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Rings of Saturn - Dingir 2012

Rings of Saturn - Dingir
Unique Leader Records 2012

01 Objective to Harvest 04:06    
02 Galactic Cleansing 03:28    
03 Shards of Scorched Flesh 03:08    
04 Dingir 03:35      
05 Faces Imploding 05:51    
06 Peeling Arteries 04:05    
07 Hyperforms 03:50    
08 Fruitless Existence 03:13    
09 Immaculate Order 04:37    
10 Utopia 05:25

Sean Martinez - Bass
Joel Omans - Guitars
Lucas Mann - Guitars
Ian Baker - Drums
Ian Bearer - Vocals

Unique Leader records memang ditahun 2012 banyak melakukan Invasi Rilisan2 Baru berbahayanya, datang tidak hanya dari nama2 lama namun juga beberapa nama baru berbahaya, seperti masuknya band dengan konsep yang mereka sendiri Klaim sebagai " Aliencore " ini adalah sebuah Morpologi tesis mereka tentang Tema UFO, Angkasa Luar, ilmu Pengetahuan Modern dan Kehancuran Dunia. Unique Leader Records sendiri pertama kali mengenal band ini lewat album pertama mereka Secara independen " Embryonic Anomaly " tahun 2010 yang dipasarkan melalui Sistem Digital di Bigcartel dan kemudian Unique Leader tertarik untuk merilis ulang album pertama ini pada tahun 2011 sekaligus merekrut mereka dalam Keluarga roster barunya untuk merilis " Dingir " ( baca : din-jeer .ed ) yang informasi sebelumnya beredar tentang album ini adalah beredarnya lebih awal sebagai Download Track di Blog Total Deathcore pada tanggal 28 Oktober 2012 dan Pihak Unique Leader sendiri ingin merilisnya pada tanggal 20 November 2012, namun karena kendala Hukum yang terjadi dari ini, sehingga versi CD fisik baru akan tersedia pada 5 Pebruari 2013 nanti, well masalah Baru dalam Dunia Digital memang kerap terjadi menghancurkan harapan para Records label dan akankah masalah seperti ini akan bisa terselesaikan ? jawabannya tentu tetap ada dalam naluri manusia masing2, dan Balik ke materi Band, mungkin bagi band bentukan tahun 2009 adalah lebih sebagai Proyek rekaman studio saja antara Gitaris Lucas Mann, Mantan Drummer Lord Of War, Brent Silletto dan Vokalis Peter Pawlak sebelum akhirnya Ring Of Saturn melengkapi formasinya setelah bergabung dengan Roster Unique Leader records. dengan gaya bermusik yang memang " Unik " dan Dasyat !! band yang digawangi oleh 5 anak muda bertalenta ini kembali berulah lagi dialbum gress ini dengan mencoba memadukan attitude     Deadspace video game series, other space themed video games, dan Outer space gore Films sebagai Konsep bermain musiknya yang memang " Matematika " dan Chaotic Abis ini ! yang jelas setelah Drummer Brent Silletto dan vokalis Peter Pawlak mengundurkan diri dari band ini, Menyisakan Frontman dan Mastermind Sinting Lucas Mann untuk mencari kembali Partner sintingnya dengan mengajak serta Gitaris ke-2 Joel Omans, kemudian akhirnya bergabung Drummer Ian Baker, Vokalis Sinting Ian Bearer dan Bassis berbakat Sean Martinez yang pernah membantu beberapa penampilan panggung Decrepit Birth pasca Derek Boyer mengundurkan diri sebelum akhirnya kembali lagi. dan formasi baru ini semakin lebih membuat " PARAH " konsep sinting band yang membawa Analogi tentang Cincin Planet Saturnus sebagai Rings Of Saturn menjadi Hal sains untuk sedikit merubah paradigma dan attitude bermusik mereka dengan sentuhan teknologi modern dan hasilnya adalah album Edan " Dingir " ini, gimana ga edan kalau gw selama 35:07 menit disuguhi dengan 9 track sinting ini. Most bands, when trying to combine metal and deathcore, manage a homogenous mixture of the two. Somehow this band is able to separate the two into two thick layers of oil (metal) and water (deathcore). One section will be only palm-muted open chords and the next will be only technical dissonance, with other riffs rarely in between. As for the "other riffs" I described earlier, they are few and far in-between. Some of them are a few foreboding picks of the strings and some are just good ol' fashioned tremolo picking. The vocals are very good in my opinion. They range from low and gurgly to high-pitched shrieks, and are executed very well. He doesn't babble so much as to clutter the music. The drums are played at varying tempos and throw in a little more creativity to the otherwise dull areas. terus mencipkakan komposisi yang dasyat mengejutkan, Ring Of Saturn memang tetap menunjukkan talenta berbahaya mereka untuk memainkan konsep musik Matematika dalam setiap aransemennya ! Ok gw mulai dengan Track pertama " Objective to Harvest " kegilaan telah dimulai dengan hentakan Hypersnare standard Death metal dengan aroma Deathcore yang kental, dan masih belum terasa banget kegilaannya pada detik 47, dan kemudian setelah itu, Lucas Mann dan Joel Omans pun secara kompak menampilkan sayatan Teknikal math riffing sinting dengan harmonisasi yang berbau Neoklasikal dan Teknikal abis ! arpheggio Riffing bertemu dengan Pentatonik klasik yang kemudian dipadukan dengan Mathcore style sehingga terasa lebih pusing dan sulit untuk dicerna bagi fans Death Metal teknikal standar sekalipun, belum lagi gaya vokalis enerjik Ian Bearer yang harus extra mengatur pernafasannya untuk melakukan Multiple Vokal sekaligus, Growl, Deep Guttural dan Screaming hampir dalam pattern Bar yang dekat rapat, dan terus mengusik Indera gw adalah beberapa Progresi Matematika Riff Gitarnya dan permainan Drumming intensif tetap terus memberikan Nuansa Chaotic hampir disetiap strukturnya, sekilas gw seperti merasakan kembali gaya Omnium Gatherum ( Australia ) bertemu dengan The Faceless hingga Gaya meraung sinting Almarhum Vokalis Mitch-nya Suicide Silence, dan masih banyak lagi Komponen2 penting yang mempengaruhi hampir pada struktur musiknya. " Galactic Cleansing " semakin menjadi lebih bengis dan sinting lagi setelah melakukan Foreplay dengan Track pertama tadi, band ini semakin terus menciptakan Partisi musik yang Cepat, Matematika dan teknikal abis !! Good Job aja deh untuk kerja keras mereka semua untuk materi Fantastis ini. As can be ascertained by being in my physical presence for three seconds, I don't like my deathcore to try to be intelligent. Bands like The Faceless disgust me, actually: we're talking about a genre that not only revels in its own stupidity, but actually thrives on it. You know when the stuff The Faceless is playing will become acceptable behavior for the deathcore genre? Around the same moment Jungle Rot starts incorporating alternating time signatures in their measures. Imagine a band like, say, Carnifex being stripped of their thugged-out slam/breakdowns - you'd have yourself a melodic death metal band, not a deathcore one. So yeah, I don't like the formula for deathcore being tampered with, because it seldom ends well. This, however, would have to be an exception - Rings of Saturn have actually managed to do something intelligent ! dan sebagai Musisi Metal juga, gw merasa sangat terkagum kagum dengan Pola pikir penciptaan musik mereka ini, sangat Fantastis untuk harus bisa dimainkan semua band, karena konsentrasi tinggi dan Talenta Brilian memang menjadi Modal utama karakter musik seperti ini. terkesan Gado gado banget Nuansanya, namun Komposisi mengerikan dapat mereka ciptakan gila gilaan kali ini, dan denger saja sendiri permainan Riffing Joel Omans dan Lucas Mann adalah Faktor utama ketidak warasan bermusik ini. The riffs often weedle up and down with a sort of melody that could best be described as a mix of typical sci-fi outer-space bleep-bloop ambience and a combination of noise coming from a pinball-themed lottery machine. This style of riffing certainly gives the music its fair share of insanity!!! masuk " Shards of Scorched Flesh ", duet Gitaris ini pun semakin menampilkan permainan yang Kontroversial dengan Lick dan Style Unik dan mungkin familiar banget untuk Fans Mathcore. Kalo Origin boleh memainkan musik yang cepat dan Rumit, Ring Of Saturn bahkan dapat menguraikan kembali komposisi yang terdengar manusiawi tapi tetap mengejutkan dengan lick2 Style unik tanpa adanya teknik pengulangan yang signifikan, bener2 luar biasa Konsep band ini coy !! apalagi dalam 9 lagu ini memang banyak suprise yang mereka hadirkan sehingga memang gw harus kekurangan kata2 untuk dapat menggambarkan secara jelas karakter band ini, sebuah pembelajaran penting lagi untuk all musisi metalhead untuk jangan terlalu berbangga dengan skill yang kalian miliki, walau memainkan karakter yang berbeda, belum tentu skill band ini bisa dimainkan oleh semua orang, karena seperti pepatah bilang " diatas langit masih ada langit " sehingga kita tidak harus merasa cukup puas dengan apa yang kita bisa mainkan saat ini, jika ingin lebih maju dengan talentamu, galilah terus bakatmu untuk yang terbaik ! cieeeee !!! well Berani menerima tantangan ??? sangat Gw rekomendasikan buat kalian yang ingin maju dan menggali skill luar biasa, materi ini sangat patut menjadi refrensi adrenalin kalian. It’s safe to say that Cryptopsy created a monster in the mid 90s when they assaulted the outer fringes of death metal with their first two studio releases with Lord Worm at the helm. Although they didn’t get beyond the typical clichés of gore and irreverent apostasy, the framework for most of the highly varied progressive and technical bands, and also the grindcore infused variety, was pretty well set on their watch. Among the weirder bands to come out of this tradition is a quartet of highly ambitious musicians from Northern California with a peculiar fetish for extraterrestrial monstrosities in Rings Of Saturn. While perhaps not quite living up to the strongly esoteric character of Wormed, they could be likened to a fancier yet slightly more intelligible and easily digested version of them, alongside a greater presence of more traditional influences. dan bisa kalian bayangkan jika ini adalah pertarungan seru antara Cryptopsy, Origin, The Faceless, Dillinger Escape Plan, Ion dissonance, Necrophagist, Decrepit Birth, Periphery,etc ! This band had a lot of potential, but all the cool areas got buried in non-creativity and repetition. Maybe their sophomore effort will surprise us.

Unique Leader Records in 2012 many did commit invasion of New Rilisan2 dangerous, coming not only from the old nama2 but also some dangerous new name, such as the inclusion of the band with their own concept of the claim as "Aliencore" this is a theme of their thesis morphology UFO, Space Foreign, Modern science and the destruction of the World Knowledge. Unique Leader Records was first known band through their first album Independently "Embryonic Anomaly" in 2010, which is marketed through Digital Systems in Bigcartel and then Unique Leader interested in re-releasing the first album in 2011 as well as to recruit their family for his new roster released "Dingir" (read: din-jeer. ed) the previous information circulating about this album is the circulation early as Download Track Total deathcore Blog on October 28, 2012 and the party itself Unique Leader to release on 20 November 2012, but due to constraints arising from this law, so that the physical CD version will be available on February 5, 2013, issue of the New World well indeed often happens Digital destroy the hopes of the Records label and would like this problem will be resolved? the answer is of course still exist in a human instinct masing2, and Back to Band material, perhaps the band formed in 2009 is better as a recording studio only project between guitarist Lucas Mann, Former Drummer Lord Of War, Brent Silletto and vocalist Peter Pawlak before Ring Of Saturn complete formation after joining the Roster Unique Leader Records. the musical style that is "unique" and terrible! band fronted by 5 young talented back is acting up again dialbum gress deadspace attitude by trying to integrate video game series, and other space themed video games, and gore Films Outer space as a concept playing music that is "Mathematics" and Chaotic Abis this! clear after Brent Silletto Drummer and vocalist Peter Pawlak resigned from the band, and Mastermind Leaving Frontman Mad Lucas Mann to seek re-engage and partner crazy with the second guitarist Joel Omans, then finally joined Ian Baker Drummer, Vocalist Insane Ian Bearer and gifted bassist Sean Martinez, who had helped several stage performances Decrepit Birth after Derek Boyer resigned before returning. and the new lineup is getting more makes "SEVERE" crazy concept that brought bands analogy of Saturn's Rings Rings Of Saturn as a little thing to change the paradigm of science and their musical attitude with a touch of modern technology and the result is an album Edan "Dingir" is, how ga crazy if i for 35:07 minutes with 9 tracks offered this crazy. Most bands, when trying to combine metal and deathcore, manage a homogenous mixture of the two. Somehow this band is Able to separate the two into two thick layers of oil (metal) and water (deathcore). One section will be open only palm-muted chords and the next will be only technical dissonance, rarely with other riffs in between. As for the "other riffs" Earlier I described, they are few and far in-between. Some of them are a few picks of the foreboding strings and some are just good ol 'fashioned tremolo picking. The vocals are very good in my opinion. They range from low and gurgly to high-pitched shrieks, and are executed very well. He does so much Babble as to clutter the music. The drums are played at varying tempos and throw in a little more creativity to the otherwise dull areas. continue mencipkakan composition terrible shock, Ring Of Saturn is still dangerous talent shows them to play musical concepts in any aransemennya Math! Ok I started with the first track "Objective to Harvest" madness has begun with the beat Hypersnare standard deathcore death metal with a strong aroma, and yet still feels very madness on the second 47, and then after that, Lucas Mann and Joel had a compact display Omans Technical incision math riffing crazy with the smell Neoclassical harmonization and Technical abis! arpheggio riffing met with the classic pentatonic then combined with mathcore style that feels more dizzy and difficult to digest for standard technical Death Metal fans though, not to mention the energetic style of vocalist Ian Bearer to be an extra set to carry Multiple Vocal breathing at the same time, Growl, Deep Guttural Screaming about the pattern and Bars are close together, and continued to harass sense gw are some Math Progression His guitar riffs and intense Drumming game still continues to provide Nuance Chaotic almost every structure, at first glance i like the feel back style Omnium Gatherum (Australia) met with The Faceless to roared crazy style of his late vocalist Mitch Suicide Silence, and more importantly komponen2 affecting almost musical structure. "Galactic Cleansing" is increasingly becoming more violent and crazy again after Track Foreplay with the first, the band continues to create music that Fast Partitions, Mathematics and Technical abis! Good Job aja deh for all their hard work for this fantastic material. As can be ascertained by being in my physical presence for three seconds, I do not like my deathcore to try to be intelligent. Bands like The Faceless disgust me, actually: we're talking about a genre that not only revels in its own stupidity, but actually thrives on it. You know when the stuff The Faceless is playing will Become acceptable behavior for the deathcore genre? Around the same moment Jungle Rot starts incorporating alternating time signatures in their measures. Imagine a band like, say, Carnifex being stripped of their thugged-out slam / breakdowns - you'd have yourself a melodic death metal band, not a deathcore one. So yeah, I do not like the formula for deathcore being tampered with, Because It seldom ends well. This, however, would have to be an exception - Rings of Saturn have actually managed to do something intelligent! Metal Musicians and as well, i feel so amazed amazed by their music creation mindset, it is fantastic to be able to play all the band, due to the high concentration and Brilliant Talent Capital is a major character like this music. Gado gado seem very nuanced, but horrible composition can they create crazy frenzy this time, and heard only the game Joel Omans riffing and Lucas Mann is the main factor is lack of musical sanity. The riffs Often weedle up and down with a the sort of melody that could best be described as a mix of typical sci-fi outer-space bleep-bloop ambience and a combination of noise coming from a lottery-themed pinball machine. This style of riffing certainly gives the music its fair share of insanity!!! enter "Shards of Scorched Flesh", a duet featuring guitarist is even more controversial game with Lick and Unique Style and possibly very familiar to fans mathcore. If Origin may play music fast and complicated, Ring Of Saturn return can even decipher the composition that sounded human but still surprised by the unique style lick2 without significant repetition technique, bener2 extraordinary concept band coy!! especially in the 9 songs is a lot of suprise they present so did i have to lack kata2 to clearly describe the band's character, an important lesson for all musicians to not be too proud metalhead with a skill that you have, even though playing different characters, This band is not necessarily skill can be played by everyone, because as the proverb says "the sky is still there the sky" so we do not have to feel quite satisfied with what we can play at this time, if you want more advanced with talents, dig continued talent for the best! cieeeee!!! well dare to accept the challenge??? very Gw recommended for you who want to progress and explore extraordinary skill, the material is highly deserves your adrenaline references. It's safe to say that Cryptopsy created a monster in the mid 90s when they assaulted the outer fringes of death metal with their first two studio releases with Lord Worm at the helm. Although they did not get beyond the typical clichés of gore and irreverent apostasy, the framework for most of the highly varied and technical prog bands, and also the variety infused grindcore, was pretty well set on their watch. Among the weirder bands to come out of this tradition is a highly ambitious quartet of musicians from Northern California with a peculiar fetish for extraterrestrial monstrosities in Rings Of Saturn. While perhaps not quite living up to the esoteric character of wormed strongly, they could be likened to a fancier yet slightly more intelligible and easily digested version of them, alongside a greater presence of more traditional Influences. and can you imagine if this was the exciting battle between Cryptopsy, Origin, The Faceless, Dillinger Escape Plan, Ion dissonance, Necrophagist, Decrepit Birth, periphery, etc! This band had a lot of potential, but all the cool areas got buried in non-creativity and repetition. Maybe their sophomore effort will surprise us.

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