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Scent of Death - Of Martyrs’s Agony and Hate 2012

Scent of Death - Of Martyrs’s Agony and Hate
Pathologically Explicit Recordings CD 2012

01 Awakening of the Liar 05:59      
02 The Enemy of My Enemy 04:29      
03 Ego Te Provoco 05:37      
04 Feeling the Fear 03:20      
05 A Simple Twist of Fate 04:21      
06 Man Kills, God Too 04:40      
07 The Fathers's Sins 03:59      
08 The Sleeper Must Awake 02:47    
09 Sear Me in a Sea of Snakes 04:11

Carlos F. Caballo - Bass
Rolando Barros - Drums
Sergio M. Afonzo - Vocals
Bernardo Estévez - Guitars
Jorge F. Taboada - Guitars

Cukup dikenal namanya lewat Debutan Ep " Entangled in Hate " tahun 2002 disusul oleh CD pertama " Woven in the Book of Hate " tahun 2005, band Teknical Brutal Death metal asli Ourense, Galicia, Spanyol yang eksis sejak tahun 1998 ini namanya juga membahana di era kemunculannya sebagai salah satu band yang paling banyak dibicarakan dari Spanyol Scene dan Buktinya Kehadiran Materi baru mereka ini menjadi salah satu penantian panjang fans Scent Of Death ! terkenal dengan memadukan gaya bermain Suffocation, Behemoth serta Morbid Angel, band ini banyak menambahkan bumbu cadas pada setiap lekuk Musikalitas yang mereka ciptakan. an extremely skilled and technical group following the footprints of the bands mentioned earlier. The riffs themselves are not the most recognizable ones, but as they function with the polyrhythmic drum are bound under great skill and musical sense, yet they, as well as many others, fail to perfect their release in this category crammed full of bands of this kind. This is still quite enjoyable, thanks to the personality each of these players bring here. Desember 2012 menjadi Penantian mereka kembali mengenalkan materi full ke-2 barunya melalui label brutal asal negara mereka yang banyak merilis album Genre Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore    sadis dari penjuru dunia termasuk Indonesia Scene adalah dari Antraks untuk album " Spewing Wrath Blood " Tahun 2010. Perjalanan Formasi Band memang selalu tidak jauh dengan Bongkar pasang-nya, dan Scent Of Death kini menambah 2 Suntikan darah segar dari drummer Rolando Barros yang Gw kenal sepak terjang sebelumnya dibeberapa band seperti Grog, Neoplasmah, Nephtys, The Firstborn, ex-Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, ex-Hordes of Yore, dan ex-Sacred Sin memang telah memberi kekuatan baru bagi band ini sejak bergabung tahun 2011 lalu yang kemudian di ikuti oleh Masuknya Vocalis Sergio Afonso dari band brutal Bleeding Display semakin memberikan Kedasyatan tersendiri bagi band ini untuk semakin kejam melancarkan kedasyatannya. FAST AND DARK BRUTAL DEATH METAL !!! itu yang bisa sekilas gw gambarkan untuk materi album ini, sayatan2 Skill Riffing yang Fenomenal bisa juga kalian rasakan disini, hal ini begitu langsung terasakan pada track pertama " Awakening of the Liar " yang dimulai dengan sebuah Effect Intro selama 45 Detik, kemudian bener2 kita akan dilumatkan dengan hentakan rapat Blastbeat Menggelegar sepanjang komposisi, dideru Brutality beat, Gaya Bermain Riffing Gitaris Bernardo Estévez dan Jorge F. Taboada kerap sekali memainkan Slashing  Euphoric Rythme yang mengingatkan dengan gayanya Nile, Behemoth dan Hate eternal Banget ! yup beberapa Harmonisasi Nada yang terasa Konvensional Karakter-nya bergaya Egyptian style, sehingga jangan terlalu berharap banyak mereka akan memainkan konsep seperti sebelumnya yang Suffocation banget, sentuhan Morbid Angel era " Domination " juga tetap kental terasa disini. coz 2 Gitaris ini memang banyak berguru kepada sosok Trey Azaghtoth, sehingga pengaruh kuatnya serasa otomatis menempel pada Karakter Scent Of Death. sedangkan pattern Vokal Sergio M. Afonzo lebih mengingatkan dengan gaya bernyanyinya Glen Benton-nya Deicide era album2 terdahulunya. He battles on amidst the songs doing his own thing. This is the main point I liked here. Another good aspect are the vocals. They have some higher pitch to emboss them from the mass. You can even discern a part of the words sung. bener2 butuh konsentrasi tersendiri untuk dapat menikmati sensasi cadas nan beringas dari Masterpiece gress band ini dalam 9 lagu berdurasi Total 39:23 tanpa mengenal ampun sedikitpun siksaannya kecuali track " The Sleeper Must Awake " yang selama 02:47 kita masih dikasih kesempatan bernafas lega. pengerjaan album ini ditangani oleh André Tavares, yang juga sukses menggarap albumnya Grog " Scooping the Cranial Insides " tahun 2011 lalu, sementara Enjiner Drummingnya ditangani oleh Hugo Camarinha di Brugo Studio. selain dirilis oleh Pathologically Explicit Recordings dalam format CD, sementara Format kaset Vinyl-nya di rilis oleh Bloody Productions dan distribusi Kawasan Amerika kerja bareng Sevared Records. sebuah sajian mega brutal super ngebut ini memang untuk fans Behemoth, Nile, Morbid Angel hingga Hate eternal tetap menjadi sebuah gempuran yang Ultra mematikan !!

Well known name through debutant Ep "Entangled in Hate" in 2002 followed by the first CD "Woven in the Book of Hate" in 2005, Brutal Death metal band Teknical original Ourense, Galicia, Spain which exists since 1998 this name is also booming era its emergence as one of the most talked about bands of Spanish Scene and Evidence presence of their new material is to be one long wait fans Scent Of Death! known for combining style of play Suffocation, Behemoth and Morbid Angel, the band added a lot of spice to every curve of rock musicality they created. an extremely skilled and technical group following the footprints of the bands Mentioned Earlier. Themselves The riffs are not the most recognizable ones, but as they function with the polyrhythmic drums are bound under great skill and musical sense, yet they, as well as many others, fail to perfect their release in this category crammed full of bands of this kind. This is still quite enjoyable, thanks to the personality of each of these players bring here. Waiting in December 2012 to re-introduce their 2nd full material through his new country of origin labeling brutal their many albums released Genre Brutal Death Metal / Grindcore sadist from around the world including Indonesia Scene is from Anthrax for the album "Blood spewing Wrath" in 2010. Band Formation trip was always away with his Unloading plug and Scent Of Death now adds two injections of fresh blood from a drummer Rolando Barros Gw familiar lunge before in several bands such as Grog, Neoplasmah, Nephtys, the firstborn, ex-Filii Nigrantium Infernalium , ex-Hordes of Yore, and ex-Sacred Sin indeed been given new powers since joining the band in 2011 which was then followed by the entry of Sergio Afonso Vocalis brutal band Bleeding Display provides Kedasyatan the individual for the band to increasingly cruel launch kedasyatannya. FAST AND DARK BRUTAL DEATH METAL!!! it can briefly describe gw for this album material, sayatan2 Phenomenal Skill riffing that you can also feel here, it is so directly felt on the first track "Awakening of the Liar" which begins with an intro Effect for 45 seconds, then we'll bener2 crushed with thunderous pounding Blastbeat meetings throughout the composition, dideru Brutality beat, Play Style riffing guitarist Bernardo Estevez and Jorge F. Taboada often Slashing Euphoric rythme once played a style reminiscent of the Nile, Behemoth and Hate Eternal Banget! yup some harmonization tone of his character feels Conventional style Egyptian style, so do not expect too much they will play like the previous concept really Suffocation, Morbid Angel touches era "Domination" also remains thick felt here. coz second guitarist is a lot to figure Trey Azaghtoth studied, so that the effect seemed to automatically attach to the strong character of Scent Of Death. while the pattern Vocals Sergio M. Afonzo more reminiscent of the style of her singing Glen Benton of Deicide Albums2 previous era. He battles on amidst the songs doing his own thing. This is the main point I liked here. Another good aspect are the vocals. They have some higher pitch to emboss them from the mass. You can even discern a part of the words sung. bener2 own need concentration to enjoy the thrill of ferocious nan rock band Masterpiece gress in 9 tracks 39:23 total length without the slightest merciless torment unless the track "The Sleeper Must Awake" that as long as we are given a 02:47 chance to breathe. the album was handled by André Tavares, who also successfully worked on the album Grog "Scooping the Cranial Insides" in 2011, while Engineer Drummingnya handled by Hugo Camarinha at Brugo Studio. besides Pathologically Explicit Recordings released the CD format, while its Format Vinyl tapes released by Bloody Productions and distribution working together Sevared American Regions Records. a brutal mega super speeding dish is indeed for fans Behemoth, Nile, Hate Eternal, Morbid Angel to remain a deadly onslaught of the Ultra!

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