01 Lurking in the Depth 03:39 02 Evidence of Near Death (E.N.D.) 02:39 03 Body Bags for the Gods 03:00 04 Cold Flesh Citadel 03:41 05 The Pulse of Somnambulist 04:04 06 Unearthly Urge to Supremacy 03:37 07 Gore Conspiracy 04:00 08 Amongst Phantom Worlds 04:06 09 Needles of Hypocrisy (Interlude) 01:59 10 Knifed Humility 04:23 11 Taedium Vitae 05:02
Anatoly - Bass Igor Filimontsev - Vocals Dmitry - Guitars Anton - Guitars Evgeny - Drums
Apa Khabarnya band Brutal Death Metal dengan sentuhan Slamming yang Intense Mengerikan asal Moscow, Russia KATALEPSY? karyanya memang memang menghebohkan lewat " Musick Brings Injuries " tahun 2007 lalu, band ini menjadi semakin solid dan melambung namanya di genre Slamming yang saat ini mulai digemari oleh Fans Death Metal. Ep " Triumph of Evilution " tahun 2008 menjadi amunisi selanjutnya yang kemudian menjadi materi Split bareng Blunt Force Trauma dan Fleshrot, kemudian demo " Your Fear Is Our Inhabitancy " tahun 2010 mengantar mereka kontrak kerja sama dengan Mega Brutal Label Unique Leader Records dan setelah cukup lama menunggu akhirnya 8 Januari 2013 menjadi masa akhir penantian mereka untuk kembali menebarkan Virus Dasyat mega brutal-nya ! Severely down-tuned guitars riding atop a foundation of warm, heavy, audible bass interact with clear, varied, and sensationally pounding drums. Similarly, the singer delivers low growls, gutturals, and similarly low screams that retain discernible lyrics, skilled vocal patterns, and timing that blend seamlessly with the rest of the band's music. Yeahh the Mega Brutality for 2013 from Moscow !!! penggarapan maksimal materi ini dikerjakan Habis2 an di Cosmos Studio & SFC Studio bareng Enjiner Serge Penzensky yang juga pernah menangani albumnya Band Brutal Death Metal Russia Juga, Ossuary Anex, selain itu juga ditangani oleh Enjiner Arkady Navaho, Gitaris band Obstetrical Palsy dan Thron menangani Mixing dan mastering album Gress Katalepsy ini bersama Serge Levochkin, sehingga memang nyata Ending Materi ini benar2 maksimal hasilnya menggampar muka para metal poser !! amazing distortion, and the selection of amps used in the recording deliver a relentless, live-like tornado of thunder and chainsaws. The guitar sustain is otherworldly. The aforementioned warm bass guitar can be heard often outside the boundary of its main role as a viable, sheer force in the mix. The drum kit has a wide range of cymbals and other percussion; perfect snare, quality toms, and kick-drum sound. It's all spot on. Despite a dominant sound wall and all instruments seemingly turned , the mix keeps everything crystal clear, yet crunchy and distorted in just the right dosages. begitu gw play nih CD pada track pertama " Lurking in the Depth ", tanpa banyak basa basi yang terjadi, serangan membabi Buta Hyperblasting dominasi menjadi suguhan utama Katalepsy untuk menyiksa Indera dengar Gw ! Oh My Godz !!! All the components of this band make up a machine that stomps, slams, kicks, and bludgeons the listener constantly. Some songs tactically break into timely, head-banging passages which musically describe some of the best slams imaginable. There are furious blast-beats, awesome double-bass work and crashing cymbals. Prevailing guitars deliver creative harmonics, competent soloing, and all that, but what causes me to listen over and over again to this album are the absolutely crushing guitars. Sure, anyone's favorite fix of chunking, technical string-skipping brutality; breaks, and squeals will be found, but the band also knows how to ride notes out just the right duration to provide a feeling of sheer power along with a technical brutal death meshing that one must only hear to admire. dan memang bagi gw ada yang membedakan materi kali ini jika dibandingkan dengan CD pertama mereka yang lebih Kental Nuansa Brutal Death Metal Slamming-nya, kekuatan dasyat Pendahulunya seperti Devourment, Abominable Putridity hingga Suffocation masih begitu terasa Kental, namun dimateri baru ini, Katalepsy lebih terkesan ngebut lagi dengan siksaannya bersentuhan Modern style. permainan Drummer Evgeny memang lebih powerfully untuk menghentakkan Pukulan Dasyatnya ! dan duet maut permainan Gitaris Dmitry dan Anton memang sebuah Kolaborasi liar yang mantap meluapkan ekspresi Skill sintingnya ! This is a regularly demonstrated skill: holding forceful notes and letting the outrageous power of the band's bass and dual guitars shine like an aircraft light in a dark cave. It's prevalent on the album and done, at times, in a way that's fairly unique to the genre. It's a trait you might find on a Dismember or Hail Of Bullets album rather than a brutal death/slam album like this one. The enhancement of many riffs using this method subtly among other blinding guitar parts gives a lot of body and depth to the guitar work and overall sound. The technicality of the album's more brutal side and those power strains are creative and diverse enough to push this band way above many other bands in this style, but something else shows up, too: groove. teknik Picking dan Tremolo Riff mengejutkan menjadi pertarungan sengit ditengah gempuran membara Halilintar dasyat ! dan sentuhan slamming Death Metal-nya saat ini lebih terkesan Modern Style dan lebih mengarah ke Sentuhan Deathcore groovy in the Vein All Shall Perish ? Not groove-metal groove, no. No. No. No. These are heavy, slamming, brutal grooves you can headbang to that find their way in to provide great relief for the technical parts around them. It's masterful . You get complex brutal death riffs, grooves, and slams in perfect balance. dengan Komposisi Musik yang semakin matang dan menarik, bakalan kita rasakan sendiri siksaan kejam 11 Track berdurasi total 40:10, jangan lupa simak raungan growling tajam Vokalis baru Band ini, Igor Filimontsev yang gw kenal juga maen di band Brutal Death Metal Russia, Big End Bolt sempat dituduh menjadi salah satu kontroversi bergesernya Konsep Musikalitas Katalepsy lebih cenderung ke Gaya Europa Brutal death Metal in the Vein Hour Of Penance, Hideous Divinity, Aborted dengan sentuhan Blastbeat ngebut ala Hate Eternal serta Deathcore-nya All Shall Perish ! biarpun lebih terdengar Style Death Metal Style, sentuhan2 mengagumkan pada Komposisi Musikalitasnya memang tetap Jempolan apalagi didukung dengan Kualitas sound yang Killer, jadilah ini The Best Masterpiece terbaik dari Russian Scene ! Artwork Kover karya seniman Vladimir Chebakov atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai W. Smerdulak langganan beberapa Musisi Death Metal Russia kini gunakan jasanya untuk merias cantik artwork Album Gress Katalepsy ini. However, it's not at all that simple. While the prevailing formula might contain many of the same elements, the band's songs are complexly crafted in transitions from riff to riff and contain a multitude of changes, setups to other riffs, and tempo differences. The use of energy and totally frenetic passages, frequent breaks, and diverse riffing under simpler constructs provides new things to hear upon each re-listen to the album. Sickly riffs and putrid notes of the most slam-oriented nature are ever-present, yet intermingled properly enough that a comfortable, power-chorded and tremolo-picked sound still keeps things moving. Frequents rests and breaks add jump-stop adrenaline. There are climactic slams and subtle hooks, but the pleasantly overbearing, pounding rhythm is pervasive. There aren't endless arpeggios and technical wankery. This album won't be confused with tech death, but it is brutally technical and interesting. Every song contains its own well-written structure, an abundance of killer new riffs, and not a single track on the album is lacking. Suguhan Wajib untuk Fans Hingar Bingarnya brutalisme Kondusif dengan Cita rasa Meledak ledak, THIS IN ONLY FOR YOU !!! BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!
What khabarnya Brutal Death Metal band with a touch of the Intense Terrible origin slamming Moscow, Russia KATALEPSY? His work was horrendous pass "Musick Brings Injuries" in 2007, the band became more solid and bounced his name in the genre began slamming the currently favored by Death Metal Fans. Ep "Triumph of Evilution" in 2008 to further ammunition which later became the material with Blunt Force Trauma Split and Fleshrot, then demo "Your Fear Is Our Inhabitancy" in 2010 brought them a cooperation contract with Mega Brutal label Unique Leader Records, and after a long time wait ended January 8, 2013 to the end of their wait to get back terrible virus spread his mega brutal! Severely down-tuned guitars riding atop a foundation of warm, heavy, audible bass interact with clear, varied, and sensationally pounding drums. Similarly, the singer delivers low growls, gutturals, and similarly low screams that retain discernible lyrics, skilled vocal patterns, and timing that blend seamlessly with the rest of the band's music. Yeahh the Mega Brutality for 2013 from Moscow!!! This material maximum cultivation Habis2 done an SFC at Cosmos Studio & Studio Engineer with Serge Penzensky who also handles the album Brutal Death Metal Band Also Russia, Ossuary Anex, but it is also handled by the Engineer Arkady Navaho, guitarist and Thron handle obstetrical palsy and Mixing Gress Katalepsy mastering this album with Serge Levochkin, so this material is real Ending benar2 menggampar face the maximum results metal poser! amazing distortion, and the selection of amps used in the recording deliver a Relentless, live-like tornado of thunder and chainsaws. The guitar sustain is otherworldly. The aforementioned warm bass guitar can be heard outside the boundary of Often playing its role as a viable, sheer force in the mix. The drum kit has a wide range of cymbals and other percussion; perfect snare, toms quality, and kick-drum sound. It's all spot on. Despite a dominant sound wall and seemingly turned all instruments, the mix keeps everything crystal clear, yet crunchy and distorted in just the right dosages. so ya i play the first track on the CD "lurking in the Depth", without many strings attached that happens, indiscriminate attack Blind Hyperblasting a major treat Katalepsy dominance to torture Indera hear Gw! Oh My Godz!!! All the components of this band make up a machine that stomps, slams, kicks, and bludgeons the listener constantly. Some songs tactically break into timely, head-banging passages roomates musically describe some of the best slams imaginable. There are furious blast-beats, awesome double-bass work and crashing cymbals. Prevailing guitars harmonics deliver creative, competent soloing, and all that, but what causes me to listen over and over again to this album are the absolutely crushing guitars. Sure, anyone's favorite fix of chunking, technical string-skipping Brutality; breaks, and squeals will be found, but the band also knows how to ride pad out just the right duration to provide a feeling of sheer power along with a technical brutal death meshing that one must only hear to admire. and indeed for the gw is nothing to distinguish the material this time when compared to the first CD is more viscous Nuance Brutal Death Metal slamming her, terrible forces predecessor as Devourment, Abominable Putridity to Suffocation still so pronounced Lumpy, but this new dimateri, Katalepsy more impressed speeding again to torment touch Modern style. Evgeny Drummer games are more powerfully to stomp dasyatnya Punch! and the deadly duo guitarist Dmitry games and Anton is a steady bubbling wild Collaboration Skill expression insane! This is a skill demonstrated Regularly: Forceful holding notes and letting the outrageous power of the band's bass and dual guitars shine like an aircraft light in a dark cave. It's prevalent on the album and done, at times, in a way that's fairly unique to the genre. It's a trait you might find on a Dismember or Hail Of Bullets album rather than a brutal death / slam albums like this one. The enhancement of many riffs subtly using this method among other blinding guitar parts gives a lot of body and depth to the guitar work and overall sound. The technicality of the album's more brutal side power and those strains are creative and diverse enough to push this band way above many other bands in this style, but something else shows up, too: groove. techniques and Tremolo Picking Riff surprise amid a fierce battle smoldering lightning strikes terrible! and a touch of Death Metal slamming her today more and more impressed Modern Style leads to deathcore groovy touch in the All Shall Perish Vein? Not groove-metal groove, no. No. No. No. These are heavy, slamming, brutal grooves that you can headbang to find their way in to provide great relief for the technical parts around them. It's Masterful. You get complex brutal death riffs, grooves, and slams in perfect balance. Music Composition with a more mature and attractive, we are going to experience yourself cruel torture total length 40:10 Track 11, do not forget to consider the growling roar sharp new band vocalist, Igor Filimontsev which i know also maen Brutal Death Metal band in Russia, Big End Bolt was accused of being one of the controversial concept of musicality Katalepsy shift is more likely to force Europa Brutal Death Metal in the vein Hour Of Penance, Hideous Divinity, Aborted with a touch of style Blastbeat speeding deathcore Hate Eternal and All Shall Perish he! even more audible Style Death Metal Style, sentuhan2 Musikalitasnya marvelous composition is fixed at Topnotch especially backed with a Killer sound quality, be it The Best Masterpiece best of Russian Scene! Coverage Artwork by artist Vladimir Chebakov or better known as W. Smerdulak subscriptions some Death Metal Musicians Russia is now using his services for beautiful makeup Katalepsy Gress's album artwork. However, it's not at all that simple. While the prevailing formula might Contain many of the same elements, the band's songs are complexly crafted in transitions from riff to riff and Contain a multitude of changes, setups to other riffs, and tempo differences. The use of energy and totally frenetic passages, frequent breaks, and diverse riffing provides new under simpler constructs of things to hear upon each re-listen to the album. Sickly daughter riffs and notes of the most slam-oriented nature are ever-present, yet intermingled properly enough that a comfortable, power-chorded and tremolo-picked sound still keeps moving Things. Frequents rests and breaks add jump-stop adrenaline. There are climactic slams and subtle hooks, but the pleasantly overbearing, pounding rhythm is pervasive. There are not endless arpeggios and technical wankery. This album will not be confused with tech death, but it is brutally technical and interesting. Every song contains its own well-written structure, an abundance of new killer riffs, and not a single track on the album is lacking. Mandatory treat for fans frenzied brutality Bingarnya Poised to Explode explosive flavor, THIS IN ONLY FOR YOU!!! BUY OR DIE!!!!!!!!!
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