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Shatter It All - Corporal Puzzle 2010

Shatter It All - Corporal Puzzle
Profusion Records 2010

01 Regression   
02 Skin Limbs Collection       
03 Devoured By Your Own Obsession       
04 Painful Life       
05 Mentally Disturbed       
06 Unhealthy       
07 Autumn's Ashes       
08 The Edge       
09 Corporal Puzzle       
10 Discorde       
11 Self Contamination       
12 Reason To Kill   
13 Human Is The Agony Of The Earth       
14 Morbid Reality       
15 Albert Hamilton Fish (Dahmer Cover)

Mungkin kita jangan terlalu kuatir saat ini kalau kalau Canada metal Scene bakalan kehilangan Stok band band Brutal Death/Grind saat scene ini terkena wabah musik yang terlihat begitu modern, karena band asal St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, Shatter It All ini masih memainkan komposisi Death/grind brutal yang bergaya asli seperti pada era 90-an. musiknya sendiri adalah perpaduan antara Crust/grind dengan Brutal Death metal, dan mungkin kalau bisa gw memberi sedikit gambaran gimana musik mereka sebenarnya, ini adalah perpaduan kental antara gaya Old shool Grindcore Dahmer yang mereka kemas dengan lebih modern dengan sentuhan band band Grindcore Czech scene seperti Ingrowing, Pigsty hingga sentuhan Death/Grind band ala Intervalle Bizzare sangat terasa dalam komposisi lagu yang mereka ciptakan dalam 15 lagu serba cepat berdurasi total sekitar 22:13 menit !, ya karena memang durasi masing masing lagu cuman memakan waktu 1 menit. sebuah karya perdana debutan anak muda ini memang berani berkompetisi dalam kancah metal khususnya di genre Grindcore. Blistering Fast Riff double Gitaris Mo dan Mart Grenier kerap memadukan Gaya Riff Grindcore dengan Death Metal Riff yang kadang sering menciptakan Groovy part. gebukan drummer Dave Despres semakin mendukung Extremely karya mereka terdengar Intense dan Crushing !! dan Growling vokalis Morin yang terus menyelipkan Middle Scream Insane Vokal juga semakin melengkapi karya ini terdengar lebih Brutal !. akhir kata, Potensi dan talenta remaja musisi muda metal canada tetap menjadi ancaman serius dalam kancah Scene metal Internasional. Crushing by the Grindly !!!

Maybe we should not be too worried now that if Canada Metal Scene Stock band's going to lose the band Brutal Death / Grind when exposed to plague the music scene that looks very modern, because the band from St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, Shatter It All is still playing the composition of the Death / grind brutal original style as in the era of the 90s. his own music is a blend of Crust / grind with Brutal Death metal, and maybe if I could give some idea of how their music actually, this is a thick blend of style Old shool Grindcore Dahmer that they pack with more modern with a touch of Grindcore bands such as the Czechs scene Ingrowing, Pigsty to touch the Death / Grind band Intervalle bizzare style is very pronounced in the composition of the song that they created in 15 fast paced songs lasting a total of about 22:13 minutes!, yes because it is the duration of each song Only takes 1 minute. a work of prime young debutante is indeed dare to compete in the metal scene, especially in the Grindcore genre. Blistering Fast Riff Guitarist double Mart Grenier Mo and often combines style with Death Metal Grindcore Riff Riff who sometimes often create groovy part. thumper drummer Dave Despres increasingly supporting their work sounded Extremely Intense and Crushing! Growling vocals and Morin who continues to slip Middle Insane Scream Vocals are also increasingly complement this work sounded more Brutal!. the final word, potential and talent of young musicians teen canada metal remains a serious threat in the arena of international metal scene. Crushing by the Grindly!

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