01 Copulation of the Dead 02 Marquis de Sade 03 Spiritual Maceration 04 Spinal Cord Reconstruction 05 The Answer to Infection (Live Tokyo Deathfest 2005) 06 Addicted To Entrails (Live Tokyo Deathfest 2005) 07 Spiritual Maceration (Demo)
Dari Kawasan Woodbridge, New Jersey, kembali dikita didatangi oleh para Death Metal Penjagal kejam yang namanya dikenal lewat Full album tahun 2004 " The Answer to Infection " yang selanjutnya di susul oleh Accumulation of Eviscerated Remnants ' Split tahun 2006, band yang terbentuk tahun 1999 dengan nama awal Catorsion memutuskan untuk dibaptis menjadi Digested Flesh seiring dengan perkembangan Musik mereka yang semakin Brutal dan Intense. dimaterinya kali ini mereka menawarkan 4 lagu baru yang mengingatkan dengan gaya bermain Skinless, Suffocation, Cattle Decapitation juga LIvidity, namun Dengan Kualitas Deep Guttural Parau, Vokalis Rob Solberg ( yang juga Vokalis di band Deteriorot ) tampil lebih menggayang dengan komposisi musik yang serba Menggerinda, terus 2 lagu yang direkam saat mereka tampil di Tokyo Deathfest 2005 dan 1 lagu dari demo. yang keren kualitas recording Live Gig mereka memiliki sound yang ( bahkan ) lebih keren dari versi rekamannya, walau Raw namun sound yang mereka tampilkan Justru terliat elemen Brutality-nya, slammin Brutal ala Skinless Era album " Progression .. " dipadu dengan nuansa Lividity Era " fetish .. " menciptakan kualitas Death metal yang begitu melekat dalam Karakter band ini sendiri. Blistering Catchy Slam Riff selalu mengajak audience untuk melakukan slammin Party, downtune sound yang Heavy, karakter Vokal Rob sendiri kelamaan mengingatkan gw akan Gaya bernyanyi almarhum Wayne Knupp-nya Devourment. dan dari penampilan yang lumayan memukau mereka di Tokyo, label populer negeri sakura ini, Macabre Mementos Records akhirnya meminang mereka dalam Rosternya untuk materi selanjutnya. dan beberapa artwork dalam Booklet Cd Cover adalah hasil karya Gitaris Don Anderson yang ternyata piawai menggambar dengan Pensil. terdapat pula Catatan Rob saat Masih menulis Lirik lagu " Spiritual Maceration " dan " Copulation of the Dead " yang masih asli terdapat Coretan saat Rob mencari Pattern Vokal yang tepat dan Ep ini di rilis dengan limited Number hand, buat elo yang mungkin sempat menyukai dengan Style lama Skinlss dengan perpaduan Lividity serta Devourment baru dan Intensitas Suffocation, bisa coba Rilisan yang satu ini.
From the Regions Woodbridge, New Jersey, back visited by Death Metal Butcher whose name is known for his ruthless full-length album in 2004 "The Answer to Infection" hereinafter in one after another by the accumulation of Eviscerated remnants' Split in 2006, the band formed in 1999 with first name Catorsion decided to be baptized into Digested Flesh along with the development of their music more Brutal and Intense. some Material this time they offer 4 new songs in a style reminiscent of playing Skinless, Suffocation, Cattle Decapitation also LIvidity, but Deep Guttural Quality With hoarse, vocalist Rob Solberg (who is also lead singer in the band Deteriorot) appear more Devoured with a versatile musical composition Grinding, hold 2 songs that were recorded when they performed in Tokyo Deathfest 2005 and 1 song from the demo. the recording quality of Live Gig cool they have a sound that (even) better looking than the tape version, though Raw but the sound that they display precisely terliat his element Brutality, Brutal Slammin Era la Skinless album "progression .." combined with the feel of Lividity Era " fetish .. "creating quality Death Metal is so inherent in the character of the band itself. Blistering Slam catchy riff always invite audiences to do Slammin Party, downtune Heavy sound, Vocal Rob's own character over time I will remind the singing style of his late Wayne Knupp Devourment. and from the appearance that they are pretty spectacular in Tokyo, this label popular cherry country, Macabre Mementos Records finally woo them in Rosternya for further material. and some artwork in the Booklet Cd Cover is the work of guitarist Don Anderson who was skilled with a pencil drawing. Rob Note there is also still writing lyrics while the song "Spiritual Maceration" and "Copulation of the Dead 'which still contained the original graffiti when Rob seek appropriate Vocal Pattern and Ep is in limited release with Numbers hand, create who might have liked to Style Lividity Skinlss with a blend of old and new Devourment Suffocation and intensity, could try to release this one.
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