01 The Gorgon 02 Barotrauma 03 Conquest of Darkness 04 The Wreckage 05 Among the Swarm 06 More Victims 07 The Depth Within 08 The Deepest Blue Is Black 09 Possessor of Soil
Germany Technical Death Metal dengan sentuhan kental Deathcore kembali lagi menghajar selang 1 tahun sejak dilepasnya debut album pertama " The Siege " band ini banyak membawa kematangan Materi dibandingkan dengan album pertama melalui permainan yang Intense! dan scene Jerman sendiri memang telah menjadi salah satu scene metal terbesar didunia setelah Amerika, band ini sendiri bermarkas di Trier, Rhineland-Palatinate terbentuk sejak 2008. sekilas memang gaya bermainnya seperti menjadi perpaduan antara Decapitated era " Organic Hallucinosis ", Hate Eternal, Kataklysm dengan sentuhan Modern White Chapel, All Shall Perish hingga Suicide Silence, menjadikan nuansa musik band ini terlihat Modern dengan pengaruh 2 genre tersebut. dibuka oleh track " The Gorgon " mereka sudah memporak porandakan dengan part2 yang fast, karakter vokalis Eric tampil memadati Pattern Musik dengan beberapa karakter yang berbeda, mungkin track ini mengingatkan gw sama " Day 69 "-nya Decapitated sekali, memang karakter vokal Dominan Eric mengingatkan sekali dengan Vokalis Decapitated Era Adrian "Covan" Kowanek yang saat ini sudah tidak begitu aktf sejak mengalami Kecelakaan serius dan menewaskan Drummer berbakat Decapitated, Witold "Vitek" Kieltyka. serangan drummer Dirk memang selalu tampil membabi buta disetiap Part aransemen musik Ichor, lalu " Barotrauma " semakin menerjang dengan Intense Blastbeat, riff gitarnya mulai terasa menebarkan Melodic Part dan solo2 cantik disetiap jeda-nya. " Conquest of Darkness " lebih tampil dengan gaya Deathcore ala White Chapel juga Suicide Silence namun masih terus terbalut dengan karakter Death metal. 9 lagu dengan durasi 37:57 cukup untuk bisa menikmati alunan Part Fast dan Aggresive dari band ini. buat yang sempat menyukai Karakter musik Decapitated, Hate Eternal dengan perpaduan Deathcore yang Intense sangat tidak berdosa jika kalian coba debutan yang satu ini.
Germany Technical Death Metal with a touch of heavy deathcore back again beat the 1-year interval since the first release of his debut album "The Siege" the band brings a lot of material maturity compared with the first album through the play that Intense! Germany and the scene itself is has become one of the world's largest metal scene after the U.S., the band itself is based in Trier, Rhineland-Palatinate formed since 2008. a glimpse of the style of play is like a mix between an era Decapitated "Organic Hallucinosis", Hate Eternal, Kataklysm Modern with a touch of White Chapel, All Shall Perish to Suicide Silence, makes the music feel of this band looks modern with influences these two genres. opened by the track "The Gorgon" they have brought disorder to the parts is fast, the characters appear vocalist Eric Pattern Music crowded with several different characters, maybe this reminds gw same track "Day 69" Decapitated her once, indeed vocals remind Eric Dominant once with Era Decapitated Vocalist Adrian "Covan" Kowanek which is currently not so Active since suffering a serious accident that killed a talented Drummer Decapitated, Witold "Vitek" Kieltyka. Dirk drummer attack was always performed blindly on every Part Ichor musical arrangements, and "Barotrauma" getting hit with Intense Blastbeat, his guitar riffs start to feel let down Melodic solos Part and its beautiful in every pause. "Conquest of Darkness" is performed in a style ala deathcore Suicide Silence White Chapel as well but still dressed with the character of Death metal. 9 songs with a duration of 37:57 enough to be able to enjoy the strains of Fast and Aggressive Part of this band. Characters that could make music like Decapitated, Hate Eternal with an Intense mix of deathcore is no sin if you try this one debutant.
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