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Humanity Falls - Ordaining the Apocalypse 2010

Humanity Falls - Ordaining the Apocalypse
The Path Less Travelled Records 2010

01 No Room for Ingenuity   
02 Prolonging the Inevitable   
03 To Have or to Be?   
04 The False Enmity   
05 Denounced Manifestation   
06 At the Temple of Everlasting Condemnation       
07 Ordaining the Apocalypse   
09 Of Divine Nature

Bagi Gw, ada sesuatu yang menarik perhatian saat pertama kali mendengarkan Karya band new comer asal New York yang di bentuk tahun 2008 oleh 2 Member yang namanya kita kenal di band Brutal Animal Killing People, Vokalis Eston Browne dan dan Gitaris Ammo Diaz, yang lalu mengajak Drummer berbakat dan Liar, Edward Bednarek dari band  Rogyapa dan Psyphoria, dengan nama Humanity Falls yang di ambil dari seorang philosopher bernama Erich Fromm serta salah satu lagu Milik Immolation yang berjudul " Failure For Gods " yang liriknya berbunyi " Their lies will lull the chaos/While humanity falls around them/Impoverished, in droves they'll grovel/In confusion and fear they flourish ", band ini mengusung Konsep Brutal Death Metal yang serba cepat In The vein Cryptopsy, Discordance Axis, Gorguts, Immolation hingga Pig Destroyer yang mereka Padukan menjadi Komposisi Jahat dan Cepat. dan yang paling bikin gw menarik adalah, kalau Materi Rekaman album ini tidak banyak menggunakan Teknik manipulasi Digital yang saat ini menjadi keperluan 100% Making perfect Music !, namun beda dengan band ini yang masih tampil Manusiawi tanpa di poles dengan teknologi, sehingga mungkin secara Raw Konsep, rekaman ini terdengar seperti di rekam secara Live Track saja :), tapi ternyata Gitaris dan Vokalis band ini telah menampilkan Karakter yang jauh berbeda dari Band sebelumnya, mungkin ini menjadi Proses kejenuhan baru mereka membentuk Humanity Falls untuk bermain Brutal dengan lebih Liar! prestasi panggung band ini sudah lumayan bisa main bareng band terkenal Krallice, Gigan, Misery Index, Blasphemer, Malebolgia, Malevolent Creation dan masih banyak lagi. di buka dengan lagu " No Room for Ingenuit " menjadi Track liar pertama yang di mainkan dengan tempo super cepat memang sedikit mengingatkan dengan Gayanya Crytopsy, Performa yang semakin mantap mereka pamerkan disini. Ultra Fast as fuck with Chaotical Depression !! stamina Drummer Edward Bednarek memang memberikan ruang kebebasan untuknya memainkan skill yang teknikal dan sebenarnya. 9 Track An Imminent Castotrophe Amongst Humanity di mainkan dalam tempo durasi 31:15 menit, yang semuanya serba cepat dan membunuh !! hadir dengan Kover karya seniman Jeroen van Valkenburg yang sebelumnya menggarap Cover milik band terkenal Immortal, Stalaggh, October Tide, etc turut menghias artwork utama rilisan ini. Mungkin bagi yang pengen merasakan gempuran mematikan Cryptopsy yang di buat lebih Chaotic lagi ?? sempatkan waktu kamu untuk mendengarkan rilisan ini.

For Me, there is something that attracted the attention when you first listen to the band's work from New York New Comer of the form in 2008 by 2 Member whose name we know in the band Brutal Animal Killing People, vocalist and guitarist Eston Browne and Ammo Diaz, who then invites Drummer talented and Wild, Edward Bednarek from Rogyapa and Psyphoria band, with the name of Humanity Falls which was taken from a philosopher named Erich Fromm and one of the songs owned Immolation entitled "Failures For Gods" which the lyrics read "Their lies will from Lull the chaos / While humanity falls around Them / Impoverished, in droves they'll grovel / In confusion and fear They Flourish ", the band is carrying the concept of Brutal Death Metal In The fast-paced vein Cryptopsy, Discordance Axis, Gorguts, Immolation Pig Destroyer until they Pair the composition of Evil and Fast. I make and the most interesting is, if Material Recording this album was not much using digital manipulation technique that is now 100% for Making Perfect Music!, but the difference with this band that still perform Humane without the polish with the technology, so it may be Raw The concept, this recording sounds like the record in Live Track course:), but it was guitarist and vocalist of this band have featured characters are far different from the previous band, this may be a process of forming their new saturation Humanity Brutal Falls to play with more Wild! stage performance this band is pretty famous band can play together Krallice, Gigan, Misery Index, Blasphemer, Malebolgia, Malevolent Creation and many more. in the open with the song "No Room for Ingenuit" became the first wild Tracks played with super fast tempo is a bit reminiscent to the style Crytopsy, a more steady performance they show off here. Ultra Fast as fuck with Chaotical Depression! Drummer Edward Bednarek stamina does provide a space of freedom for him to play the technical skills and real. 9 Track An Imminent Castotrophe Amongst Humanity at play within a duration of 31:15 minutes, which are all fast paced and kill! comes with a cover by artist Jeroen van Valkenburg who previously worked on the band's famous cover Immortal, Stalaggh, October Tide, etc helped decorate the main artwork of this release. Maybe for those who want to feel the onslaught of deadly Cryptopsy that created more Chaotic again? gave time for you to listen to this release.

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