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God Defamer - Heavenly Hell 2010

God Defamer - Heavenly Hell
Gothoom Productions 2010

01 Organisation Of Fear       
02 Pestiferous Bastard       
03 Sacred Pervert Low Life       
04 Murders From The Past       
05 Another Day, Another Death       
06 Heavenly Hell       
07 Postmortal Indignity       
08 Relibitch       
09 Blood Atonement       
10 The Holiest One

GOD DEFAMER ! menjadi agresi baru Death Metal band asal Púchov, Slovakia yang menjadi sebuah ancaman serius Scene-nya, walau hadir dengan nama baru, namun band ini ternyata menyimpan wajah wajah yang tidak asing lagi bagi Scene metal Slovakia, terbentuk sejak tahun 2008 oleh member band Dementor, bahkan nama band ini sendiri diambil dari salah satu titel Lagu Dementor, catat nama gitaris Alex Suchacek dan René Blahušiak yang namanya memang dikenal di Dementor, namun Sayang Vokalis Jaro Kyselica yang satu almamater di Dementor memutuskan cabut karena alasa Pribadi dan digantikan oleh Vocalis Peter Hija dari band Brutal terkenal Moonfog yang satu rekan dengan drummer Rudy Strhak semakin memantapkan Karir band ini untuk lebih serius ! dan " Promo 2009 " adalah debut perkenalan mereka yang mendapat Respon yang bagus begitu dirilis terbatas 600 kopi !! lantas setelah itu mereka memutuskan untuk terus membuat lagu baru untuk Full album pertama yang akhirnya di rilis dengan titel " Heavenly Hell " setelah mereka tanda tangan Kontrak bareng Gothoom Productions. Materi album ini sendiri dikerjakan di studionya Gitaris metal kenamaan Internasional Roland Grapow ( Masterplan, ex-Helloween ) yaitu Grapow studios, dan ini adalah debutan pertama yang perlu diantisipasi !, dimulai dengan track " Organisation Of Fear " dengan sebuah intro 25 Detik yang lalu disusul dengan serangan Death Metal Exreme, Excellent Riff itu yang pertama kali gw tangkap pada kesan pertama lagu mereka, ya menarik perhatian dengan permainan yang Gw sangka akan banyak memiliki Kesamaan dengan Band Dementor, namun ternyata disini Gitaris Alex Suchacek dan René Blahušiak mencoba melakukan terobosan untuk melepas Stereotype diband sebelumnya. Downstroke, Hammer On Hingga Arphegio Riff coba dimainkan dengan Karisma Death Metal Teknikal yang Ciamik !!, gempuran drummer Rudi juga tepat sekali melengkapi Formasi ini, Kick as Fuck and More Intense !!! Death metal with modern metal elements & patterns menjadi salah satu Motivasi Utama dibentuknya band ini, lalu masuk track kedua " Pestiferous Bastard " kita akan disuguhkan dengan Melodic Riff yang sedikit mengingatkan dengan Karakter At The Gates Hingga In Flames yang mereka mainkan lagi dengan tempo lebih cepat melalui beberapa Hypersnare Grinding !!, well sepertinya track ini agak berbeda deh dengan Lagu pertamanya, tapi tetap cool dinikmati. Vokalis Peter Hija terus mengisi Pattern Musik dengan Growl serta Harsh Vokal-nya yang terkadang dengan High Pitch scream. solo solo gitar cantik pun bertebaran di track ini. masih terus melanjutkan track selanjutnya " Sacred Pervert Low Life " terus menerjang dengan Karakter seperti lagu sebelumnya. malah dilagu ke empat " Murders From The Past " kita akan mendengarkan Clean Vokal Serak diawal lagu, karakter Vokal yang mengingatkan dengan Punyanya Dimmu Borgir baru dech. permainan Riff guitarnya semakin tampil melodius disetiap Aransemen lagunya yang semata mata untuk menciptakan Kesan Gelap dan Suram pada Karisma lagunya. " Another Day, Another Death " terus melanjutkan karakter sebelumnya hingga track akhir " The Holiest One ", dan menjadi sebuah Pertanyaan bagi gw pribadi, kemanakah Konsep pada lagu pertama ?? jika kita dengerin semua materi disini, Track awal memang rada berbeda dengan lainnya. namun gw percaya buat elo pengagum typical bermainnya At The Gates, In Flames, Dimmu Borgir, Moonfog hingga sentuhan awal Dementor bakalan bisa menyukai karya ini. apalagi disini bertaburan permainan Riff gitar yang cantik dan mempesona. Karakter sound yang keluar juga tidak mengecewakan. 10 songs which can be ranked into a progressive death metal with melodic vocals. You Must Try it now !!!

GOD DEFAMER! a new aggression Death Metal band from Púchov, Slovakia which became a serious threat Scene him, though comes with a new name, but the band turned out to save face a familiar face to the metal Scene Slovakia, formed since 2008 by members of the band Dementors, even the band name itself is taken from one of the Dementors song title, record the name of guitarist Alex Suchacek and René Blahušiak whose name is known in the Dementors, but darling singer Jaro Kyselica one alma mater decided to pull out because of the Dementors alasa Vocalis Personal and replaced by Peter Hija from Brutal band famous Moonfog that one associates with the drummer Rudy Strhak has established career for the more serious band! and "Promo 2009" is the debut of their acquaintance who got a good response so released a limited 600 copies! then after that they decided to keep making new songs for the first full-length album is finally released with the title "Heavenly Hell" after they sign contracts with Gothoom Productions. The material of this album itself is done in the studio famous metal guitarist Roland Grapow International (Masterplan, ex-Helloween), namely Grapow studios, and this is the first debutant to anticipated!, Starting with the track "Organisation Of Fear" with an intro followed by 25 Seconds ago with attacks Exreme Death Metal, Excellent Riff was the first time I caught the first impression their song, yes draw attention to the game that Gw would have thought a lot has similarity with Band Dementors, but it turns out here Guitarist Alex Suchacek and René Blahušiak trying to make a breakthrough to remove stereotypes compared to prices in advance. Downstroke, Hammer On Up Arphegio try Riff played by Karisma which cool Technical Death Metal!, Strikes drummer Rudi also aptly complements this Formation, Kick as Fuck and More Intense! Death metal with modern metal elements and patterns become one of the Main Motivations formation of this band, then enter the second track "Pestiferous Bastard" we will be served with a little reminder Melodic Riff with Character At The Gates Up In Flames they played again with a faster tempo Grinding through some Hypersnare!, well this track seems a bit different deh with his first song, but still cool enjoyed. Vocalist Peter Hija continue to fill Pattern Music with Growl and Harsh Vocal his sometimes with High Pitch scream. beautiful solo guitar on this track was strewn. still continue to the next track "Sacred Pervert Low Life" keeps crashing with characters like the previous song. Instead dilagu into four "murders From The Past" we will listen to the song at the beginning of the Clean Hoarse Voice, Vocal characters that remind with Dimmu Borgir hers new. playing more and perform melodic riff guitarnya Arrangement in every song that merely to create the impression Dark and Gloomy on Karisma song. "Another Day, Another Death" continues the previous character until the final track "The Holiest One", and became a personal question for gw, Where Concept on the first song? if we listen to all the material here, almost Track outset it different from the others. but I believe for typical admirer of play At The Gates, In Flames, Dimmu Borgir, Moonfog to touch the beginning of Dementors going to like this work. especially here studded play guitar riff is pretty and charming. The characters sound that came out did not disappoint. 10 songs into the which cans Ranked be a progressive death metal with melodic vocals. You Must Try it now!

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