Akhirnya setelah lumayan lama menunggu, salah satu album yang Gw nantikan pasca album terakhir " Morphosis " tahun 2008, Band ini kembali menelurkan album Full ke-7 nya sekaligus menjadi Album baru terbaik ditahun 20101 ini. memang banyak sekali anggapan kalo band ini memang dituding sebagai salah satu Copycat band Populer se-Negaranya, Behemoth, namun nama Hate sendiri memiliki Populeritas yang berani disejajarkan dengan nama Behemoth sendiri lho, Mungkin karakter & Style Band ini terlalu banyak menjadi cloning nyata Behemoth, mulai dari Konsep Music, Sound, Imej dan Lainnya, Hate tetap memiliki Penggemar tersendiri sepanjang karir-nya, sama sama memiliki Vocalis bernama Adam, dengan karakter vokal yang tidak jauh berbeda pula. band bentukan tahun 1990 masih eksis dikomandani oleh Frontman Adam the First Sinner yang juga merupakan Anggota Orisinil band ini yang masih tersisa. dan kini Adam yang ditemani oleh Destroyer - Guitar ( dari band Moloch, Kriegsmaschine, Stillborn (Pol), Crionics), Mortifier - Bass ( dari band Saltus, Naumachia ) dan Hexen - Drums ( Chaosphere (Pol), Damned, Arathyr, Arren, Arkona (Pol), Opus Nocturne (Pol), Sunwheel) menjajal lagi kemampuan mereka dialbum berjudul " Erebos " ini menjadi Track terbaik jika kita bandingkan dengan Materi mereka sebelumnya macam " Morphosis ", ternyata " Erebos " menurut Gw memuat Materi yang Matang dan Intense dari segi komposisi, Berbahaya !!!, dimulai dengan " Genesis " adalah sebuah Intro Akustik yang terasakan Hawa Kegelapan dan Keputus asaannya. lalu masuk Track " Lux Aeterna " menjadi siksaan pertama yang mematikan dari Adam Cs ini. gempuran mantap Blastbeat In the vein Behemoth, secara brutal menyerang detak jantung gw, Riff gelap yang Harmonius seakan menjadi Irama Kelam bagi kepedihan hati yang terluka lengkap dengan beberapa Solo Jahat dan Hitam. " Erebos " juga menjadi Track yang megah penuh dengan elemen kegelapan yang Jahat, cukup mewakili semua Karakter lagu dialbum ini. terasa sekali sentuhan karakter Morbid Angel Era Album " Covenant " especially untuk beberapa Darkest Riff. Ferocious, challenging, complex, varied, innovative, and extremely well-produced yang ditulis dalam pernyataan resmi mereka ternyata terbukti sekali disini. dan Hertz Studio di Bialystok, tetap menjadi studio langganan terbaik band ini bersama dengan 9 track + Intro berkualitas selama total durasi 46:26 menit. walaupun gaya bermainnya tidak terlalu Orisinil, namun Hate tetap menunjukkan Talenta Dasyatnya, sebuah Masterpiece terbaik Hate sepanjang karir Hate dan siap menjadi album terbaik Hate di tahun 2010. , Fans berat Behemoth yang harus bersabar dengan Keajaiban Kesembuhan Frontman Adam Nergal Behemoth dari sakitnya, mungkin Adam the First Sinner Cs bisa menjadi Pengganti sementara Pembawa Irama Fast Darkened Death/Black Metal he he he he, Taste my Blood From a Thousand Cuts !!!
Finally after quite a long wait, one of the albums that I'm forward to the post last album "Morphosis" In 2008, the band was re-spawn the 7th full album at once became his new album is the best ditahun 20,101. indeed a lot of presumption if the band has indeed been blamed as one of Popular Copycat bands as His country, Behemoth, but the name itself has a popularity Hate that dare aligned with Behemoth own name you know, probably the character & style of this band too much into the real cloning Behemoth, began from Concept Music, Sound, Images and Music, Hate still has its own fans throughout his career, just as has Vocalis named Adam, with vocals that are not much different. band formed in 1990 still exist commanded by Frontman Adam the First Sinner who is also an Original Member of the band remaining. and now Adam is accompanied by Destroyer - Guitar (from the band Moloch, Kriegsmaschine, Stillborn (Pol), Crionics), Mortifier - Bass (from the band Saltus, Naumachia) and Hexen - Drums (Chaosphere (Pol), Damned, Arathyr, Arren, Arkona (Pol), Opus Nocturne (Pol), Sunwheel) again tested their ability dialbum titled "Erebos" Track has become the best if we compare with their earlier material kind of "Morphosis", was "Erebos" according Gw load and Intense Mature Content in terms of composition, Danger!, starting with "Genesis" is an acoustic intro that Eve felt Darkness and decision asaannya. then enter Track "Lux Aeterna" becomes a deadly ordeal of Adam's first this Cs. steady onslaught Blastbeat In the vein Behemoth, was brutally attacked heartbeat gw, dark riff that seemed to be a rhythm Tenebrous Harmonius for the pain of the wounded heart complete with several Solo Evil and Black. "Erebos" also became a magnificent track is full of darkness the evil elements, adequately represent all the characters dialbum this song. character feels at the touch of Morbid Angel Album Era "Covenant" especially for some Darkest Riff. Ferocious, challenging, complex, Varied, innovative, and extremely well-produced, written in their official statement proved once here. and Hertz Studio in Bialystok, remains the best subscription studio band together with 9 tracks Intro qualified for a total duration of 46:26 minutes. although the style of play is not too Original, but still show Talents horrific Hate, a Masterpiece best career Hate Hate and Hate ready to become the best album in 2010. , Heavy Behemoth Fans who have to be patient with Miracle Healing Nergal Behemoth Frontman Adam from his illness, perhaps Adam the First Sinner Cs can be substitutes while Rhythm Fast Carrier Darkened Death / Black Metal he he he he, Taste My Blood From a Thousand Cuts!
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