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Illusoria - Illusory World 2013

Illusoria - Illusory World
Self Released CD 2013

01 Clandestine Lovestory 06:23    
02 White Light 05:02      
03 300 - Side by Side 05:42    
04 Icarus - Rise High 03:57    
05 Ray of Hope 05:00    
06 Illusory World 06:44    
07 Black Sails 04:11    
08 Snow White 05:21

Vincent Bechthold - Drums
Falko Schulze - Guitars, Vocals
Michael Raible - Keyboards, Vocals
Eva Kreuzer - Vocals

Menikmati suasana yang lebih fresh dengan sajian yang memekakkan sebelumnya, kayaknya gw butuh angin segar untuk menikmati genre menarik faforite gw hehehe, Symphonic/Power Metal dengan Balutan kental gaya Melodius dandanan khas dari konsep yang dimainkan oleh Sonata Arctica, Nightwish, Epica, Kamelot, hingga Oratory mungkin bisa gw tangkap kesan pertama kalinya diband ini yang menempatkan Female Fronted sebagai icon Karakter Musikal band-nya. ILLUSORIA, band Symphonic/Melodic Power Metal asal Rockenberg, Hesse, Jerman meskipun masih terhitung Newcomer ini telah menunjukkan bakat hebatnya bermain musik ini. yang tentunya menarik perhatian gw adalah penampilan powerfully female vokalis Eva Kreuzer tentu Illusoria ini bukan karir pertamanya berolah vokal enerjik, sebelumnya sudah dikenal main dibeberapa band seperti DreamReaver, A.Death.Experience, Arven, Heresy ( Progressive Thrash/Death Metal Asal Jerman ), dan Misfit ( Melodic Heavy Metal Jerman, dan Bukan Band Punk terkenal asal New Jersey itu loh .ed ), cukup mengantarkan karir berikutnya sebagai Female Vokal Berbakat Next !! karakter vokalnya adalah perpaduan antara gaya bernyanyi Floor Jansen ( Ex. After Forever ), Anette Olzon ( Ex. Nightwish ) dengan gaya Bernyanyi Lita Ford ! powerful female rock voice could easily push the limits of every, leaves a permanent impression with their combination of fast riffs, harmonic keyboard arrangements and fulminating drums. Mystical, historical and fantastic elements unite textual and musical elements to form Illusoria. karena menjadi sesuatu yang tentu menarik disini, makanya langsung gw tulis aja tentang materi perdana karir mereka selang 1 tahun terbentuk, band ini dapat melahirkan karya yang keren !! " Clandestine Lovestory ", Karakteristic Sonata Artica dan Nightwish sedang mengawali Opening Track dengan Sentuhan yang begitu Epic dan Symphonic yang kemudian disambut dengan gaya Vocal Rockin si cantik Eva Kreuzer sudah menampilkan bakatnya tersebut. showed a newfound appetence for simpler more direct songs, more versed in rock structures and catchy choruses than on heavily layered symphonic arrangements and film score atmosphere. Aransemen musik yang lebih cenderung bergaya Middle beat antara konsep metal dengan Rockin masih begitu utuh menjadi penampilan Powerfully. " White Light " bahkan sentuhan lebih menantang gantian drummer Vincent Bechthold dengan Gitaris Falko Schulze lebih terus tertantang lagi dengan Lengkingan Enerjik Eva Kreuzer. although it may strike too simplistic and down to earth for many who try to catch up with it. Bear in mind that this isn’t a complicated concept album in the vein of progressive metal acts, but rather a simple story of the easiness of life’s derailment and all the pain adjacent to those events. This may strike as personal to many and mainstream appealing to many more, but the fact is that this is a mature and pertinent idea and more so a factual event that takes place more often than we would like to think it does. " 300 - Side by Side " terdengar lebih simpel dan Moderat bagaimana sebuah Komposisi musik lebih ditampilkan dengan enerji luar biasa pada Sesi Vokal ! The song revolves around a mid-tempo riff played with this weird distortion on the guitar and soothing piano passages, with the grunts complimenting the theatrical approach given to the lyrical content. The progression by the third minute with the vocal lead is quite enthralling in its delivery and we see a slight return to some of the rhythms found. kemudian pada " Icarus - Rise High ", karakteristik vokal Eva Kreuzer semakin lebih menantang dengan lebih bergaya Rockin banget ala Lita Ford dengan esensi lebih liar berkoar menjiwai setiap bait lagunya. agak sedikit menenangkan enerji mereka, track " Ray of Hope " lebih dihadirkan sebagai Slowly Ballad Track menawan bergaya Gothic Orchestral punya, walau penampilannya harus tidak se Epic Atmosfirnya, track ini mampu mendinginkan suasana berikutnya. sentuhan Power Rock yang lebih Kalem adalah lagu " Illusory World ", banyak mengajak kita kedimensi Epic yang membangkitkan attitude perubahan sikap. showing the characters as more than simple bits of the lyric sheet and instead transposing them to the music and showing them directly to the listener. The duality of vocals is now more than beauty meets beast. lalu " Black Sails " lebih menekankan balutan Folky lengkap dengan instrumen akordian yang Kental mengingatkan gw dengan gayanya Koorpiklani sekali, sebuah komponen track berbeda dari lainnya cukup apik ditampilkan dengan Middle Growling Vokal dan sentuhan Melodius part seperti yang dimainkan oleh Ensiferum ! dan Track Terakhir adalah " Snow White " menutup performa penampilan mereka dialbum perdana yang menurut gw ini cukup untuk menjadi teman setia pas posisi Bete sekalipun, sayatan aroma Epic nan melodius memang menjadi kekuatan tersendiri untuk Illusoria berkarya dimateri berikutnya. is it the most impressive concept album ever, but it also doesn’t fall into the other side of the spectrum by being an over the top or even pretentious attempt on something great. It lies somewhere in a middle ground where it is clearly an attempt at a complex idea that works most of the time, but ends up lacking on some points. And as I said above, given the sensitive nature of its concept it isn’t something you’ll be able to enjoy every day, as this story feels all too real and feasible to be experienced firsthand on a daily basis. It does have enough musical value to warrant a decent amount of exposure.

Enjoy more fresh atmosphere with deafening dish before, I think i need a breath of fresh air to enjoy the exciting genre faforite gw hehehe, Symphonic / Power Metal with a thick bandage style melodic ornamentation typical of the concepts being played by Sonata Arctica, Nightwish, Epica, Kamelot, to Oratory may be the first time i caught diband impression is that places an icon Female Fronted Character Love her band. Illusoria, band Symphonic / Melodic Power Metal Rockenberg origin, Hesse, Germany although still comparatively Newcomer has shown great talent playing this music. which of course attracted the attention of me is powerfully appearance female vocalist Eva Kreuzer's certainly not the first career Illusoria exercise energetic vocals, formerly known as DreamReaver played in several bands, A.Death.Experience, Arven, Heresy (Progressive Thrash / Death Metal Origin Germany), and Misfit (Melodic Heavy Metal Germany, and not well-known punk band from New Jersey that loh. ed), enough to deliver the next career as a Talented Female Vocal Next!! vocal character singing style is a blend of Floor Jansen (After Forever Ex.), Anette Olzon (Nightwish Ex.) Lita Ford singing style! powerful female rock voice Easily could push the limits of every, leaves a permanent impression with their combination of fast riffs, harmonic keyboard arrangements and fulminating drums. Mystical, historical and fantastic elements unite textual and musical elements to form Illusoria. because that would be something interesting here, so immediately I wrote wrote about their career prime material 1-year interval is formed, the band was able to give birth to works that cool!! "Clandestine Lovestory", Karakteristic Nightwish and Sonata Artica Opening Track are starting to touch so Epic and Symphonic were then greeted with the beautiful style of Vocal Rockin Eva Kreuzer is already showing his talent. Showed A Newfound appetence for more direct songs Simpler, more versed in rock structures and catchy choruses than on Heavily layered symphonic film score arrangements and atmosphere. Musical arrangements are more likely to beat the Middle stylish metal concept with Rockin still so intact into Powerfully appearance. "White Light" even a touch more challenging turns drummer to guitarist Vincent Bechthold Falko Schulze constantly challenged over again with a shriek of Energetic Eva Kreuzer. although it may strike too simplistic and down to earth for many who try to catch up with it. Bear in mind that this is not a complicated concept album in the vein of progressive metal acts, but rather a simple story of the easiness of life's derailment and all the pain adjacent to those events. This may strike as personal to many mainstream and more appealing to many, but the fact is that this is a mature and pertinent ideas and more so a factual event that takes place Often more than we would like to think it does. "300 - Side by Side" sounds more simple and moderate how a musical composition be displayed with incredible energy on Vocal Session! The song revolves around a mid-tempo riffs played with this weird distortion on the guitar and soothing piano passages, with the grunts complimenting the theatrical approach given to the lyrical content. The progression by the third minute with the lead vocal is quite Enthralling in its delivery and we see a slight return to some of the rhythms found. then on "Icarus - High Rise", Eva Kreuzer vocal characteristics progressively more challenging with more dressy style Lita Ford really Rockin with the essence of wild boasting over animating each stanza song. a little bit of energy to calm them, track "Ray of Hope" Ballad be presented as Slowly Track charming Gothic Orchestral got, though his appearance had not se Epic The atmosphere, this track is able to cool the atmosphere next. Power Rock touch more soft is the song "Illusory World", we invite many other Epic dimension attitude that evokes an attitude change. showing the characters as more than simple bits of the lyric sheet and instead transposing them to the music and showing them directly to the listener. The duality of vocals is now more than beauty meets beast. and "Black Sails" more emphasis folky bandage complete with instruments reminiscent Condensed akordian the my with style Koorpiklani once, a different component of the other tracks quite nicely displayed with a touch of Middle Growling vocals and melodic parts as played by Ensiferum! Track and last is "Snow White" shut their performance dialbum inaugural appearance in my opinion is enough to be a loyal friend Bete though fitting position, incision nan Epic melodic scent has become its own power for the next dimateri Illusoria work. is it the most impressive concept album ever, but it also does not fall into the other side of the spectrum by being an over the top or even pretentious attempt on something great. It lies somewhere in a middle ground where it is Clearly an attempt at a complex idea that works most of the time, but ends up lacking on some points. And as I said above, given the sensitive nature of its concept it is not something you'll be Able to enjoy every day, as this story feels all too real and feasible to be experienced firsthand on a daily basis. It does not have enough musical value to warrant a decent amount of exposure.

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