The Season". This is another way of saying that while they were not the best players, they were solid and competent and knew how to write good, crushing death metal straight no chaser, and it worked. ga does require special concentration to listen to this in addition to impression material Decrepancy Rilex and Adem calm atmosphere while continuing to headbang enjoying the feel of his death metal. In the midsection, it Slows down again for more doomage. It certainly gets you headbanging! then "Paralyzed Will" instead Sludging doomy style of his early tracks reminiscent of the typical character Obituary Banget, and after that there was some Blastbeat Drumming Rocks Standard creates the impression of her, and after that, headbanging part still is primary ornament Decrepancy. after that still connect the second track, the track "Cryptic Torment" still has a structure very different ga musicality. "Sanity Pollution" sounds more quickly in the beginning with Part blastbeat snare beat, this track makes Extreme abis! and the Track Faforite Gw is "Dead Again (The Son Of God and Men)" has a musical composition more interesting than before, It builds nicely with a chugga-chugga riff, then adds a palm muted melody over it before going into a Skank and Extreme beat. The music however, although still heavily influenced Death, was slighty more European in terms of using a fairly larger amount of polka 'punk' drums. The songs were uptempo Themselves catchy death metal and at that point in time problably the best pure death metal. total 8 tracks in total length 00:42:27 we will be drawn to reminisce with the golden era of the development of Death Metal Era of the 90s. So for those of you who begin to feel bored with the concept battered beat fast and explosive would be a bit spoiled with this Decrepancy concept. comes with a Clean and Cool sound getting pampered also our sense of hearing. Pure Death Metal Still Alive!!!

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