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Soreption - Engineering the Void 2014

Soreption - Engineering the Void
Unique Leader Records CD 2014

01 Reveal the Unseen 04:49    
02 The Nature of Blight 03:32    
03 Breaking the Great Narcissist 05:59      
04 A Speech to Survival 03:40    
05 Utopia 04:20    
06 Monumental Burden 04:01    
07 I Am You 03:52    
08 Engineering the Void 04:36

Rikard Persson - Bass
Tony Westermark - Drums
Anton Svedin - Guitars
Fredrik Söderberg - Vocals

Reputasi Unique Leader Records Memang tetap diakui sebagai Label yang sangat sangat Potensial dengan Rilisan2 Berkualitasnya di Scene Death Metal Brutal Internasional. Hal itu memang terbukti banget beberapa band sadis Nongkrong semua disini dengan talenta luar biasanya, Sehingga Kesan PUAS memang selalu Terbawa dalam Market Sale Label. Hari ini Unique Leader Records terus mencari Roster Keluarga baru untuk berkumpul didalamnya, Gw kenalkan lagi nama Sadis untuk kalian simak, SOREPTION ! Soreption is a Technical Death Metal band from Sweden having razor sharp technical riffs, schizophrenic time signatures topped with catchy chugging grooves and intense vocals. They have created their signature sound not yet replicated by any other modern band with a strong following to back. setelah tertarik dengan Materi Full album pertama band Modern Technical Death Metal asal Swedia ini " Deterioration of Minds " Tahun 2010 untuk dirilis kembali di Tahun 2014, Soreption Malah juga kebagian teken Kontrak untuk full album ke-2 nya " Engineering the Void " ini, Amazing !!! Technical death metal very often suffers from a sense of sameness wrought by so many of the constituent artists, so it's the duty of each band to try and craft their myriad physical talents into a cohesive, creative form and write some damn songs if they wish to stand out and survive, you're really at the reaches of human constraint as far as performance !!! Elo Tentunya Bakalan terpukau dengan Gebrakan Materi Baru mereka di " Engineering the Void " yang lebih Dasyat Lagi dari segi Bermusik, sound dan Kualitas-nya. they're not quite on the level of the former in songwriting skills, they take the chug chug arpeggio squeal formula of that latter, highly overrated band, and squirt it into a functional whirlwind of momentum that ultimately creates an enjoyable ride. Dengan permainan Yang Super Rapi melalui sentuhan Modern Killer-nya, perpaduan antara Necrophagist, Decrepit Birth, Origin Hingga Decapitated dapat elo rasakan sentuhan Kental-nya disini. Yang Fantastis disini adalah Sounding Music Yang Perfect Clear ! This Really professionalism is any indicator, they should be turning some heads amongst the fan of modern ! Walau Tidak terlalu didominasi dengan Fast Part, Sentuhan Technical Death Metal mereka emang Realy Awesome !! " Reveal the Unseen " tampilan awal luar biasa yang menggebrak keheningan dengan Fantastis sound-nya. a band that by all accounts have little originality of their own, yet somehow carve out an entertaining debut that lurches along like a primordial beast on silts, overstepping most of the genre traps that leave so many of these bands stranded in mediocrity. razor sharp technical riffs Anton Svedin memang Fantastis banget didukung dengan Pukulan Mantap Drummer Tony Westermark dan Raungan Vokal Agresif Fredrik Söderberg adalah nyata Kombinasi Modern Musikal Band sempurna ! which feels like Meshuggah and Decapitated got drunk one night and accidentally swapped songs, playing each with their own personal interpretation and then mashing them back up. A lot of interesting little hooks that more importantly keep the listener hooked. Ini memang seperti Penggabungan Karakter Sound Style Djent, Groove dengan Technical Death Metal yang cepat, so Bisa elo banyangkan sendiri khan bagaimana ini?? such huge and circular patterns of riffing that are fun to follow around their spherical cycle !! Track Fenomenal berikutnya " Breaking the Great Narcissist " Konsentrasi Gw bener2 tertahan lagi2 dengan Karakteristic Modern Sound dan Style Soreption yang Luar biasa ini. Meshuggah dan Decapitated seperti sedang Melakukan Selingkuh silang dengan Necrophagist serta Origin. ditrack Terakhir " Engineering the Void " Trevor Strnad-nya The Black Dahlia Murder Ikutan Bernyanyi liar masih dengan karakter-nya untuk Track Pamungkas ini. They are fueled by social and psychological lyrical subjects rather than medical carnage, and they are obviously well versed on the current state of death metal popular among younger crowds. Kualitas Sound Recording Fantastis Per Tommy Rehn AKA Tommy Rehn-nya Corroded yang langganan menggarap Semua Rilisan Soreption bareng Christian Rehn (Angtoria, Abyssos, Evergrey) adalah Enjiner Berbakat Muda dari Swedia yang selalu mengiringi Perjalanan Karir Soreption di Ninetone Studios. Tidak Usah berfikir panjang hingga 666x untuk Membeli Rilisan Berkualitas ini pokoknya ! Most exciting here was probably the crazy tech break for the most, a terrifying juggernaut of rolling potential Band! BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!!!

Reputation Unique Leader Records Label It continues to be recognized as a very highly Potential with Rilisan2 berkualitasnya in Brutal Death Metal Scene International . It was indeed proved very few bands sadistic Hang all here with extraordinary talent , So SATISFIED impression is always carried away in the Market Sale Labels . Today Unique Leader Records are constantly looking for new family to gather Roster therein , Gw introduce another name for your sadistic see , SOREPTION ! Soreption is a Technical Death Metal band from Sweden having razor sharp technical riffs , schizophrenic time signatures Chugging topped with catchy grooves and intense vocals . They have created their signature sound not yet replicated by any other modern band with a strong following to back . interested in the material after the band's first full-length album Modern Swedish Technical Death Metal 's " Deterioration of Minds " in 2010 to be released back in 2014, Soreption fact also gets a signed contract for the 2nd full album his " Engineering the Void " , the Amazing ! ! ! Technical death metal very often suffers from a sense of sameness wrought by so many of the constituent artists , so it is the duty of each band to try and craft their myriad physical talents into a cohesive , creative forms and write some damn songs if they wish to stand out and survive , you're really at the Reaches of human constraint as far as performance! ! ! Elo Surely Going fascinated with their new material breakthrough in " Engineering the Void " is more terrible Again in terms of music , sound and its quality . they're not quite on the level of the former in songwriting skills , they take the Chug Chug squeal arpeggio formula of that latter , highly overrated band , and squirt it into a functional whirlwind of momentum that ultimately creates an enjoyable ride . By The Super Neat game through its touch Modern Killer , a blend of Necrophagist , Decrepit Birth , Origin Until Decapitated elo can feel his touch Condensed here . Here is that Fantastic Sounding Music The Perfect Clear ! This Really professionalism is any indicator , they should be turning some heads amongst the fan of modern ! Although not overly dominated by Part Fast , Technical Death Metal touch them weve Realy Awesome ! ! " Reveal the Unseen " initial view that kicked incredible silence with his sound Fantastic . a band that by all accounts have little originality of their own , yet somehow carve out an entertaining debut that lurches along like a primordial beast on silts , overstepping most of the genre traps that leave so many of these bands stranded in mediocrity . razor sharp riffs technical Fantastic Anton Svedin is really supported by Steady Punch Drummer Tony Westermark and roar Aggressive Vocals Fredrik Söderberg is a real combination of Modern Musical Band is perfect ! roomates feels like Meshuggah and Decapitated got drunk one night and accidentally swapped songs , playing each with their own personal interpretation and then mashing them back up . A lot of interesting little hooks that more importantly keep the listener hooked . It is like Surviving Character Style Djent Sound , Technical Death Metal Groove with rapid , so could elo banyangkan itself khan how is this ? ? such huge and circular patterns of riffing that are fun to follow around their spherical cycle ! ! Phenomenal next track " Breaking the Great Narcissist " Concentration Gw bener2 lagi2 stuck with Karakteristic Modern Sound and Style Soreption that this Excellent . Meshuggah and Decapitated like 're Doing Cheating cross with Necrophagist and Origin . Last ditrack " Engineering the Void " Trevor Strnad her The Black Dahlia Murder Sings Followup still wild with his character for this Pamungkas Track . They are fueled by social and psychological rather than medical subjects lyrical carnage , and they are obviously well versed on the current state of death metal popular among younger crowds . Recording Great Sound Quality Per Tommy Rehn AKA Tommy Rehn her that subscription Corroded All Releases Soreption working with Christian Rehn ( Angtoria , Abyssos , Evergrey ) is a Talented Young Engineer of Sweden that always accompany Career Soreption in Ninetone Studios . Unread think long to 666x for Qualified Purchase this release anyway ! Most exciting here was probably the crazy tech break for the most , a terrifying juggernaut of potential rolling Band ! BUY OR DIE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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