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Over Power - Power Authority and Bloodshed EP 2013

Over Power - Power Authority and Bloodshed
Earblast Records EP 2013

01 Ambisi 01:31    
02 Control and Destroy! 01:52    
03 Hukum Rimba 01:15    
04 Fucking Disaster 01:49    
05 Terbakar Dendam 01:31    
06 Serigala Busuk 01:31    
07 Kuasa Penindas 02:32

Periode Eksistensi memang tidak mengenal Batasan Musisi Untuk Langsung Berkarya dengan Aransemen sendiri, justru hal ini bisa menunjukkan sebuah Dedikasi Awal sebuah Band dalam eksistensi itu sendiri yang kebanyakan terhalang oleh Paradigma diri mereka sendiri sehingga termuara dengan rasa " Percaya Diri ". Untuk berkarya memang harus melewati Dinamikanya agar menuju sebuah proses berkembang yang baik, maka dari itu Tunjukkan selalu Karyamu dan melepas " bayang2 " yang bukan diri kalian itu untuk sesuatu yang kalian cari. Kediri memang Perkembangan Scene-nya begitu Pesat, banyak band2 bagus lahir dari Kota Tahu ini, ijinkan Gw mengenalkan Embrio Baru-nya yang siap menancapkan Taring Eksistensi Tajam-nya lewat Gebrakan perdana mereka " Power Authority and Bloodshed " menjadi Kendaraan Maut mereka menggayang Oposisi berfikir kita tentang sebuah Hidup melalui sajian Death/Grind yang enerjik ! Over Power mungkin adalah Newcomer yang turut menambah isi Katalog Death Metal Kediri bertambah armada-nya, tapi kreatifitas serta attitude mereka pantas diberi support. dengan komposisi musik serba cepat menjadi perpaduan liar antara Old School Death Metal dengan Modern Grinding Snare bukti Ramuan mujarab mereka menghajar Moshpit Crowd disetiap Live Perform Mereka. dengan durasi lagu yang tidak banyak menyita waktu, Over Power memang bak Penjagal Kejam lewat Lagu2 berlirik Kritis tentang Isu Sosial dan Perang yang dimulai dengan track " Ambisi ", Dimana Terrorizer Era " World Down Fall " sedang bertemu dengan Nasum Era " Inhale/Exhale "untuk melancarkan Emosional via aksi pembantaian Konvensional-nya. seperti tidak terasa selama 1 menit Beat musik yang cepat menghajar Telinga Gw. Aransemen musiknya seperti sedang Mencari Arah Jati diri band untuk melanjutkan Eksekusi Grinding, were certainly on their A-game, and wrote some really angry, really powerful grindcore and The songs here are definitely more straightforward Concept ! Tidak melulu digempur dengan sajian Hyperblast Beat, as well as the band’s tasteful use of breakdowns, Yups ketukan2 chugga-chugga breakdowns kadang masih menjadi elemen menarik band2 dengan genre ini selain sebagai Variasi Dasarnya yang mulai bergeser dari Konsep " Grinding " Aslinya, the listener should get a good idea of what to expect. Songs will rush past you, but not without throwing a bunch of great riffs into the mix. Rasakan sendiri 7 Lagu Enerjik dan cepat penyiksa Indera dengar saat hidup terasa membosankan ! Yang menyukai Model bermain liar Terrorizer, Nasum Hingga Misery Index, Gw Coba rekomendasikan menikmati Debut EP ini segera. which really just means minus the crust. And so what remains is decidedly more minimal. The riffs are fast and dirty collections of chords spun into violent tremolo, occasionally bursting into a quick flair of surprising with Production is messy but representative enough that nothing is really obscured. PUNCH GRIND OR FUCKING GRIND, Uuurrghhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!

Existence Period does not know limits Musicians To Work Directly with the Arrangement itself , instead it could indicate a beginning of a band in the dedication of existence itself is mostly blocked by Paradigm themselves so termuara with a sense of " Confidence " . To work it must be passed in order dynamic was evolving toward a good process , and therefore always show Your work and release " bayang2 " are not yourself for something you are looking for . Kediri was his development so Rapid Scene , many good band2 birth of this city know , let Gw introduce its new Embryos were ready to stick his fangs Sharp existence through their breakthrough debut " Power Authority and Bloodshed " Death becomes them menggayang Opposition Vehicle think us about a dish Life through Death / Grind energetic ! Newcomer Over Power is probably the catalog that also add to the contents of Death Metal Kediri grow its fleet , but creativity as well as their attitude worthy of support . with fast -paced music composition into a wild blend between Old School Death Metal with Modern Grinding Snare proof elixir potion they beat each moshpit Crowd Live Perform Them. the duration of the song that is not time-consuming , Over Power is Cruel Butcher tub through lagu2 lyrical about Critical Social Issues and the war that began with the track " Ambition " , Where Era Terrorizer " World Down Fall " is being met with Nasum Era " Inhale / Exhale " Emotional action to launch via its conventional slaughter . like there was for 1 minute fast beat music Beat Ear Gw . Looking like he was musical arranger identity Direction band to continue execution Grinding , were certainly on their A - game , and wrote some really angry , really powerful grindcore and The songs here are definitely more straightforward Concept ! Not only battered with a dish Hyperblast Beat , as well as the band 's tasteful use of breakdowns , Yups ketukan2 chugga - chugga breakdowns sometimes still be attractive elements band2 with this genre than as a variation Essentially that is beginning to shift from the concept of " Grinding " Originally , the listener should get a good idea of what to expect . Songs will rush past you , but not without throwing a bunch of great riffs into the mix . Feel yourself energetic and fast track 7 Senses torturers heard when life is boring ! Models who like to play wild Terrorizer , Nasum To Misery Index , Gw Try recommend enjoying this debut EP soon . the which really just means minus the crust . And so what remains is decidedly more minimal . The riffs are fast and dirty collections of chords spun into violent tremolo , occasionally bursting into a quick flair of surprising with Production is messy but representative enough that nothing is really Obscured . PUNCH OR FUCKING GRIND GRIND , Uuurrghhhh ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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