01 Vis Divina 01:28 02 Rising from Tragic Flames 06:16 03 Angel of Light 07:05 04 Tears of Pain 06:27 05 Fly to Crystal Skies 05:13 06 My Sacrifice 08:05 07 Silver Lake of Tears 05:00 08 Custode di Pace 05:07 09 A Tale of Magic 04:18 10 Dark Wings of Steel 05:51 11 Sad Mystic Moon 04:37
Fabio Lione - Vocals, Lyrics Alex Staropoli - Keyboards Alex Holzwarth - Drums, Percussion Oliver Holzwarth - Bass Roberto De Micheli - Guitars
Didera banyak masalah tidaklah menyurutkan eksistensi Band Symphonic/Orchestral Power Metal terbaik asal Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy ini untuk tegar berdiri dengan banyaknya aral menghadang karir bermusik bagus mereka. terbentuk tahun 1995 dengan nama Thundercross yang kemudian hingga tahun 2006 menggunakan Nama Rhapsody dan telah mengeluarkan album2 hebat sepanjang karir mereka seperti " Legendary Tales, Symphony of Enchanted Lands, Dawn of Victory, Rain of a Thousand Flames, Power of the Dragonflame, Hingga Power of the Symphony of Enchanted Lands II - The Dark Secret ", Band ini harus menghadapi Tuntutan Hukum tentang Hak Cipta Nama sejak 16 Juli 2006 sehingga Dengan sangat berat Rhapsody pun harus menambahkan " Of Fire " sebagai nama barunya, " The name Rhapsody Of Fire better represents the energy that has always been present in this band and its music. " seperti yang diucapkan oleh Keyboardist/songwriter Alex Staropoli sebagai salah satu alasan terkuatnya pasca itu. perubahan nama tidak mengalami Banyak perubahan konsep band selanjutnya. namun masalah terbesar terjadi saat Sang Mastermind Band, dan Gitaris dengan Ide2 Briliannya tentang Symphony Orchestra, Luca Turilli Harus mengundurkan diri dari band yang dibesarkannya ini karena sesuatu hal serta kesibukan dibeberapa Proyek Band Barunya dan berujung didepaknya Mereka dari Roster Nuclear Blast Records ! Pukulan yang sangat hebat untuk Frontman tersisa untuk dapat bangkit kembali dengan mencoba beberapa Gitaris pengganti yang diharapkan dapat menghidupkan kembali Populeritas band, dan album terakhir bersama Luca " From Chaos to Eternity " meninggalkan banyak kenangan manis untuk Konsep Band ini harus rela " Berubah " dengan masuknya beberapa karakter Gitaris baru yang sebelumnya tergantikan oleh Tom Hess ( Hess, ex-HolyHell ), ga lama setelah itu masuklah bassis Oliver Holzwarth menggantikan Patrice Guers dan menambah 1 gitaris lagi dari Roberto De Micheli ( dari band Sinestesia, Italian prog-metal band dan dari band Trieste, serta termasuk salah satu pendiri Formasi awal Band masih menggunakan Bendera Thundercross), namun masalah tidak selesai begitu saja saat pertengahan 2013, Gitaris Tom Hess memutuskan mengundurkan diri karena Perbedaan Filosofi bermusik, sehingga Posisi Gitar masih berjalan dengan Roberto De Micheli untuk mengerjakan materi baru hingga mereka di Kontrak Oleh Label Asal Jerman, AFM Records. Meskipun Gitaris Roberto De Micheli cukup sukses memainkan semua lagu2 Rhapsody Of Fire yang dia tunjukkan permainannya di album Live " Live - From Chaos to Eternity ", Sepertinya Roberto mulai menanamkan Karakternya yang jauh berbeda dengan seorang Luca Turilli, nah Looo !!! Gw sampai kaget sebagai Fans Terbesar Band Fenomenal ini begitu mendengar materi baru ini. permainan liar dengan symphony konsepnya seperti Luca Turilli sepertinya harus terlindas oleh permainan Roberto yang lebih Progresif ! yok kita simak lagu pertama " Rising from Tragic Flames " setelah Intro Epic yang masih menjadi Trademark Rhapsody Of Fire, sebuah Track yang lumayan membangkitkan PLUS Mengundang Penasaran awal,apakah Roberto menjadi pengganti baru seorang luca?? dan Salah banget kalo Band ini masih mengusung konsep2 sebelumnya hahaha ... Konsep kali ini bahkan lebih Cenderung terasa Progresif banget ala Dream Theatre banget Karakter bermainnya. Adrenalin yang agak tertahan secara teratur cukup terasakanlah setiap nafas komposisi-nya. In the end, the band took the latter path, utilizing new guitarist Tom Hess to maximum impact, forming a much heavier album than what the band had put out before, flooded with insanely fast, technical riffs and a much tighter flow to an album. This album has no songs that leap out at the listener, but instead feels more at home when being listened to in one sitting of its entire one hour duration, allowing for the story that began on Legendary Tales to continue and unfold piece by piece. permainan Roberto memang ga seliar Luca Turuli yang brilian dengan Ide2 Symphony-nya, Namun Roberto tetap membawa angin segar disetiap aransemennya menjadi lebih Balance walau bener2 " Beda " banget Style-nya, goresan Riff dan Solo-nya cukup menawarkan " Rebellious " Attitude bagi Band kayaknya menjadi tampil Progressive ! The true genius of this album, however, is that the guitar work is not the pointless brand of insanely fast playing associated with such bands as the aforementioned, but is consistently done tastefully, with the riffs remaining exceedingly high standard and retaining a huge amount of creativity throughout. Another thing that immediately springs to notice is that the solo work is, for once, every bit as tight as shred fest of riffs that the album proves to be, being both blindingly speedy and amazingly good sounding. " Angel of Light " sentuhan Catchy Simple cukup terasa di epic awal part-nya. Track dengan Emosi Naik Turun ini seakan mendekatkan sekali Gaya Bermain Dream Theatre seperti sedang terasuki oleh Gaya Opera Choir Vokal. begitu juga dengan " Tears of Pain ", wah permainan Keyboardis Alex Staropoli koq makin lemes en monoton yah?? standard banget Permainannya disini. dan agak sedikit menaikkan adrenalin adalah " Silver Lake of Tears ", permainan drummer Alex Holzwarth seperti tidak memiliki Power yang meledak ledak sejak dirinya bertemu skill dengan Luca Turulli, Alex Holzwarth ga banyak melakukan Teknik2 skill yang mengagumkannya. Asli bener2 Materi album ini akan membuat Fans Lagu2 sebelumnya bakalan terkaget2 bahkan menjadi Boring dengan suguhan Konsepnya yang melemah ini. sehingga gw rada2 bingung untuk banyak mengungkapkan terjadinya " Perubahan " Signifikan Konsep Rhapsody Of Fire ini. No frantic riffing some hyper technical guitar work ! Kayaknya ini lebih pas aja buat kalian yang masih menyukai Konsepnya Dream Theatre saja. Penampilan F.A.M.E.'S. Macedonian Radio Symphonic Orchestra dengan Konduktor Vito Lo Re masih menjaga karakter Khas sebelumnya cukup menyelamatkan Esensi bermusik. sehingga akhir kata, " Apakah Band ini bakalan bertahan kuat dengan konsep baru ini menghadapi para Fans Diehard Mereka selanjutnya ?? Ironis Banget deh. There’s barely a moment on here that the band actually slows down and tries to do something other than annoy rampantly, and mostly that’s on the ballad, which is more on the really boring side of things as opposed to the annoying side.
Plagued by many problems not dampen existence Symphonic Band / Orchestral Power Metal best home Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy was to toughen up with many good obstacle blocking their music career. formed in 1995 under the name Thundercross which then until 2006 using the name Rhapsody and has issued a superb album2 throughout their career as "Legendary Tales, Symphony of Enchanted Lands, Dawn of Victory, Rain of a Thousand Flames, Power of the Dragonflame, Until the Power of The Symphony of Enchanted Lands II - The Dark Secret ", this band must face the demands of the Copyright Law since July 16, 2006 Name With very heavy so had to add Rhapsody" Of Fire "as his new name," The name Rhapsody Of Fire better Represents the energy that has always been present in this band and its music. "as spoken by Keyboardist / songwriter Alex Staropoli as one of the strongest reasons that post. change of name did not experience many changes in the concept of the next band. but the biggest problem occurs when the Mastermind Band, and guitarist with the brilliance of the Symphony Orchestra IDE2, Luca Turilli should resign from the band's dibesarkannya for one thing and bustle in several projects and led to the sacking of his New Band of Roster They Nuclear Blast Records! Tremendous blow to the remaining Frontman to bounce back by trying some replacement guitarist is expected to revive Populeritas band, and the last album with Luca "From Chaos to Eternity" left many fond memories for the band concept must be willing to "Changed" with the inclusion of Guitarist few new characters that were previously replaced by Tom Hess (Hess, ex-HolyHell), shortly after that go ga bassist Oliver Holzwarth Patrice Guers replace and add 1 more from guitarist Roberto De Micheli (of the band Synesthesia, Italian prog-metal band and from Trieste bands, including one of the founders and the early formation Band still use Thundercross flag), but the problem did not go away as mid-2013, guitarist Tom Hess decided to resign because of differences musical philosophy, so that position is still running with guitar Roberto De Micheli to work on material new to them in the Contract By Label of Origin Germany, AFM Records. Although guitarist Roberto De Micheli quite successful play all lagu2 Rhapsody Of Fire which he showed his game in the Live album "Live - From Chaos to Eternity", like Roberto began to instill a much different character with a Luca Turilli, nah Looo!!! I was shocked as the Biggest Fans Phenomenal band's new material when he heard this. wild game with a concept like Luca Turilli symphony seems to be run over by a more Progressive Roberto game! yok us refer to the first track "Tragic Rising from the Flames" after the intro is still a Trademark Epic Rhapsody Of Fire, a hefty raise PLUS Track Invite Curious beginning, whether a new substitute Roberto became a luca?? and One really if this band is still carrying the previous konsep2 hahaha ... The concept of time is even more noticeably Tend Progressive Dream Theatre style really really character play. Adrenaline is somewhat restrained regularly enough terasakanlah every breath of his compositions. In the end, the band took the latter path, utilizing new guitarist Tom Hess to maximum impact, forming a much heavier album than what the band had put out before, flooded with insanely fast, technical riffs and a much tighter flow to an album. This album has no songs that leap out at the listener, but instead feels more at home when being listened to in one sitting of its entire one-hour duration, allowing for the story that Began on Legendary Tales Unfold to continue and piece by piece. Roberto game was as wild ga Luca Turuli brilliant with his Symphony IDE2, but Roberto still bring fresh air every arrangements became more even balance bener2 "Different" really his style, Riff and Solo scratches his offer enough "Rebellious" Attitude for Band Progressive seems to be performing! The true genius of this album, however, is that the guitar work is not the pointless brand of insanely fast playing associated with bands such as the aforementioned, but is consistently done tastefully, with the remaining riffs Exceedingly high standard and retaining a huge amount of creativity throughout. Another thing that immediately springs to notice is that the solo work is, for once, every bit as tight as shred fest of riffs that the album proves to be, being both blindingly amazingly speedy and good sounding. "Angel of Light" Catchy touch feels Simple enough in the early part of his epic. Track with Up Down Emotion is like to juxtapose all Play Style Dream Theatre as being caught up by the Opera Choir Vocal Style. as well as the "Tears of Pain", wow game keyboardist Alex Staropoli koq increasingly monotonous lemes en yah? The game really standard here. and a little bit of adrenaline is the "Silver Lake of Tears", drummer Alex Holzwarth as the game does not have the explosive power since he met with Luca Turulli skill, Alex Holzwarth ga lot Teknik2 admirable skill. Bener2 original material this album will make fans before going terkaget2 lagu2 even be Boring to treat this concept is weakened. so i rada2 confused for many reveal the "Change" Significant Concept Rhapsody Of Fire's. No frantic guitar riffing some hyper technical work! I think this is more fitting for you who still wrote like Dream Theatre concept only. Appearance F.A.M.E. 'S. Macedonian Radio Symphonic Orchestra with Conductor Vito Lo Re is still keeping the character enough to rescue the previous Typical musical essence. so the end of the word, "Is the band going to survive strong with this new concept dealing with Fans Diehard They next?? Ironic Banget deh. There's barely a moment on here that the band actually slows down and Tries to do something other than annoy rampantly, and mostly that's on the ballads, roomates is really more on the boring side of things as opposed to the annoying side.
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