Cradle of Filth - Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa
Peaceville Records 2010
01 The Cult of Venus Aversa
02 One Foul Step From the Abyss
03 The Nun with the Astral Habit
04 Retreat of the Sacred Heart
05 The Persecution Song
06 Deceiving Eyes
07 Lilith Immaculate
08 The Spawn of Love and War
09 Harlot on a Pedestal
10 Forgive Me Father (I Have Sinned)
11 Beyond the Eleventh Hour
* Limited edition bonus disc:
01 Beast of Extermination
02 Truth and Agony
03 Mistress From the Sucking Pit
04 Behind the Jagged Mountains
" Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa " Menjadi album yang paling Gw nantikan sejak pertama kali Khabar perilisannya dilepas oleh Band Extreme Black/Gothic Metal kenamaan United Kingdom, Cradle Of Filth melalui beberapa Press Rilisannya, akhirnya 1 November 2010 menjadi momentum paling berarti buat Fans band Pimpinan Daniel Lloyd Davey atau lebih kita kenal sebagai " Dani Filth " yang sejak eksis tahun 1991 dalam perjalanan Karirnya hingga kini cuman menyisakan Cowok Multitalenta ini saja. sejak keluarnya mereka dari label sebelumnya, Music For Nation pasca album " Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder " tahun 2008, band ini langsung direkrut oleh Peaceville Records. dan ini juga menjadi penampilan perdana Keyboardis dan Female Vokal Ashley "Ellyllon" Jurgemeyer dari band Orbs & Abigail Williams menggantikan Posisi female Vokal Sarah Jezebel Deva yang mengundurkan diri tahun 2009 karena sedang konsentrasi penuh dengan band-nya, Angtoria. dan sepertinya permainan Ashley "Ellyllon" Jurgemeyer memang patut diperhitungkan diantara beberapa Mantan Keyboardis CoF. dan yang menjadi perhatian gw lagi adalah penampilan Mask-Up Paint Dani yang agak sedikit dirubah menjadi lebih Minimalis dan terkesan Modern Gothic dari kesan menyeramkan sebelumnya, Ok ini gw coba sedikit menggambarkan materi terbaru yang Versi Limited edition bonus disc, dengan tambahan 4 lagu. dimulai dengan " The Cult of Venus Aversa ", sebuah Intro Epic kolosal dengan Khas kehidupan Bangsa Gothic dan Vampire, dibubuhi dengan Orasi seorang wanita, kesan Intronya menjadi lebih Horror yang langsung CoF menerjangnya dengan fast part, dan tentunya nuansa era " Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder " dan " Thornography " begitu masih terasa disini, Evil Melodic Riff dengan Harmonisasi yang gelap terus diselimuti permainan Choir Keyboard sepanjang Struktur Musik sehingga elo bisa tahu sendiri Konsep CoF? Dani Filh sendiri masih tampil Powerfully dengan Multiple Vokalnya membawakan Lirik lirik lagu tentang Dark Erotica, Mythology, dan Legenda, yang semua liriknya telah dipatenkan sebagai Lirik resmi CoF. masih seperti biasa, Liriknya tidak Melakukan Refrain, alias bersatu membentuk sebuah alur cerita dari tema album ini, top !!, Sentuhan Synthesizer Keyboard memang terus menciptakan aroma yang sangat mencekam dalam kegelapannya, track ini berjalan Hitam selama 7:07 menit, lalu disusul oleh " One Foul Step From the Abyss " tetap memiliki Part Mencekam dibagian awalnya, track ini masih menjadi Perjalanan Alur Musik sebelumnya dan seandainya disatukan menjadi satu tetap Sinkron strukturnya. " The Nun with the Astral Habit " gempuran Drummer Martin Škaroupka Aka Marthus tetap dipertahankan Staminanya dengan lebih Powerfully, dan permainan double Gitaris Paul Allender dan James McIlroy tetap memiliki Riff yang penuh dengan Kegelapan yang Jahat. " Retreat of the Sacred Heart " gaya Vokalis Dani memang tetap memiliki Stamina Powerfull dengan gaya Multiple Vokal, bisa elo bayangkan kalo hampir Seluruh komposisi Musik menjadi Pattern Vokal Dani. Blistering Fast Tremolo Riff yang terkadang juga menciptakan Melodic dan solo Part yang saling mengisi perjalanan Musik. " The Persecution Song " Rupanya memberi Ruang bernafas lega setelah gempuran Dasyat Kegelapan abadi, track ini memiliki Komposisi Musik yang Asyik dengan Horrific atmospheric lengkap dengan Melodic Riff yang Cantik. lalu Kekejaman kembali terasakan ditrack Lanjut " Deceiving Eyes " yang beberapa part awal mengundang adrenalin Gw buat Headbang, track ini memiliki beberapa melodic Riff yang keren. " Harlot on a Pedestal " mesti kalian simak Nuansa Megah Kegelapan yang diciptakan oleh Elemen Keyboard, pokoknya di CD pertama ini membutuhkan waktu sekitar 01:02:26 untuk menikmati Kegelapan yang penuh dengan Hawa Jahat yang bangkit dari sebuah Legenda yang masih menjadi Misteri dalam Kehidupan, lalu untuk CD kedua, ada 4 nomor yang memang khusus dirilis secara terbatas dari beberapa lagu cadangan yang tidak masuk di Versi Reguler, 4 lagu yang masih menjadi Episode lanjut dari nafas legenda bagian pertama, jadi elo mesti harus menambahkan waktu buat mendengarkan CD kedua ini, yang jelas Karya CoF selalu Jauh dari kesan membosankan. pengerjaannya selalu dengan sistem yang Profesional untuk menghasilkan The Beast Masterpiece, direkam selama musim semi hingga musim Panas 2010 di Monkey Puzzle House Studio, Woolpit, Suffolk, England dan dimastering di Backstage studios, Sneapy Hollow, Derbyshire, England. dan album ini sendiri di Produseri oleh Scott Atkins, Doug Cook serta Dani Filth sendiri selain sebagai Song Writter Utama, sementara Konsep Musik diserahkan total kesemua anggota CoF, Karena Dani sendiri merasa percaya dengan kemampuan Member pilihannya ini, alhasil inilah Karya Mereka. selain itu, seperti biasanya, Dani juga melibatkan beberapa Penyanyi Choir serta Guest members untuk semakin melengkapi kemegahan Nuansa album baru ini. dan tentunya yang paling akhir adalah Pihak label secara Ekslusif harus mengucurkan banyak Finansial untuk Promosi dasyat Kepopuleran CoF dengan berbagai Merchandise untuk yang terbaik bagi Fans, ga heran aja kalo Album ini Laku Keras dan Menembus tanggal lagu 100 Billboard sebagai album terlaris 2010. so buat CoF Fans Die Hard, so pasti tidak bakalan melewatkan debut baru Raksasa Metal terkenal dari UK ini. jangan lupa juga untuk lihat sendiri promo Video clip album ini yang menjagokan lagu " Forgive Me Father (I Have Sinned) " sebagai Promo lagu Andalan.
"Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa" Being the album's most I'm forward to its release since it was first released by the band Extreme Black / Gothic Metal renowned United Kingdom, Cradle Of Filth through some Release Press, 1 November 2010 finally became the most significant momentum for the band Fans Chairman Daniel Lloyd Davey or better known as "Dani Filth" which existed since 1991 in the course of his career until now only leaving this multitalented guy alone. since their discharge from the previous label, Music For Nation post-album "Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder" in 2008, the band was directly recruited by Peaceville Records. and has also become a keyboardist and the premiere of Female Vocal Ashley "Ellyllon" Jurgemeyer of the band orbs & Abigail Williams replaces Outstanding female vocals Sarah Jezebel Deva, who resigned in 2009 because it was full of concentration with his band, Angtoria. and seems to play Ashley "Ellyllon" Jurgemeyer indeed be reckoned among several former keyboardist CoF. and i more concern is the appearance-Up Paint Mask Dani who is a bit changed to be more impressed Minimalist and Modern Gothic of creepy impression before, Ok I try a little of this material describes the latest version of Limited-edition bonus disc, with the added 4 songs. begins with "The Cult of Venus Aversa", an Intro Epic colossal with a typical life of the Nation Gothic and Vampire, spiked with the oration of a woman, the impression of the intro to be more Horror directly CoF hit him with fast parts, and of course feel of the era of "Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder "and" Thornography "was still felt here, Evil Melodic Riff with a dark Harmonization kept covered throughout the game Keyboard Choir Music structure so elo can know his own concept of CoF? Dani Filh itself still appears Powerfully with Multiple vocal song lyrics bring about the Dark Erotica, Mythology, and Legend, which all of the lyrics have been patented as the official lyrics CoF Ltd. still as usual, the lyrics were not Doing Refrain, aka united to form a story line from the theme of this album, top!!, Touch Keyboard Synthesizer is continue to create a scent that is very tense in the darkness, this track runs Black for 7:07 minutes, then followed by "Foul One Step From the Abyss" Part gripping section retains the original, this track is still the travel lanes Music before and if incorporated into a single fixed structure Sync. "The Nun with the Astral Habit" onslaught Drummer Martin Škaroupka Aka Marthus maintained Powerfully with more stamina, and a double game Guitarist Paul Allender and James McIlroy still has a riff that is full of Darkness Evil. "Retreat of the Sacred Heart"-style vocalist Dani does still have the stamina Powerful vocals with Multiple styles can imagine kalo elo almost entire composition into Pattern Vocal Music Dani. Blistering Fast tremolo riff which sometimes also create solos Part Melodic and complementarities of Music trip. "The persecution Song" seems to give room to breathe with relief after the devastating onslaught of perpetual darkness, this track has a Fun with Music Composition atmospheric Horrific complete with a Beautiful Melodic Riff. then again felt ditrack Atrocities Continue "deceiving Eyes" that some parts early invite for Headbang Gw adrenaline, this track has some cool melodic riff. "Harlot on a Pedestal" you should see the magnificent Shades of Darkness created by Element Keyboard, just on this first CD takes about 01:02:26 to enjoy the full Darkness Evil Eve who rose from a legend who is still a mystery in the Life , then for the second CD, there are 4 numbers that are specifically released in a limited reserve of some songs that are not included in the Regular Version, 4 songs which is still a further episode of the legend of the first breath, so you must have to add time to listen to this second CD , which obviously works CoF always far from boring impression. the process is always with the Professional system to produce the Beast Masterpiece, recorded during the spring until summer 2010 at the Monkey Puzzle House Studios, Woolpit, Suffolk, England and dimastering at Backstage studios, Sneapy Hollow, Derbyshire, England. and the album itself was produced by Scott Atkins, Doug Cook and Dani Filth Song Writter itself apart as President, while the concept of Music submitted a total of all members of the CoF, Because Dani alone feel confident in this choice Member, consequently this is the work of Them. in addition, as always, Dani also involve some Choir Singers and Guest members to complete the new album Shades of greatness. and of course the ultimate is the Exclusive label Parties must shed a lot of terrible Financial Promotion Popularity CoF with a variety of merchandise for the best for the fans, No wonder if this album sells songs on Hard and Passing the Billboard 100 as best-selling album of 2010. so make CoF Fans Die Hard, so definitely not going to miss the debut of the new giant of the UK is famous Metal. Do not forget also to see the promo video clip of this album that sponsor the song "Forgive Me Father (I Have Sinned)" as the promo song mainstay.
Peaceville Records 2010
01 The Cult of Venus Aversa
02 One Foul Step From the Abyss
03 The Nun with the Astral Habit
04 Retreat of the Sacred Heart
05 The Persecution Song
06 Deceiving Eyes
07 Lilith Immaculate
08 The Spawn of Love and War
09 Harlot on a Pedestal
10 Forgive Me Father (I Have Sinned)
11 Beyond the Eleventh Hour
* Limited edition bonus disc:
01 Beast of Extermination
02 Truth and Agony
03 Mistress From the Sucking Pit
04 Behind the Jagged Mountains
" Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa " Menjadi album yang paling Gw nantikan sejak pertama kali Khabar perilisannya dilepas oleh Band Extreme Black/Gothic Metal kenamaan United Kingdom, Cradle Of Filth melalui beberapa Press Rilisannya, akhirnya 1 November 2010 menjadi momentum paling berarti buat Fans band Pimpinan Daniel Lloyd Davey atau lebih kita kenal sebagai " Dani Filth " yang sejak eksis tahun 1991 dalam perjalanan Karirnya hingga kini cuman menyisakan Cowok Multitalenta ini saja. sejak keluarnya mereka dari label sebelumnya, Music For Nation pasca album " Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder " tahun 2008, band ini langsung direkrut oleh Peaceville Records. dan ini juga menjadi penampilan perdana Keyboardis dan Female Vokal Ashley "Ellyllon" Jurgemeyer dari band Orbs & Abigail Williams menggantikan Posisi female Vokal Sarah Jezebel Deva yang mengundurkan diri tahun 2009 karena sedang konsentrasi penuh dengan band-nya, Angtoria. dan sepertinya permainan Ashley "Ellyllon" Jurgemeyer memang patut diperhitungkan diantara beberapa Mantan Keyboardis CoF. dan yang menjadi perhatian gw lagi adalah penampilan Mask-Up Paint Dani yang agak sedikit dirubah menjadi lebih Minimalis dan terkesan Modern Gothic dari kesan menyeramkan sebelumnya, Ok ini gw coba sedikit menggambarkan materi terbaru yang Versi Limited edition bonus disc, dengan tambahan 4 lagu. dimulai dengan " The Cult of Venus Aversa ", sebuah Intro Epic kolosal dengan Khas kehidupan Bangsa Gothic dan Vampire, dibubuhi dengan Orasi seorang wanita, kesan Intronya menjadi lebih Horror yang langsung CoF menerjangnya dengan fast part, dan tentunya nuansa era " Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder " dan " Thornography " begitu masih terasa disini, Evil Melodic Riff dengan Harmonisasi yang gelap terus diselimuti permainan Choir Keyboard sepanjang Struktur Musik sehingga elo bisa tahu sendiri Konsep CoF? Dani Filh sendiri masih tampil Powerfully dengan Multiple Vokalnya membawakan Lirik lirik lagu tentang Dark Erotica, Mythology, dan Legenda, yang semua liriknya telah dipatenkan sebagai Lirik resmi CoF. masih seperti biasa, Liriknya tidak Melakukan Refrain, alias bersatu membentuk sebuah alur cerita dari tema album ini, top !!, Sentuhan Synthesizer Keyboard memang terus menciptakan aroma yang sangat mencekam dalam kegelapannya, track ini berjalan Hitam selama 7:07 menit, lalu disusul oleh " One Foul Step From the Abyss " tetap memiliki Part Mencekam dibagian awalnya, track ini masih menjadi Perjalanan Alur Musik sebelumnya dan seandainya disatukan menjadi satu tetap Sinkron strukturnya. " The Nun with the Astral Habit " gempuran Drummer Martin Škaroupka Aka Marthus tetap dipertahankan Staminanya dengan lebih Powerfully, dan permainan double Gitaris Paul Allender dan James McIlroy tetap memiliki Riff yang penuh dengan Kegelapan yang Jahat. " Retreat of the Sacred Heart " gaya Vokalis Dani memang tetap memiliki Stamina Powerfull dengan gaya Multiple Vokal, bisa elo bayangkan kalo hampir Seluruh komposisi Musik menjadi Pattern Vokal Dani. Blistering Fast Tremolo Riff yang terkadang juga menciptakan Melodic dan solo Part yang saling mengisi perjalanan Musik. " The Persecution Song " Rupanya memberi Ruang bernafas lega setelah gempuran Dasyat Kegelapan abadi, track ini memiliki Komposisi Musik yang Asyik dengan Horrific atmospheric lengkap dengan Melodic Riff yang Cantik. lalu Kekejaman kembali terasakan ditrack Lanjut " Deceiving Eyes " yang beberapa part awal mengundang adrenalin Gw buat Headbang, track ini memiliki beberapa melodic Riff yang keren. " Harlot on a Pedestal " mesti kalian simak Nuansa Megah Kegelapan yang diciptakan oleh Elemen Keyboard, pokoknya di CD pertama ini membutuhkan waktu sekitar 01:02:26 untuk menikmati Kegelapan yang penuh dengan Hawa Jahat yang bangkit dari sebuah Legenda yang masih menjadi Misteri dalam Kehidupan, lalu untuk CD kedua, ada 4 nomor yang memang khusus dirilis secara terbatas dari beberapa lagu cadangan yang tidak masuk di Versi Reguler, 4 lagu yang masih menjadi Episode lanjut dari nafas legenda bagian pertama, jadi elo mesti harus menambahkan waktu buat mendengarkan CD kedua ini, yang jelas Karya CoF selalu Jauh dari kesan membosankan. pengerjaannya selalu dengan sistem yang Profesional untuk menghasilkan The Beast Masterpiece, direkam selama musim semi hingga musim Panas 2010 di Monkey Puzzle House Studio, Woolpit, Suffolk, England dan dimastering di Backstage studios, Sneapy Hollow, Derbyshire, England. dan album ini sendiri di Produseri oleh Scott Atkins, Doug Cook serta Dani Filth sendiri selain sebagai Song Writter Utama, sementara Konsep Musik diserahkan total kesemua anggota CoF, Karena Dani sendiri merasa percaya dengan kemampuan Member pilihannya ini, alhasil inilah Karya Mereka. selain itu, seperti biasanya, Dani juga melibatkan beberapa Penyanyi Choir serta Guest members untuk semakin melengkapi kemegahan Nuansa album baru ini. dan tentunya yang paling akhir adalah Pihak label secara Ekslusif harus mengucurkan banyak Finansial untuk Promosi dasyat Kepopuleran CoF dengan berbagai Merchandise untuk yang terbaik bagi Fans, ga heran aja kalo Album ini Laku Keras dan Menembus tanggal lagu 100 Billboard sebagai album terlaris 2010. so buat CoF Fans Die Hard, so pasti tidak bakalan melewatkan debut baru Raksasa Metal terkenal dari UK ini. jangan lupa juga untuk lihat sendiri promo Video clip album ini yang menjagokan lagu " Forgive Me Father (I Have Sinned) " sebagai Promo lagu Andalan.
"Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa" Being the album's most I'm forward to its release since it was first released by the band Extreme Black / Gothic Metal renowned United Kingdom, Cradle Of Filth through some Release Press, 1 November 2010 finally became the most significant momentum for the band Fans Chairman Daniel Lloyd Davey or better known as "Dani Filth" which existed since 1991 in the course of his career until now only leaving this multitalented guy alone. since their discharge from the previous label, Music For Nation post-album "Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder" in 2008, the band was directly recruited by Peaceville Records. and has also become a keyboardist and the premiere of Female Vocal Ashley "Ellyllon" Jurgemeyer of the band orbs & Abigail Williams replaces Outstanding female vocals Sarah Jezebel Deva, who resigned in 2009 because it was full of concentration with his band, Angtoria. and seems to play Ashley "Ellyllon" Jurgemeyer indeed be reckoned among several former keyboardist CoF. and i more concern is the appearance-Up Paint Mask Dani who is a bit changed to be more impressed Minimalist and Modern Gothic of creepy impression before, Ok I try a little of this material describes the latest version of Limited-edition bonus disc, with the added 4 songs. begins with "The Cult of Venus Aversa", an Intro Epic colossal with a typical life of the Nation Gothic and Vampire, spiked with the oration of a woman, the impression of the intro to be more Horror directly CoF hit him with fast parts, and of course feel of the era of "Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder "and" Thornography "was still felt here, Evil Melodic Riff with a dark Harmonization kept covered throughout the game Keyboard Choir Music structure so elo can know his own concept of CoF? Dani Filh itself still appears Powerfully with Multiple vocal song lyrics bring about the Dark Erotica, Mythology, and Legend, which all of the lyrics have been patented as the official lyrics CoF Ltd. still as usual, the lyrics were not Doing Refrain, aka united to form a story line from the theme of this album, top!!, Touch Keyboard Synthesizer is continue to create a scent that is very tense in the darkness, this track runs Black for 7:07 minutes, then followed by "Foul One Step From the Abyss" Part gripping section retains the original, this track is still the travel lanes Music before and if incorporated into a single fixed structure Sync. "The Nun with the Astral Habit" onslaught Drummer Martin Škaroupka Aka Marthus maintained Powerfully with more stamina, and a double game Guitarist Paul Allender and James McIlroy still has a riff that is full of Darkness Evil. "Retreat of the Sacred Heart"-style vocalist Dani does still have the stamina Powerful vocals with Multiple styles can imagine kalo elo almost entire composition into Pattern Vocal Music Dani. Blistering Fast tremolo riff which sometimes also create solos Part Melodic and complementarities of Music trip. "The persecution Song" seems to give room to breathe with relief after the devastating onslaught of perpetual darkness, this track has a Fun with Music Composition atmospheric Horrific complete with a Beautiful Melodic Riff. then again felt ditrack Atrocities Continue "deceiving Eyes" that some parts early invite for Headbang Gw adrenaline, this track has some cool melodic riff. "Harlot on a Pedestal" you should see the magnificent Shades of Darkness created by Element Keyboard, just on this first CD takes about 01:02:26 to enjoy the full Darkness Evil Eve who rose from a legend who is still a mystery in the Life , then for the second CD, there are 4 numbers that are specifically released in a limited reserve of some songs that are not included in the Regular Version, 4 songs which is still a further episode of the legend of the first breath, so you must have to add time to listen to this second CD , which obviously works CoF always far from boring impression. the process is always with the Professional system to produce the Beast Masterpiece, recorded during the spring until summer 2010 at the Monkey Puzzle House Studios, Woolpit, Suffolk, England and dimastering at Backstage studios, Sneapy Hollow, Derbyshire, England. and the album itself was produced by Scott Atkins, Doug Cook and Dani Filth Song Writter itself apart as President, while the concept of Music submitted a total of all members of the CoF, Because Dani alone feel confident in this choice Member, consequently this is the work of Them. in addition, as always, Dani also involve some Choir Singers and Guest members to complete the new album Shades of greatness. and of course the ultimate is the Exclusive label Parties must shed a lot of terrible Financial Promotion Popularity CoF with a variety of merchandise for the best for the fans, No wonder if this album sells songs on Hard and Passing the Billboard 100 as best-selling album of 2010. so make CoF Fans Die Hard, so definitely not going to miss the debut of the new giant of the UK is famous Metal. Do not forget also to see the promo video clip of this album that sponsor the song "Forgive Me Father (I Have Sinned)" as the promo song mainstay.
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