01 Beginning of the End 08:21 02 Controlled by Hate 07:31 03 Lifeless Existence 08:08 04 When Clarity Comes... 04:46 05 Suicide 06:55 06 In the End Pt.1 (Agony) 05:52 07 In the End Pt.2 (Epitaph) 06:44 08 Farewell 01:48
Dmitry Alexeev - Bass Vyacheslav Gyrovoy - Drums Alexander Strelnikov - Guitars Dmitriy Ignatiev - Guitars Sofia Raykova - Vocals
Menarik perhatian banget sejak Gw melihat Performance mereka di Official Video Clip " Suicide ", band asal Pushkino, Moscow Region, Russia ini memainkan Komposisi Kompleks Musik yang ciamik serta didukung dengan Sound yang Maksimal, sehingga aransemen musiknya jelas terdengar Indah dan dinamis sebagai penggabungan konsep antara Death, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Fates Warning, Redemption, Iron Maiden, Lacuna Coil, Into Eternity, Echoes of Eternity, hingga To-Mera menjadi satu kesatuan Melodic Death/Thrash Metal yang fantastis hampir disetiap sentuhannya. selain itu Female Fronted Sofia Raykova dengan multiple Vokalnya menambah asyik konsep Yang band mainkan ini. is an original mixture of Progressive, Death, Thrash and Modern Metal, "spiced" with gloomy conceptual lyrics. serius band ini lebih memiliki Komposisi Full melodius, spesial buat kalian yang menggemari Melodic Stuff, tentu akan sangat menyukai suguhan album yang digarap bareng Eugene Vinogradov di Day-Records studio telah menciptakan masterpiece album sepanjang karir band. tentu gw ga banyak panjang lebar cerita tentang band yang satu ini, karena langsung gw play track pertama " Beginning of the End " nya, dimulai dengan Intro Tangisan Bayi sebagai bentuk konsep Title track-nya, yang kemudian Metallic Riffing menyerang dengan komposisi Modern Sound yang cool menendang ! There's even a nice guitar solo that starts off very tastefully and leads back into some shredding that helps bring the anger in this song back to the front. If the rest of the songs on this album were close to being this good, this album would be so much better than it is. Mastermind Alexandr Strelnikov banyak menyimpan Agresi mematikan lewat Gubahan lagunya menjadi Part2 yang membunuh disetiap jengkal-nya. terpadu kompak dengan permainan gitaris Dmitriy Ignatiev yang diimplementasikan perfect idenya lewat drummer Vyacheslav Gyrovoy menciptakan struktur musik yang asli mengagumkan untuk terus kita konsumsi. There are some amazing and aggressive passages that would make this album incredibly impressive if the horribly overdone melodic passages weren't present. and either a good emphasis on symphonic elements or melodic elements. Tantal has so much potential with all three of these AND there are some awesome guitar solos to help out. Still, the band lacks the foundation to really make much of an impact. dan memang Komposisinya dikerjakan begitu matang, sehingga memang Strukturnya selalu Signifikan dengan Progress Bar per Bar, so Lengkap manis bisa kita nikmati sajiannya, Amazing ! vokalis Sofia Raykova menyuguhkan 3 karakter vokalnya disini, dari Growl, harsh hingga Clean Vokalnya menambah Imej Modern Style band. to build a fortress out of their music and used way too many different materials to make the base. They tried to combine progressive metal with some elements of speed and non-symphonic power metal and a touch of melodic death metal. I'm sure there's a lot more that I didn't pick up on, too. In my opinion, they need to stick with one or two styles. If they were a power metal-driven melodic death metal band, they would probably be fine. If they were a straight up progressive melodeath band, they would probably be fine. If they were just simply melodic death metal, they would be fine. However, this album is like the Tetris of heavy metal. sebuah pertarungan Talenta Hebat ada ditrack Awal ini pokoknya. " Controlled by Hate " memulai Gaya Neoclassic Riffing yang begitu Shredd sentuhannya menambah adrenalin Track menjadi terdengar garang mencabik cabik ! As for the music, it is very varied and this can be either good or bad depending on your tastes. For example Timeless Winter, a song I love features death growls and a great death/thrash riff and switches to more of a groove and super high Painkiller singing. Surrounded by Night is mostly acoustic with great vocal harmonies going around only to finish in a crescendo and melodic guitars riding out the song. dan saking kerapnya antar musisi sibuk bertarung dengan ego-nya, Pattern Vokal Sofia Raykova kerap kurang mendapat Space untuknya hehehe, karena durasi setiap lagunya panjang, sehingga tetap kita nikmati komposisi Kompleks-nya. " Lifeless Existence " Track terpanjang Ke-2 setelah " Beginning of the End ", dimana Gaya Dinamis bermusik benar2 di Explor sekali dengan full fokus-nya. sentuhan Melodius Kental in the Vein Amorphis, In Flames serta Amon Amarth begitu kuat mengikat berikutnya di Lagu " When Clarity Comes... ", suguhan emosional bener2 dibawah sadar manusia kala pikiran sedang mengalami Penat, kosong hingga Blank, track ini mungkin menjadi sentuhan yang begitu berbeda dari track lainnya coz hadir sebagai Instrumental track ciamik hehehe .... dan " Suicide " memang masih menjadi Track memorable sejak gw mengenal nama Tantal sebagai band yang Bagus. Another aspect of the arrangement that takes away from the seemingly varied approach to this genre is the overuse of the double Excelent Guitarist. Even the ballad can’t help but launch into a Melodic metal beat during the chorus. The sound of the bass drum is a bit too separated and puts too much emphasis on the attack rather than sustain, resulting in something with a bit of a click quality to it. This is probably part of why the accusations of sounding like a metalcore band are being thrown at the band, as this approach to drum sound is more at home with the hard core crowd rather than the rumbling quality of a death/thrash metal sound. kemudian Track " In the End Pt.1 (Agony) " dan " In the End Pt.2 (Epitaph) " seperti menjadi Serial song Part komposisi dasyat berikutnya yang jika disatukan tentu akan menjadi Durasi yang menguras enerji mereka hehehe, dan Ending Manis disudahi oleh Instrumental Track dengan Permainan Solo Gitar Melodius Virtuosous Cool licking " Farewell " bener2 telah menyempurnakan Kreatifitas Maksimal Tantal. bagi Gw, " The Beginning of the End " adalah mahakarya melodius yang bener2 Nyata untuk mengurai Logika kita tentang Nada Musik itu ga selamanya bisa dinikmati dimusik2 Mainstream, karena Musik bagi Gw tetaplah sebuah seni yang luar biasa untuk mempengaruhi Naluri pendengarnya dan sangat sulit sebenarnya untuk ditulis dengan kata2 karena memang harus dirasakan sendiri. dan Saat ini Vokalis Sofia Raykova memutuskan untuk bersama band ini lagi dan digantikan oleh Vokalis Baru cewek, Milana Solovitskaya untuk eksistensi Tantal dimasa depan yang gw harap bakalan terus produktif menulis lagu2 melodius yang semakin Dasyat ! This band is labeled as Progressive Melodic Death Metal. I could see the melodic death metal, but progressive you say? I listen to a lot of progressive metal (and death metal as well mostly, but that's not the point), and let me tell you, sir, this is in no way shape or form progressive. Death, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Fates Warning, Redemption, Iron Maiden, Lacuna Coil, Into Eternity, Echoes of Eternity, till To-Mera, my friends, are progressive metal bands. Into Eternity's music does not progress at all. There is absolutely nothing progressive about them. What I am about to tell you about this album is impossible to be put in words. I will try my best to be as clear as possible.
Draw attention really since Gw see them on the Official Performance Video Clip " Suicide " , the band from Pushkino , Moscow Region , Russia plays a complex composition of the good music and supported by the Max Sound , musical arranger clear sound so beautiful and dynamic as the merger concept between Death , Dream Theater , Symphony X , Fates Warning , Redemption , Iron Maiden , Lacuna Coil , into Eternity , Echoes of Eternity , to- Mera to be a unity Melodic Death / Thrash Metal fantastic almost every touch . Female Fronted besides Sofia Raykova with multiple vocal band The concept of adding fun to play this . is an original mixture of Progressive , Death , Thrash and Modern Metal , " spiced " with conceptual gloomy lyrics . This band has a serious over Full melodic composition , special for you who like Melodic Stuff , would love treats albums with Eugene Vinogradov worked in Day - Records studio has created the band's masterpiece albums throughout his career . gw ga certainly many stories at length about this band , because immediately i play the first track " The Beginning of the End " it , starting with the Baby Cries Intro draft form its title track , which is then attacked by the composition Metallic riffing Modern Sound cool kicks ! There 's even a nice guitar solo that starts off very tastefully and leads back into some shredding that helps bring the anger in this song back to the front . If the rest of the songs on this album were close to being this good , this album would be so much better than it is . Mastermind Alexandr Strelnikov much store by lethal aggression Composition Part2 song became a killing every inch of her . compact integrated with guitarist Dmitriy game Ignatiev perfect idea that is implemented by drummer Vyacheslav Gyrovoy create an awesome original musical structures to continue our consumption . There are some amazing and aggressive passages that would make this album incredibly impressive if the horribly overdone melodic passages were not present . and either a good emphasis on symphonic elements or melodic elements . Tantal has so much potential with all three of these AND there are some awesome guitar solos to help out . Still , the band lacks the foundation to really the make much of an impact . and indeed the composition is done so mature , so does the structure is always Significant Progress Bar by Bar , so we can enjoy the sweet full grain , Amazing ! 3 presents a vocalist Sofia Raykova vocal character here , from Growl , harsh to Clean Modern Style The image adds vocal band . to build a fortress out of their music and used way too many different materials to make the base . They tried to combine progressive metal with some elements of speed and non - symphonic power metal and a touch of melodic death metal . I'm sure there 's a lot more that I did not pick up on , too . In my opinion , they need to stick with one or two styles . If they were a power - driven metal melodic death metal band , they would probably be fine . If they were a straight up progressive melodeath band , they would probably be fine . If they were just simply melodic death metal , they would be fine . However , this album is like the Tetris of heavy metal . a fight there ditrack Excellent Talents Earlier this anyway . " Controlled by Hate " start Neoclassic style riffing so Shredd touch adds adrenaline to sound fierce Track ripped apart ! As for the music , it is very varied and this can be either good or bad depending on your tastes . For example Timeless Winter , features a song I love death growls and a great death / thrash riffs and switches to more of a groove and super high Painkiller singing . Surrounded by Night is mostly acoustic with great vocal harmonies going around only to finish in a crescendo of guitars and melodic riding out the song . and the intensification of inter- musicians was so busy fighting with his ego , Sofia Vocal Pattern Raykova often lack Space for him hehehe , because the duration of each piece is long , so we still enjoy his complex compositions . " Lifeless Existence " Track 2nd longest after the " Beginning of the End " , where musical benar2 in Dynamic Style Explor once with his full focus . Condensed melodic touches in the vein Amorphis , In Flames and Amon Amarth are so strong binding in the next song " Clarity Comes When ... " , treats the human unconscious emotional bener2 when the mind is experiencing Weary , empty to Blank , this track might be a touch so different from the other tracks coz soon as Instrumental track ciamik hehehe .... and " Suicide " is still a memorable track since i know the name of the band Good Tantal . Another aspect of the arrangement that takes away from the seemingly varied approach to this genre is the overuse of the double Excelent Guitarist . Even the ballads can not help but launch into a Melodic metal beat during the chorus . The sound of the bass drum is a bit too separated and puts too much emphasis on the attack rather than sustain, resulting in something with a bit of a click quality to it . This is probably part of why the accusations of sounding like a metalcore band are being thrown at the band , as this approach to the drum sound is more at home with the hard -core crowd rumbling rather than the quality of a death / thrash metal sound . then Track " In the End Pt.1 ( Agony ) " and " In the End Pt.2 ( Epitaph ) " as a song Serial Part compositions next terrible if put together would be the duration of that drain their energy hehehe , and Sweet Ending quits by Instrumental Track with melodic guitar Solo Games Virtuosous Cool licking " Farewell " bener2 has perfected Maximum Creativity Tantal . for Gw , "The Beginning of the End " is a melodic masterpiece to parse Logic Real bener2 us about the tone of music can be enjoyed forever ga dimusik2 Mainstream , Music for Gw remains as an outstanding art instinct to influence listeners and is actually very difficult to kata2 written as it should have for themselves . and currently Vocalist Sofia Raykova decided to join the band again and was replaced by a New Female Vocalist , Milana Tantal Solovitskaya for the future existence of which i hope going to continue to be productive writing melodic lagu2 increasingly terrible ! This band is labeled as Progressive Melodic Death Metal . I could see the melodic death metal , but progressive you say ? I listen to a lot of progressive metal ( and mostly death metal as well , but that's not the point ) , and let me tell you , sir , this is in no way shape or form progressive . Death , Dream Theater , Symphony X , Fates Warning , Redemption , Iron Maiden , Lacuna Coil , Into Eternity , Echoes of Eternity , till To- Mera , my friends , are progressive metal bands . Into Eternity 's music does not progress at all . There is absolutely nothing progressive about them . What I am about to tell you about this album is impossible to be put in words . I will try my best to be as clear as possible .
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