Answer by Taylor Lipton
Untuk Memulai Interview ini, Silahkan beri Gw pengenalan singkat tentang diri Elo sehingga LIC Reader akan tahu siapa yang menjawab Interview ini?
Hello Herry, Saya Taylor Lipton, gitaris dari band Death Metal ABRIOSIS ini.
Dan semakin lebih hangat, Tambahkan juga Histori Singkat Abriosis ini.
Abriosis dibentuk pada tahun 2008 untuk mengejar beberapa lagu demo yang telah saya rekam ( Self Title ‘ Ep ). Kami sudah melalui beberapa perubahan Member selama bertahun-tahun tapi kami percaya bahwa kita akan lebih kuat dari sebelumnya dengan formasi Robin Iwasiw (Drums), Alxs Ness (Vokal), Ryan Macdonnel (Bass) dan saya sendiri (guitar). Kami begitu sangat bangga dapat merilis rilis "Kapal terbaru kami "dan bagaimana ia telah menerima.
Lalu Tentang Nama Band, Gimana Ceritanya hingga Kalian memutuskan menggunakan nama ini ?
Nama Abriosis digunakan pertama kali dari saya sendiri dan Vokalis Asli sebelumnya kami, Chris Mathis. Yang Pada dasarnya mengambil nama ABIOSIS dan menambahkan Huruf "R" di dalamnya karena kami pikir itu lebih terdengar keren! Ini bukan kata yang nyata yang benar-benar telah membantu kita dengan pencarian adalah Google haha. Kami mengambilnya dan mulai serius, karena kita selalu ingin menjadi yang terbaik kami sendiri tetapi kami juga percaya tidak ada gunanya dalam bermain musik jika Anda tidak ingin bersenang-senang. Kita mungkin merasakan sekitar 70% dari waktu di tempat latihan kami haha
Bagaimana Jika Kalian Bisa menggambarkan musik Dead Silence cukup dengan " lima " kata saja …
Apakah Kalian memainkan musik yang cenderung ke Root Death Metal dengan banyak melakukan esensi sebenarnya? Lalu Apa yang menjadi filosofi kalian ??
Kami bermain Konsep musik apapun yang kita merasa seperti bermain bebas. Karena Kami percaya tidak ada Blue Print untuk lagu yang bagus.
Ceritakan lebih banyak tentang Rilisan terakhir band " Vessel " EP! Dan Bagaimana jika di Bandingkan Dengan Rilisan Full CD " Tattered and Bound " Atau "EP" Abriosis ", Apakah Kalian bener2 Sangat Puas dengan Kemajuan secara Musikalitasnya untuk Sekarang ini?
Tentu Kami sangat puas dengan "Vessel" dan merasa bahwa Aransemen lagu kita telah menjadi lebih baik. Setiap rilisan kami memang telah selalu memiliki vokalis yang berbeda, ...... sehingga tidak direncanakan tapi kami ingin terus berkembang dan tidak bisa lebih berbahagia dengan vokalis Alxs sebagai member baru di Abriosis. Kami menganggap Ep “ Abriosis “ sebagai "Demo" kami, CD “Tattered and Bound “ adalah sebuah kemajuan terbesar, tapi tetap menjadi batu loncatan bagi kita dapat menulis lebih baik lagi dan “ Vessel “ menjadi yang paling membanggakan bagi kami dengan 4 lagu yang memiliki Sound Musik yang kami cari selama ini. Ini akan menjadi Awal Karir terbaik kami untuk Sounding Band dimasa yang akan datang !
Lalu Bagaimana Kalian Bisa mendapatkan inspirasi untuk menulis lagu ini? Dan Bagaimana kalian dapat menggambarkan Konsep band ? dan yang menjadi pengaruh terbesarnya?
Saya biasanya datang dengan ide-ide riff awal lagu dan selanjutnya akan memulai dari situ. Saya ingin mendapatkan pengaruh dari hampir semua hal, musik atau non musik sekalipun. Sebagian besar riff favorit saya telah ditulis oleh “ Ketidak sengajaan/Kecelakaan “ teknis, saya mungkin bermain lepas waktu, atau menerobos serangkaian sebuah catatan buruk tapi kemudian saya coba kembali dan memulai hal-hal berbau pendengaran untuk dapat mengikat lagi dari bersama catatan waktu buruk saya haha ?? Saya tidak dapat berbicara untuk semua orang tapi beberapa Pengaruh bermusik saya bisa datang dari nama Paul Gilbert, Michael Jackson, Rambo, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ayrton Senna, Tony MacAlpine, Jason Becker, Marty Friedman, Bill Cosby, hingga Will Smith.
Trus Gimana cara kalian untuk menciptakan sebuah lagu dan didistribusikan kepada anggota band lain? Apakah Ini semua merupakan upaya kolektif atau semua bekerja sendiri di rumah dan kemudian bertemu di studio untuk mempertemukan Ide masing2 member ? dan Seberapa sering untuk Member band untuk saling bertemu dengan yang lainnya?
Kami mencoba untuk berkolaborasi lebih dari kehidupan sehari-hari. Ryan adalah pembuat Aransemen Musik terbanyak di band dan telah menciptakan jembatan untuk bergabung atau frase ke bagian yang berbeda dari musik. Lalu Alxs menulis semua Lirik dan title lagu, dia sangat terbuka sekali untuk beberapa ide-ide yang kita miliki sekalipun. Robin dan saya kemudian akan menyempurnakan jam session latihan pada gitar dan drum-nya sehingga ia bisa merasakan denyut lagu yang tercipta, tapi Biasanya Robin dan Ryan bersama di sebuah ruangan yang mendapatkan hasil terbaik untuk menemukan ketukan drum. Kami mencoba untuk latihan 2 sampai 3 kali seminggu tetapi setiap kali kita tidak bisa berfikir jika pikiran macet dan menulis kembali di rumah.
Kapan Elo mulai bermain Musik dan berapa usia Elo ketika Elo menjadi tertarik pada Musik Metal? Apakah teori belajar musik Bisa membantu atau menunda dalam mencapai Keinginan Bermusik Elo sendiri ?
Saya mulai bermain gitar ketika saya masih berusia 16 Tahun, awalnya belajar memainkan piano tetapi akhirnya selalu ingin bermain gitar saja, sialan hahaha. Saya tidak tahu banyak teori bermain musik, Ryan dan robin lebih belajar bermusik secara otodidak sehingga mereka akan membantu saya melalui semua ini walau kadang-kadang bila sangat diperlukan ....... Saya tidak berpikir teori musik akan bisa memperlambat siapa pun untuk tidak menguasai dasar bermusik yang baik, alat yang kami pakai dapat membantu pengetahuan saya dengan setiap segi musik, tapi akhirnya saya mengandalkan telinga saya dan banyak melakukan teknik Alami ala “ trial and error “ untuk sebagian-nya. haha
Apakah band ini telah lebih mendapat pengaruh dari sekedar Style Utama Musik Death Metal ?? Apa musik yang Elo dengarkan sekarang ini? Apakah Elo Juga menyukai Musik dari Genre Metalcore, Deathcore dan gaya modern Metal lainnya?
Saya tidak begitu menikmati musik genre “ core “. Saya menyukai sekali Tommy Emmenuel, Thin Lizzy, Ozzy,Testament, Sabbath, Sepultura, Michael Jackson, ANATA Love the new Cattle Decapitation serta Dillinger Escape Plan, saya juga mendengarkan banyak The Aristocrats and the electronic act Nosia.
Gw ingin Mengajukan Pertanyaan Masih tentang Tema Spesial Issue Media kali ini. Seberapa besar peranan seorang wanita di Ekstrim Musik? Apa pendapat Elo tentang hal semacam ini apakah menjadi "idealisme" atau hanya ingin memberikan kesan yang sangat "menarik" saja Untuk pendengar dan Penikmat Musik? atau mungkin Elo memiliki pendapat lain tentang bagaimana Elo rasakan selama ini Bermain Musik Metal ini ??
Saya tidak yakin apakah saya mengerti pertanyaan ini .......... tapi ... Alxs adalah vokalis yang bagus. ( Iya Sih, karena Pertanyaan ini sebenarnya buat Alxs yang bisa menjawabnya .ed )
Dan kesulitan-kesulitan Apa saja yang Elo temukan saat bermain musik ekstrim ini?
-Maaf saya tapi sekali lagi saya tidak mengerti tentang pertanyaan ini ( lagi2 Pertanyaan yang harus dijawab oleh Alxs nih .ed )
Sebuah pertanyaan lagi Ingin Gw Lontarkan tentang banyak musisi yang melakukan saat ini. adalah pertanyaan tentang men-download. Apa yang akan menjadi reaksi Elo jika seseorang mengatakan kepada Kalian Tentang download album band dan berpikir mereka menjadi begitu mengagumkan, dan apa seseorang mengatakan ia membeli CD dan berpikir mereka adalah sebuah hal yang “ omong kosong “?
Kami mempromosikan Ep kami dengan cara men-download dan berbagi semua secara FREE materi kami, jadi kami akan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua orang yang mendownload dan mendengarkannya.
lalu Kegiatan lain Elo diluar Bermain Musik Metal, so ada ga hal-hal yang ingin elo lakukan ?
Saya pribadi banyak menikmatinya dengan mendengarkan musik, bermain gitar, membaca, golf, hoki, Formula1, serta menghabiskan waktu bersama dengan teman-teman
Nah, Gw Sudahi Interview Kali ini ... dan Terima kasih atas waktunya untuk menjawab pertanyaan Gw. Dan Apakah Elo ingin mengatakan beberapa kata untuk pembaca Setia Media ini. Keep Listen to the music quality and stay Metal!
Terima kasih Herry untuk wawancara ini. Kalian dapat men-download Gratis rilis " Vessel " terbaru kami di Situs Resmi Tolong beritahu semua orang yang kalian tahu tentang kami dan kami berharap dapat Bermain di kota kalian segera. Saat Kami sedang menulis Materi album full dan tidak Sabar untuk bisa menunggu untuk menyelesaikannya. Cheers!
Please give us a short introduction of yourself so the readers know with who to deal with?
I'm Taylor Lipton, guitarist of the Death Metal band ABRIOSIS.
Tell us more about the origin of the ABRIOSIS. Where are the band members coming from? Give me some details about your band Now.
Abriosis was formed in 2008 to pursue some demo songs that I had recorded (our self titled ep) . We've gone through several member changes over the years but do believe that we are stronger than ever with Robin Iwasiw-Drums,Alxs Ness,Vocals, Ryan MacDonnel-Bass and Me -Guitar.We are very proud of our latest release "Vessel" and how it has been recieved.
Tell me about the origin of the band’s name! How serious do you take yourselves actually?
The name ABRIOSIS was formed by me and our original Vocalist Chris Mathis. Basically took the word ABIOSIS and threw an "R" in it because we thought it sounded cool! It is not a real word which really helps us with Google searches haha. We take writing and performing seriously, we always want to be at our best but we also believe there is no point in playing music if your not having fun. We probably Goof around 70% of the time at our jam spot haha
If you had to describe your music in " five " words, which would you choose?
Dissonant, Dizzy, Fun,Unpredictable, Canadian
Do you play music that tends to the heart of Death Metal and hits the true core? What´s your philosophy?
We play whatever we feel like playing. We believe there is no blue print to a great song.
Tell me more about the Last Release " Vessel " EP ! How Compare With Full-length " Tattered and Bound " Or " EP " Abriosis ", Are You Very Satisfied with Progress Music for Now??
We are very satisfied with "Vessel" and feel that our writing has come a long way. Every release we've had has had a different Vocalist ,......wasn't planned but we are constantly wanting to evolve and couldn't be happier with Alxs as a member of ABRIOSIS. We consider the self titled E.p. our "Demo", Tattered and Bound" to be great progress but a stepping stone for us writing wise, and "Vessel" to be our proudest 4 songs yeat that defined the sound we've been searching for . It will be our launch pad for future sounds!
How do you get the inspiration for your writing? How would you describe your style? Who have been your role models?
I will usually come up with the initial riff ideas and the song will build from there. I like to gain influence from almost anything; musical or non musical. Most of my favorite riffs are written by Accident, i may play out of time,or hit a string of bad notes but then go back and start hearing things to tie the out of time bad notes together haha I can't speak for everyone but some of my role models have been Paul Gilbert, Michael Jackson, Rambo , Arnold Schwarzenegger ,Ayrton Senna, Tony Macalpine, Jason Becker,Marty Friedman, Bill Cosby, Will Smith
How are the tasks of song creating distributed to the band members? Is it all a collective effort or does everyone work at home alone and then in studio you get to join the parts together? How Often Member Band Meets?
We are trying to collaborate more everyday. Ryan is great at song arrangments and creating bridges to join or phrase into different sections of music.Alxs writes all of her Lyrics and names the songs,she is open to any ideas we have though. Robin and me will jam guitar and drums so he can feel out beats but its usally him and ryan together in a room that get the best results for drum beats. We try to jam 2 to 3 times a week but whenever we can't we will jam and write at home.
When did you start playing and how old were you when you became interested in metal? Did learning music theory help you or slow you down in achieving your musical goals?
I started playing guitar when i was 16, played piano as a kid but always wanted the guitar dammit ha. I do not know much music thoery , Ryan and robin are more studied in the realm so they will help me through it sometimes when needed.......I don't think music theory would ever slow anyone down,its a tool belt of knowledge that can help you with every facet of music ,but ultimately i rely on my ears and a lot of trial and error for the most part haha
What bands have influenced you more than Progressive Death Metal? What music Do you listen at the moment? Do you like The Metalcore, Deathcore and other modern styles?
I do not enjoy cores . Love Tommy Emmenuel, Thin Lizzy, Ozzy,Testament, Sabbath, Sepultura, Michael Jackson, ANATA Love the new Cattle Decapitation and Dillinger Escape Plan, also listening to alot of The Aristocrats and the electronic act Nosia
How big a role for A Woman in Extreme Music? what do you think things like this are become a "Idealism" in self or just want to give the impression of a very "Interesting" only for the listeners? or do you have another about truth Opinions how you feel during this here?
I'm not sure if i understand the question..........but...Alxs is a great vocalist.
Will you always be treated "notch" in the music playing during this than others??
I'm sorry but I do not understand the question
And what difficulties you encountered while playing Extreme music for this?
A question I like to ask a lot on musicians that follow the underground, is the question on downloading. What would your reaction be if someone told you that he downloaded both your albums and thought they were awesome, and what to someone that told you he bought the albums and thought they were shit?
We promote downloading and sharing all our material forFREE, so we would say thank you to both of these people.
Outside of playing Metal, what kinds of things do you enjoy doing?
I personally enjoy listening to music, playing guitar,reading, golf,hockey,formula1,spending time with friends
Well, We have finished with the interview... Thanks for your time and good luck in the future. You can say some words for our readers and your fans. Listen to the quality music and stay Metal!
Thanks for the interview. You can download our latest release "VESSEL" FREE at Please tell everyone you know about us and we hope to play your town soon. We are currently writing a full -length album and cant wait to get it out.! Cheers !
I'm Taylor Lipton, guitarist of the Death Metal band ABRIOSIS.
Tell us more about the origin of the ABRIOSIS. Where are the band members coming from? Give me some details about your band Now.
Abriosis was formed in 2008 to pursue some demo songs that I had recorded (our self titled ep) . We've gone through several member changes over the years but do believe that we are stronger than ever with Robin Iwasiw-Drums,Alxs Ness,Vocals, Ryan MacDonnel-Bass and Me -Guitar.We are very proud of our latest release "Vessel" and how it has been recieved.
Tell me about the origin of the band’s name! How serious do you take yourselves actually?
The name ABRIOSIS was formed by me and our original Vocalist Chris Mathis. Basically took the word ABIOSIS and threw an "R" in it because we thought it sounded cool! It is not a real word which really helps us with Google searches haha. We take writing and performing seriously, we always want to be at our best but we also believe there is no point in playing music if your not having fun. We probably Goof around 70% of the time at our jam spot haha
If you had to describe your music in " five " words, which would you choose?
Dissonant, Dizzy, Fun,Unpredictable, Canadian
Do you play music that tends to the heart of Death Metal and hits the true core? What´s your philosophy?
We play whatever we feel like playing. We believe there is no blue print to a great song.
Tell me more about the Last Release " Vessel " EP ! How Compare With Full-length " Tattered and Bound " Or " EP " Abriosis ", Are You Very Satisfied with Progress Music for Now??
We are very satisfied with "Vessel" and feel that our writing has come a long way. Every release we've had has had a different Vocalist ,......wasn't planned but we are constantly wanting to evolve and couldn't be happier with Alxs as a member of ABRIOSIS. We consider the self titled E.p. our "Demo", Tattered and Bound" to be great progress but a stepping stone for us writing wise, and "Vessel" to be our proudest 4 songs yeat that defined the sound we've been searching for . It will be our launch pad for future sounds!
How do you get the inspiration for your writing? How would you describe your style? Who have been your role models?
I will usually come up with the initial riff ideas and the song will build from there. I like to gain influence from almost anything; musical or non musical. Most of my favorite riffs are written by Accident, i may play out of time,or hit a string of bad notes but then go back and start hearing things to tie the out of time bad notes together haha I can't speak for everyone but some of my role models have been Paul Gilbert, Michael Jackson, Rambo , Arnold Schwarzenegger ,Ayrton Senna, Tony Macalpine, Jason Becker,Marty Friedman, Bill Cosby, Will Smith
How are the tasks of song creating distributed to the band members? Is it all a collective effort or does everyone work at home alone and then in studio you get to join the parts together? How Often Member Band Meets?
We are trying to collaborate more everyday. Ryan is great at song arrangments and creating bridges to join or phrase into different sections of music.Alxs writes all of her Lyrics and names the songs,she is open to any ideas we have though. Robin and me will jam guitar and drums so he can feel out beats but its usally him and ryan together in a room that get the best results for drum beats. We try to jam 2 to 3 times a week but whenever we can't we will jam and write at home.
When did you start playing and how old were you when you became interested in metal? Did learning music theory help you or slow you down in achieving your musical goals?
I started playing guitar when i was 16, played piano as a kid but always wanted the guitar dammit ha. I do not know much music thoery , Ryan and robin are more studied in the realm so they will help me through it sometimes when needed.......I don't think music theory would ever slow anyone down,its a tool belt of knowledge that can help you with every facet of music ,but ultimately i rely on my ears and a lot of trial and error for the most part haha
What bands have influenced you more than Progressive Death Metal? What music Do you listen at the moment? Do you like The Metalcore, Deathcore and other modern styles?
I do not enjoy cores . Love Tommy Emmenuel, Thin Lizzy, Ozzy,Testament, Sabbath, Sepultura, Michael Jackson, ANATA Love the new Cattle Decapitation and Dillinger Escape Plan, also listening to alot of The Aristocrats and the electronic act Nosia
How big a role for A Woman in Extreme Music? what do you think things like this are become a "Idealism" in self or just want to give the impression of a very "Interesting" only for the listeners? or do you have another about truth Opinions how you feel during this here?
I'm not sure if i understand the question..........but...Alxs is a great vocalist.
Will you always be treated "notch" in the music playing during this than others??
I'm sorry but I do not understand the question
And what difficulties you encountered while playing Extreme music for this?
A question I like to ask a lot on musicians that follow the underground, is the question on downloading. What would your reaction be if someone told you that he downloaded both your albums and thought they were awesome, and what to someone that told you he bought the albums and thought they were shit?
We promote downloading and sharing all our material forFREE, so we would say thank you to both of these people.
Outside of playing Metal, what kinds of things do you enjoy doing?
I personally enjoy listening to music, playing guitar,reading, golf,hockey,formula1,spending time with friends
Well, We have finished with the interview... Thanks for your time and good luck in the future. You can say some words for our readers and your fans. Listen to the quality music and stay Metal!
Thanks for the interview. You can download our latest release "VESSEL" FREE at Please tell everyone you know about us and we hope to play your town soon. We are currently writing a full -length album and cant wait to get it out.! Cheers !
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