01 I Have Seen The End 02 In The Ire Of Creation 03 Transparent Monstrosities 04 Desolate Wanderings 05 Ruthless Transgression 06 Howling From The Grave 07 Colossal Abomination 08 Cower 'Neath His Shadow
Kendati dilepas oleh Kocek mereka sendiri, namun mereka lebih enjoy menyebut " Big Cartel " sebuah social network yang berbasis pada Penjualan benda dengan pengelolaan sendiri, band Technical Death Metal Generasi baru asal Ottawa, Ontario ini solid mengibarkan bendera Death metal ini sejak 2008 kemaren. Band yang menjadi anak asuh dari Chris Bradley nya Beneath The Massacre memang mengawal bakat dasyat band ini saat proses rekaman berlangsung serta Melibatkan nama Christian Donaldson, Teknisi Drummer Produksi studio-nya Cryptopsy untuk memixing dan mastering album ini. sentuhan dan perpaduan Beneath The Massacre, Cryptopsy ( pada beberapa Riff-nya ) dan Neuraxis baru emang sangat begitu terasa dalam Partitur Musik yang mereka aransemen. Permainan Duet Gitaris Mike Chambers dan Stephan Meloche gw rasa tampil mencolok disini dengan Riff2 Agresifnya, menjadi serekan band di Dysphoria, ternyata diband ini mereka berdua masih Kompak menghajar. Struktur musiknya penuh sekali dengan beberapa kejutan menyiksa. 5 anak muda ini pun siap menjadi ancaman dimasa mendatang dengan talenta kerennya. " I Have Seen The End " memulai penyiksaan ini dengan terjangan Blastbeat setelah sebelumnya menjadi sebuah Intro selama 1 menit. terjangan Hyperblast snare drummer Steph Kushneriuk dengan Twin pedal rapat tampil lumayan memukau. sound yang terdengar disinipun mengingatkan pada sound band2 Modern Death Metal yang lebih terkontaminasi dengan berbagai style cadas yang lebih enjoy disebut dengan Death Metal Hardcore. lagu " In The Ire Of Creation " sepertinya juga menjadi sebuah simbol kerja keras terbaik mereka, sehingga lagu inipun layak menjadi lagu andalan band. cukup dengan 8 lagu yang mereka geber selama 27:54 menitan lumayan untuk merasakan kedasyatan konsep matang diusia band yang masih hijau ini. Viva New Generation Technical Death Metal to survive !!
Although released by their own pocket, but they more enjoy called "Big Cartel" a social network based on the sale of objects with their own management, Technical Death Metal band's new generation of origin of Ottawa, Ontario this solid metal Death is flying the flag since 2008 yesterday. The band who became foster children of his Chris Bradley Beneath The Massacre was escorted terrible talent this band during the recording process took place and Involving the name Christian Donaldson, Drummer Technician her studio Production Cryptopsy to memixing and mastering this album. touch and blend Beneath The Massacre, Cryptopsy (on some of his Riff) and the new Neuraxis very much less pronounced in the Music Scores of their arrangement. Duet plays Guitarist Mike Chambers and I think Stephan Meloche appear prominently here with Riffs aggressive, be bandmates in Dysphoria, was compared to prices, they both still beat Compact. Very full musical structure with a few surprises torture. 5 children this young are ready to become a threat in the future with cool talents. "I Have Seen The End" starts with the brunt of this torture after previous Blastbeat become an Intro for 1 minute. Hyperblast brunt snare drummer Steph Kushneriuk with Twin pedal meetings appear pretty spectacular. sound is heard here too reminiscent of the sound bands Modern Death Metal is more contaminated with a variety of rock styles that more enjoy-called Death Metal with Hardcore. song "In The IRE Of Creation" also seems to be a symbol of hard work their best, so even this song worthy of being the mainstay band song. enough with 8 songs that they play during 27:54 minutes great feel bad for the concept of mature age band who are still green. Viva New Generation Technical Death Metal to survive!
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