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Trauma - Incomplete Damnation (Demo and Live Tracks 1996-1997) CD 2014

Trauma - Incomplete Damnation (Demo and Live Tracks 1996-1997)
Playloud Records CD 2014

01 Rotten Grave 04:10    
02 Stench of Corpse 03:31    
03 Final Execution 03:20    
04 Human Suffering 04:11    
05 Fallen in Decay 04:59    
06 Incomplete Damnation 05:31    
07 Human Suffering 04:04    
08 Stench of Corpse 03:32    
09 Final Execution 03:21    
10 Incomplete Damnation 05:40    
11 Mind Corruption 03:30    
12 Confession of a Serial Killer (live) 05:36    
13 Rotten Grave (live) 04:31    
14 Confession of a Serial Killer (live) 05:50    
15 Stench of Corpse (live) 03:28    
16 Radio Session (bonus track) 08:20

Meskipun masa lalu bukanlah satu-satunya inspirasi, hubungannya dengan masa lalu kemudian lebih bersifat sentimentil dan reproduksi yang dijunjung tinggi, yang menghasilkan sebuah ikon dan sebuah romantisme kejayaan serta menawarkan rangkaian variasi selera dan gaya tanpa batas. menapaki sebuah Perjalanan Karir Bermusik tentunya tidak Akan melupakan sebuah Proses Awal yang mengayuh panjang kemudian dalam Perkembangan, meskipun akan terlalu sayang banget untuk dilupakan, karena ada banyak yang mesti diceritakan kembali tentang sebuah perjalanan Karir itu sendiri, TRAUMA menjadi salah satu Godfather Death Metal tertua di Kancah Metal Tanah air sejak kemunculannya Tahun 1992 bukanlah sebuah cerita pendek untuk diceritakan kemudian kepada Generasi sekarang. telah mengalami Bongkar Pasang Formasi serta regenerasi, Trauma tetap membuktikan Sebagai Band Death Metal yang tetap Aktif dan Produktif hingga saat ini. Kebetulan Sekali Gw banyak mengikuti perkembangan band ini, sehingga Untuk Menikmati Karya yang " Vintage " bagi Trauma sendiri di " Incomplete Damnation (Demo and Live Tracks 1996-1997) " adalah sebuah Persembahan Wajib untuk Death Metal Fans Kenali kembali Flesbek serta Retrospektif Karir Bermusik mereka sejak awal. Yuk kita coba putar kebelakang Kenangan Klasik Trauma dibeberapa Tahun lalu yang terlalu sayang untuk dilupakan sampai saat ini hehehe ... en Bisa bayangin sendiri kan kalau di Era 90-an belum secanggih sekarang, dimana Sebuah Karya diabadikan dalam segala bentuk sebagai pembuktian diri, salah satunya adalah Rekaman Kaset Pita yang terdiri dari kumparan-kumparan kecil yang membentuk gulungan pita. Kumparan tersebut terbungkus dalam bungkus plastik berbentuk kotak kecil berbentuk persegi panjang. Di dalamnya terdapat sepasang roda putaran untuk pita magnet. Pita ini akan berputar dan menggulung ketika kaset dimainkan atau merekam. sejak pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Phillips pada tahun 1963 di Eropa dan tahun 1964 di Amerika Serikat, Teknologi untuk Mengabadikan Sebuah Karya (musik) menjadi yang begitu Populer setelah Piringan Hitam/Vynil. Meski sudah Terbentuk tahun 1992 serta malang melintang menjajah Panggung, Trauma Baru tahun 1996 Mengabadikan dalam sebuah rekaman kaset " Demo & Live '96 " untuk menjadi Modal awal proposal ga resmi agar bisa perform, Meski cuman dengan Kualitas Raw & Rehearsal Banget, akhirnya Tahun 1997, Trauma coba kembali merekamnya dengan lebih baik Kualitasnya meskipun masih dengan Konsep Live Recording di Demo " Incomplete Damnation ", Nama Trauma makin dikenal dengan Track2 Anthemic Jagoan macam " Rotten Grave, Stench of Corpse, Final Execution, Human Suffering, Fallen in Decay ( Versi Pertama dari " Ciptaan Kebencian " yang disertakan dalam Album Kompilasi Metalik Klinik 1 .ed)  serta Incomplete Damnation " sudah tidak begitu asing bagi Death Metal Fans kala itu. Karakter Pure Death Metal in The Vein Avulsed, Gorefest serta Obituary memang begitu melekat kuat lewat sentuhan Melodic Riff yang Mencakar ! Raw and flesh ripping in delivery, but the actual riffs themselves are not so haunting as many that had preceded them from Old School antiquity. tentu lumayan menendang di Era-nya, Raungan Low Growl serta Scream Vokal begitu khas melekat yang masih kita jumpai sampai sekarang. Aransemen Musikal Dinamis yang Lumayan Memancing Panas Adrenalin kemudian adalah Musical Powerfully In The Vein Trauma. Kualitas rekaman Live yang Lumayan Balance cukup membawa kita ke Karir awal serius Trauma. Makin terasa banget lagi Kualitas Vintage pada Track Ke-7 sampai 10 (" Human Suffering, Stench of Corpse, Final Execution serta Incomplete Damnation ") beruntung masih " terselamatkan " Aset Dokumentasi Trauma dari Materi Demo rehearsal tahun 1996 yang lebih terasa banget " Raw " Kualitas Sound-nya, bahkan saat mendengar Bagian awal Lagu " Human Suffering " terdengar Kalo Master Pita Kaset-nya pernah Kusut beberapa detik menenggelamkan Level Audio-nya, bener2 terasa masih " Asli " Kondisinya hehehe. Seharusnya Retrospective Track harus dimulai dengan Demo Tahun 1996, Agar kita bener2 asli merasakan kembali Karir musikal Trauma. Kemudian Track " Mind Corruption " selanjutnya adalah Rekaman Latihan Studio di Tahun 1996, Lebih Menggigit banget Tetap nuansa Raw-nya, But most surprising and impressive element to this is how its titular epic is cut into by this lurching ! yang pasti bagi Fans rekaman Klasik akan sangat menikmati Kualitas Rekod nya hehehe ... Lalu Pada Penampilan Panggung di " Underground Session - Grindcore Night " Di Poster Cafe Tahun 1996 yang menjadi Langganan Digelar Event Metal saat itu, Meski Saat ini, tempat tersebut cuman menjadi Sejarah dan Kenangan tak terlupakan bagi perkembangan Musik Metal di Jakarta Khusus-nya. mengusung Cover Version " Confession of a Serial Killer " Nya Gorefest adalah Amunisi Anthemic Trauma dibeberapa Panggung selain Lagu " Mental Misery ", Meski cuman direkam dengan Peralatan Tape seadanya waktu itu, Performa Trauma masih begitu terasa Mengganas kala itu. kemudian Rekaman Panggung Berikutnya adalah di " Boomers Underground " di GOR Saparua Bandung tahun 1997 yang Juga menyisakan banyak Kenangan Manis Metalhead Bandung waktu itu, dimana tempat ini adalah wajib untuk banyak event (Beruntung Gw udah pernah Liat & Datang sendiri di GOR Saparua pada sebuah event, sebelum akhirnya tempat ini tidak menerima lagi Pagelaran Musik Cadas .ed) Trauma Mengusung 2 Track Wajibnya " Rotten Grave " dan " " Confession of a Serial Killer " Nya Gorefest. taking the basic elements and intensifying them past where they probably should be. Masih ditempat yang sama pula, " Parade Underground " Tahun 1997 di GOR Saparua, Trauma Mengusung " Stench of Corpse ", dengan Perform yang Mantap sekali jika dibanding dengan sebelumnya, Meskipun Kualitas Pita-nya sudah mulai " Meregang " karena termakan Usia hahaha.  It's also very definitely Intense music and feels much more seriously ominous than most; some of the riffs are downright horrific (and of course extremely memorable due to it). pada bagian akhir, Trauma sempat Mendokumentasikan Radio Session Program dari 100.5 Mustang FM, Jakarta Tahun 1996 saat Track Anthemic " Human Suffering " menjadi High Demand serta " Fallen Decay " yang diputar di 89.9 FM Paranoyhard Perancis Tahun 2000, Yah mengingatkan sekali jaman kita dengerin Lagu di radio kalo ada Track Faforite tinggal siapin Kaset Kosong Trus Tekan bersamaan Tombol Play & Records di Tape-nya hahaha, It's Memorable ! Meski tidak Menampilkan Materi yang Baru, CD " Incomplete Damnation (Demo and Live Tracks 1996-1997) " ini bakalan menjadi Audio Discograpy Karir Trauma dengan formasi Nino (Vocals), Heilla (Guitars), Dedy (Guitars), Patrick (Bass) dan Donny (Drums) sebagai formasi Klasik terkuat Trauma di Era 90-an. Sebuah Rilisan Kemasan Profesional dengan Materi Klasik berani Mengantar sebuah Retrospekstif perjalanan Panjang Trauma yang masih terjaga Kualitas " Orisinil " musikal di Jaman-nya. TRAUMA Fans yang belum melengkapi Discography Vintage Klasik Awal Trauma, Adalah kesempatan keren serta Wajib banget mengisi Lengkap Discography Trauma yang udah menjadi " Rare " Track ini. seni ekspresionisme yang mempunyai subyektivitas tinggi.  go above and beyond it to become instant classics. it's pretty amazing to think these guys turned into a rock band a bit down the road were a pleasure and the performance was equally good.

Although the past is not the sole inspiration, his relationship with the past is more sentimental and later upheld reproduction, which results in an icon and a triumph of romance and offers a range of variation of tastes and styles without limits. treading a Musical Career surely will not forget a long process start pedaling later in development, although it really would be too good to be forgotten, because there is a lot that must be retold about a Career journey itself, TRAUMA be one of the oldest in Godfather Death Metal Homeland Metal scene since its appearance 1992 is not a short story to tell then the current generation. Pack Place has undergone Formation and regeneration, trauma still proving For Death Metal Band Active and Productive remains to this day. Incidentally Once Gw much follow the development of this band, so to Enjoy Work "Vintage" to the trauma itself in the "Incomplete Damnation (Demo and Live Tracks 1996-1997)" is a compulsory offerings for Death Metal Fans Know back Flesbek and their Musical Career Retrospective since the beginning. Let us try rotating backward Classic Traumatic Memories Last year some were too dear to be forgotten until now hehehe ... en could imagine yourself right when in the Era of the 90s yet sophisticated now, where A work immortalized in all its forms as proof of self, one Cassette tape recording of which is composed of small coils that make up the tape reel. The coil is wrapped in plastic wrap in the form of a small rectangular box. Inside are a pair of wheel rotation to magnetic tape. This tape will spin and roll when the tape is played or recorded. since it was first introduced by Phillips in 1963 in Europe and 1964 in the United States, Technology to Capture A Masterpiece (music) became so after the Popular Records / vinyl. Despite Formed in 1992 and colonized the poor across the Stage, New Trauma 1996 Capture in a cassette tape "Demo & Live '96" to be the official capital no initial proposal in order to perform, Although cuman with Quality Raw & Rehearsal, end of 1997 , Trauma try re-record it with better quality is though still with concept Live Recording Demo "Incomplete Damnation", Trauma Name increasingly known for the anthemic Track2 Stud kinds of "Rotten Grave, Stench of Corpse, Final Execution, Human Suffering, Fallen in Decay (Version the first of the "Creation hatred" which is included in the compilation album Metallic Clinic 1 .ed) and Incomplete Damnation "has not so foreign to Death Metal fans at the time. Pure Character Death Metal in the Vein avulsed, Gorefest and rightly so strongly attached Obituary by touch Melodic Scratching riff! Raw and flesh ripping in the delivery, but the actual riffs them- selves are not so haunting as many that had preceded them from Old School antiquity. certainly quite a kick in his era, Low Roar Growl and Scream vocals are so distinctive that still cling encountered until now. Musical arranger Fishing Fair Dynamic Heat Adrenaline then is Musical Powerfully In The Vein Trauma. Live recording quality is bad enough Balance Career brings us to the beginning of serious trauma. Increasingly felt really anymore Quality Vintage on Track Top-7 to 10 ("Human Suffering, Stench of Corpse, Execution and Incomplete Final Damnation") is lucky to be "saved" Asset Documentation of Trauma 1996 rehearsal demo material that is more felt really "Raw" Sound quality of his, even when he heard the initial part song "Human Suffering" If Master tape Cassette heard her once Unruly few seconds Level Audio drown her, It's Really was still "original" condition hehehe. Track Retrospective supposed to be started by 1996 Demo, That we feel again the original bener2 Trauma musical career. Then Track "Mind Corruption" is the next Exercise Recording Studio in 1996, More Still Biting really feel of his Raw, But most surprising and impressive element to this is how its titular epic is cut into by this lurching! Fans are sure to Classical recordings will greatly enjoy his Record Quality hehehe ... Then On Stage appearance in "Underground Session - Grindcore Night" Poster Cafe At the 1996 Event Held Metal Subscription that time, Even Today, the place cuman be History and unforgettable memories for the development of Metal Music in its Special Jakarta. carrying Cover Version "Confession of a Serial Killer" is his Gorefest Ammunition Traumatic some stage other than anthemic song "Mental Misery", Only Although recorded with Tape Tools sober at the time, still so pronounced Trauma Performance raged at that time. then Recording Next Stage is in the "Boomers Underground" in Saparua GOR Bandung 1997 Also leaves many sweet memories of the time Metalhead Bandung, where this place is mandatory for many events (Gw've been fortunate to own in Clay & GOR Saparua at an event , before finally this place no longer receive performances Music Rocks .ed) Track 2 Trauma Carrying the obligatory "Rotten Grave" and "" Confessions of a Serial Killer "His Gorefest. taking the basic elements and Intensifying them past where they probably should be. still the same place anyway, "Parade Underground" 1997 in GOR Saparua, Trauma Carrying the "Stench of Corpse", the Perform a steady all if compared with the previous, Though Quality Ribbons its already started to "Stretch" because ingested Age hahaha. It's also very definitely Intense music and feels much more seriously than most Ominous; some of the riffs are downright horrific (and of course extremely memorable due to it). at the end, had Documenting Trauma Radio Session Program of the Mustang 100.5 FM, Jakarta in 1996 when the anthemic track "Human Suffering" into High Demand as well as "Fallen Decay" which played on 89.9 FM Paranoyhard France in 2000, reminding all of our time Well listen to songs on the radio if there Faforite stay siapin Track Cassette Blank Then simultaneously press the Play button Tapes & Records in her hahaha, It's Memorable! Although the material is not Displaying New CD "Incomplete Damnation (Demo and Live Tracks 1996-1997)" is going to be Career Audio Discograpy trauma with formation Nino (Vocals), Heilla (Guitars), Dedy (Guitars), Patrick (Bass) and Donny (Drums) as the formation of the strongest Classics Trauma in the Era of the 90's. A Release of Packaging Professionals with Classic Material bold Dropping a retrospective journey length is still awake Trauma Quality "Original" in the era of his musical. TRAUMA Fans who have not completed the Early Trauma Discography Vintage Classics, as well as the payer is a really cool opportunity to fill Complete Discography trauma already be "Rare" This Track. expressionism art that has a high subjectivity. go above and beyond it To become instant classics. it's pretty amazing to think these guys turned into a rock band a bit down the road were a pleasure and the performance was Equally good.

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