01 Spontaneous Masochism 02 Minutes of Massacre 03 Ruthless Execution 04 Putrefied Prophets 05 Impenetrable Death Fields 06 Onslaught 07 Souls Eternally Devoured 08 Turbulent World
Tidak cuman scene Indonesia aja yang dekade ini sedang Keranjingan dengan Usa Brutal Death Metal in The Vein Disgorge ( California ), sehingga scene lagi kena Wabah Disgorge, ternyata Scene Philippines juga mengalami hal yang sama pula. Philippines sendiri saat ini terus menambah deretan Band2 Brutal Death Metal-nya, dan kali ini Gw coba kenalin lagi band yang memiliki Kualitas permainan yang Bagus namun tidak terlalu Orisinil banget, mungkin kalo Di Scene Indonesia kita memiliki nama Jasad dan Bleeding Corpse, tapi kalo Philippines scene punya nama lagi, GUILLOTINED !!! well, Trio band asal yang bermarkas di Dasmarinas, Cavite ini memang total memainkan in The Vein-nya Disgorge Era " Consume The Forsaken " banget, namun sayang kalo Guttural Vokalis Bin bagi gw kurang begitu maksimal karakternya, sehingga Cuman bisa menyuarakan Pattern Aaarrggh-uuurrggh-iiirrggh doang! Kualitas Prima permaina Drummer Renz memang keren disini banyak sekali terpengaruh dengan Permainannya Ricky Myer Disgorge hingga Mike Hamilton Deeds Of Flesh. Hammer On Riff serta beberapa Tremolo Pitch dengan heavy sound juga tampil cool dari Gitaris AC, dan band ini belum memiliki seorang Pemain Bass, namun tetap terbukti sound yang mereka hasilkan " Heavy As Fuck ", ada total 8 lagu menggerinda selama 26:20 menitan dengan sangat kejam dan tanpa ampun !!!, band ini sendiri merupakan wajah baru discene sana, terbentuk tahun 2008 dengan nama Uteral Regurgity dan udah melepas 2 demo dengan permainan yang jauh berbeda dengan Materi sekarang ini. sebuah bukti baru lagi kalo Scene yang terkenal dengan Negeri-nya Christian Bautista ini hwe he he he he semakin berbahaya saja Kualitas Musikal bandnya dan siap menjadi Ancaman baru scene Internasional. Fans berat Disgorge era " Consume The Forsaken ", Bleeding Corpse Hingga Jasad, sangat gw sarankan untuk mendengarkan sendiri Stuff sadis ini. Prepare For The Guillotined slay your head ... Uaaarrrggggg !!
No only Indonesian scene a decade of being enamored with Usa Brutal Death Metal in the Vein Disgorge (California), so the scene again hit Plague Disgorge, apparently Scene Philippines also experienced the same thing too. Philippines alone currently continue to add rows Bands his Brutal Death Metal, and this time i try introduce again band that has a good quality play but not too Original really, maybe if The Scene Indonesia we have a name and Bleeding Corpse's body, but if Philippines scenes have a name anymore, GUILLOTINED! well, the trio band based in Dasmarinas, Cavite is indeed total plays in the vein of his Disgorge Era "consume The Forsaken" really, but unfortunately if Guttural Vocals Bin for maximum less character, so Just be able to voice-uuurrggh Aaarrggh Pattern -iiirrggh doang! Prima Quality Drummer Renz's cool here a lot affected by Ricky Myer Her game until Mike Hamilton Disgorge Deeds Of Flesh. Hammer On tremolo riff and some heavy pitch with sound are also featured guitarist cool of air conditioning, and the band does not have a bass player, but still proved sound that they produce "Heavy As Fuck", there are a total of 8 songs 26:20 minutes with grinding during very cruel and merciless!, the band itself is a new face there scene, formed in 2008 under the name Uteral Regurgity and already released 2 demo with the play that much different from the material now. a new proof again if the scene is famous for its Christian Bautista State is Hwe he he he he more dangerous course of his band and musical quality is ready to become the new threat of international scene. Disgorge fan of the era of "consume The Forsaken", Bleeding Corpse Till's body, so I suggest you to listen to his own sadistic Stuff this. Prepare For The Guillotined Slay your head ... Uaaarrrggggg!
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