Formula Fiction menjadi debutan Death Metal dengan sentuhan Grindcore ringan dari daratan Netherlands menjadi sosok New comer yang juga harus kita kenal eksistensinya. dengan menggunakan 2 orang Vokalis sekaligus 5 Remaja dari kota North Brabant tampil dengan Kualitas death metal standard yang seperti masih menjadi debutan awal band bentukan tahun 2007, sehingga Mereka masih belum maksimal menampilkan Kualitas permainan mereka yang sebenarnya, Beat beat Cathcy selalu tampil dominan mengisi seperti menjadi alasan mereka untuk mengajak Audience di Moshpit area untuk antusias dengan Part yang mereka mainkan. hadir dengan Heavy Sound as Fuck, Harmonisasi Riff Gelapnya mengingatkan gw sama Karakter Morbid Angel, drummer Willem cuma memainkan part standard yang cenderung simple. yah seperti Gaya bermain Lividity Era " Fetish For The sick ", nuansa Slammin Groovy yang kadang kerap terdengar selalu dipaksakan. kualitas 2 Vokalis dengan Karakter yang berbeda, Growl serta deep Guttural ( juga Middle Scream Pitch ) selalu mengisi Pattern secara bergantian diruang yang tepat. namun Koq lama lama gw jadi Bosan ya mendengar lagu lagu mereka disini?? apakah band ini selalu memaksakan Part part slam Groovy untuk terus mengajak headbang dengan struktur musik yang monoton?? well coba rasakan sendiri 6 lagu+Intro dalam Rilisan perdana mereka ini, dan harapan gw selanjutnya adalah menunggu perkembangan Materi album terbaru mereka, apakah tetap seperti ini atau Justru berubah? yang pasti tunggu saja kejutan berikutnya dari Formula Fiction.
Formula Fiction became debutant Grindcore Death Metal with a touch of light from mainland New Comer Netherlands became the figure that we must also recognize its existence. by using the 2 Vocalist at once 5 Teen Vocalist of the city of North Brabant to come up with quality standards such as death metal is still the band's debut early formation in 2007, so that they are still not optimally show the actual quality of their game, Beat beat Cathcy always appear as the dominant charge their reasons to invite the Audience in the moshpit area for enthusiastic Part they play. comes with Heavy Sound as Fuck, I remind Harmonizing Riff same dark character Morbid Angel, drummer Willem just play the parts that tend simple standard. well as playing style Lividity Era "Fetish For The Sick", which sometimes feel Slammin Groovy often heard always enforced. quality 2 Vocalist with a different character, and deep Guttural Growl (also Middle Scream Pitch) Pattern alternately always fill the right room. but long time make me so Bored hear their songs here? whether the band has always impose Part Part slam Groovy to continue to invite headbang with the monotonous structure of the music? well try to feel yourself Intro 6 songs in this release of their debut, and I hope the next is waiting for material development of their latest album, whether it stays like this or the fact changed? which must wait for the next surprise from Formula Fiction.
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