REPRISAL RECORDS, Subwork Label Small Independen dari LOSTINCHAOS Mediazine siap memuncratkan sekaligus 6 Sperma jahanam dalam format CD SANGAT TERBATAS untuk True Diehard Kolektor pada Pertengahan September 2017 ini. ya memang dengan sangat menyesal sekali kuantitas produksinya harus tersandung masalah cost, sehingga Reprisal Records hanya menyediakannya untuk beberapa kopi saja dan TIDAK Menyediakannya dalam format Digital Copy dimanapun, sehingga untuk bisa mendapatkannya, dan Setiap pembelian rilisan ini, kalian akan mendapatkan 1 CD Kompilasi Sampler Reprisal Records SECARA CUMA CUMA Alias GRATIS ! ingat persediaan SANGAT TERBATAS, silahkan hubungi segera kontak person LOSTINCHAOS Mediazine atau lokal Distributor yang mendapatkan Kuota. silahkan dicheck Preview Sample 6 Rilisan dibawah ini.
REPRISAL RECORDS Sampler Compilation Tracklist :
01 Belati Berkarat - Republik Barbar
02 Mourning Silence - The Mind Paralyzing
03 Devirginated - Blueprint Madness
04 Slavesun - Titanoachy
05 Creature Of Nothingness - Creature of Nothingness
06 Vulgar Butchered - Violent Spasms and Decaying Enzymes
07 Pissing The Mainstream - Hardest
08 Tokoh Fiksi - Brokenback
09 Savage Harvest - Scratch Suffering
10 Galactus - Realm The Trance
11 Demensia - Hijack
12 The Swamp - Curse Myself
13 Festering Corpses - Secretion Anal Murder
14 Visum Et Repertum - Parenteral Infect Molested and Transfused
REPRISAL RECORDS, Subwork Label Small Independen dari LOSTINCHAOS Mediazine siap memuncratkan sekaligus 6 Sperma jahanam dalam format CD SANGAT TERBATAS untuk True Diehard Kolektor pada Pertengahan September 2017 ini. ya memang dengan sangat menyesal sekali kuantitas produksinya harus tersandung masalah cost, sehingga Reprisal Records hanya menyediakannya untuk beberapa kopi saja dan TIDAK Menyediakannya dalam format Digital Copy dimanapun, sehingga untuk bisa mendapatkannya, dan Setiap pembelian rilisan ini, kalian akan mendapatkan 1 CD Kompilasi Sampler Reprisal Records SECARA CUMA CUMA Alias GRATIS ! ingat persediaan SANGAT TERBATAS, silahkan hubungi segera kontak person LOSTINCHAOS Mediazine atau lokal Distributor yang mendapatkan Kuota. silahkan dicheck Preview Sample 6 Rilisan dibawah ini.
REPRISAL RECORDS Sampler Compilation Tracklist :
01 Belati Berkarat - Republik Barbar
02 Mourning Silence - The Mind Paralyzing
03 Devirginated - Blueprint Madness
04 Slavesun - Titanoachy
05 Creature Of Nothingness - Creature of Nothingness
06 Vulgar Butchered - Violent Spasms and Decaying Enzymes
07 Pissing The Mainstream - Hardest
08 Tokoh Fiksi - Brokenback
09 Savage Harvest - Scratch Suffering
10 Galactus - Realm The Trance
11 Demensia - Hijack
12 The Swamp - Curse Myself
13 Festering Corpses - Secretion Anal Murder
14 Visum Et Repertum - Parenteral Infect Molested and Transfused
PISSING THE MAINSTREAM - Perang Urat Syaraf ' Double CD
CDRR001 - Reprisal Records 2017
Tracklist :
CD #1
01. (Jasmerah)
02. Hardest
03. Temporal Passion
04. Superior Overload
05. Mundane Apathy
06. Vulgarity Era
07. Respected
08. We Need Unified
09. Mentalitas Minoritas
10. As I Seek Serenity the Viral
11. Fight Them from the Inside
12. Punisment Abused
13. Seeming Defeat
14. Peace of Mind will set Me free
15. True Brotherhood always remains
16. Shattering the World
17. Will this Shit ever change (Absolute Shock cover)
CD #2
01. The Truth never found
02. Our Scene
03. Declinine Civilization
04. Supressed the Hoax
05. Scornfull Derision
06. Murder the Lord
07. Konspirasi Depresi
08. Play Victim Asshole
09. I've Got time to kill your Faith
10. Class Exploring
11. Timur Tragedi (Power Metal cover)
12. Basket Case (Greenday cover)
13. Narsistik Histrionik (Remastering) bonus track
14. Viral of Shit (Remastering) bonus track
15. Forgotten Yesterday (Remastering) bonus track
16. Bacot Besar Postulat (Remastering) bonus track
17. Find Your Stupidity (Unreleased track) bonus track
18. Lockedown (Unreleased track) bonus track
19. Prodigies (Unreleased track) bonus track
20. The Judgement call Your name (Unreleased track) bonus track
Melanjutkan agresi musikal keji tanpa mengenal lelah, kembali hari ini PTM Konfirmasikan lewat Double CD Album bertitel " Perang Urat Syaraf " yang mengungkapkan 37 track berdurasi 1 jam lebih dalam 2 cakram jahat. 25 lagu baru, 3 cover version (Power Metal, Greenday, Absolute Shock), 4 Remastering track dan 4 Unreleased track yang nanti akan tersedia dalam format Kaset dan CD. " Perang Urat Syaraf " selangkah lebih mencekam dari materi sebelumnya, lebih berat, tegas, cepat dan frontal dalam mengeksplor operasi penghancuran massal. Everything that Pissing The Mainstrean would try on and discard in the New Decade is present here: Multiple Straightforward vokill more mix with Hyper Spastic Death/Grindbomblaster, Bruising Hardcore Grooves, and Pummeling mid-tempo Intercontinental Death/Grind Assault! pengemasan komposisi dan Produksi sederhana pasti akan melengahkan persepsi, karena setiap serangan masif disini makin didesain dengan Groundbreaking mindset yang Menggilas tanpa bekas ! it's more Unique than it seems at first glance, at once Logical and Unpredictable without ever missing a step. Well, Pissing The Mainstream mungkin berbeda, inilah level kenyataan yang berani menghancurkan batasan para Pembual ! this is The chip of more Relentless extreme Blastbeat is on their shoulders here and the result is a non-stop Barrage of Fast, Brutal, and Cacophonous Insanity tempos, Yess It's a Proud Fuckin the Bastard !!!!
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CDRR002 - Reprisal Records 2017
Tracklist :
01. Violent Day and Age 04:00
02. Metamorphosing Surrender 03:11
03. Blueprint Madness 02:40
04. Carnival Bizzare 03:07
05. Dreadful Obscene 02:46
06. Bungkam Dendam 03:11
07. Korosi Rapuh Otak 03:37
08. The False Prophet 02:51
09. Beats Malignancy 03:25
10. Pelangi (Koes Plus Cover) 03:16
Dari sejak awal Kegilaan Cryptopsy era " Blasphemy made Flesh " hingga " No So Vile " menjadi Sihir mematikan bagi setiap musisi DM yang ingin bermain secepat cepatnya tanpa harus galau tersesat dalam sebuah Stigma. terserah mo nyebut bagaimana Karakteristik yang diusung oleh DEVIRGINATED di album pertama " Murder ! " ini, yang pasti album yang memuat 10 lagu kejam bingit ini adalah pengalaman mendebarkan melewati sekumpulan Bidadari yang berlumuran darah saat mencapai pintu gerbang neraka, hiiiii ... there's still nothing that ever came close to matching or even replicating the utterly brilliant slab of music that fills this album. And it's no wonder, this is a one-time thing. The world will never see a masterpiece such as this again. Countless bands nowadays all try to " improvefully " upon this album's formula, but most fail horribly by imitating this album the way most haters/idiots actually look at it : a wall of Chaotic into noise. lagu lagunya cocok menjadi soundtrack ketika kalian sudah mulai membenci pacar yang mulai menunjukkan gelagat menggemaskan, barangkali membenamkan kepala-nya dalam bak mandi atau menggorok lehernya hingga putus menjadi sebuah ide menarik demi sebuah kepuasan? jika jiwa kalian sudah menjadi Psikopat, tidak ada salahnya mencoba sesuatu yang Fenomenal. Absurdly Brutal and Absurdly More Than fast Musickal Aggression. What we have here is a near perfect blend of Brutality, Aggressive, Technicality, Songwriting, and Crushing Moshpit Crowd. " Murder ! " is a Masterpieceful of Sonic Depravity that, still to this day, remains one of the most Sickening, Nefarious, and Inhuman albums released with 10 track Uncompromise. Special for fans Cryptopsy, Disfigured, Severe Torture, and Fleshfeast. Impenetrable Guttural Inflection redolent of a Sepulcher wall, creating an Amusing contrast against the frivolous Insanity of the Musical Destruction. Ladies and gentleman, this is " Murder ! ", art Expressed in the most Eccentric way possible, Damn !
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SLAVESUN - Tartarus : The Deepest Evil Exiled ' CD
CDRR003 - Reprisal Records 2017
Tracklist :
01. Tartarus : The Deepest Evil Exiled 02:09
02. Disincarnate Illuminate 05:51
03. Titanoachy 06:33
04. Hellcome the Tartarian 06:05
05. The Battle Beast 05:31
06. Wrath of the Kraken 05:45
Entah apa yang pertama kali digagas oleh SLAVESUN ketika Obsesi mereka bermain musik secepat-cepatnya dengan durasi fantastis dengan Powerfully Bombaster. yang jelas debut full pertama " Tartarus : The Deepest Evil Exiled " menjadi Pembuktian kritis dengan mengusung lyric tema tentang Mitologi Dewa dewa Yunani Kuno. karena bagi SLAVESUN, memainkan komposisi yang memacu detak jantung bekerja secara cepat seperti ini adalah hal Mutlak kemarahan para Dewa yang dipenjara abadi dalam Neraka Tartarus. Faster than faster Production values and all over the place Uncompromised compositional Blackened Metal Approach. operate within the stylistically vague realm commonly referred to as " Blackened Death metal ", playing songs that are DM in structure and technique, with Black Metal Atmospherics and Esoteric concept the songs employ riffs that are efficiently consonant and Interconnected in transitions which are marked by sudden alterations of structural patterns to redirect flow or change mood, maintaining a constant Equilibrium of Intensity and Melody, Aggressively propelled by Surging, Relentless Rhythmical motion. Especially for Fans of Infernal War, Frozen Shadows, Behemoth, and Morbid Angel. The main melodies Emerge Characteristically from the interior of the non stop barrage of musical momentum and force that provides the foundation of songs, while remaining committed to the defining stylistic aspects and unfailingly focused on the singular thematic Realization.
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CDRR004 - Reprisal Records 2017
Tracklist :
01. Dogmatic 12:48
02. Creature of Nothingness 06:32
03. Paradigma 16:20
Lahir memang dari Khayalan saja, ketika hasrat masih belum mampu merangkai semua harmonisasi sebenarnya, namun nama CREATURE OF NOTHINGNESS sudah terbesit sejak lama hingga akhirnya tercampakkan begitu saja seperti mantan yang telah menemukan gebetan Tajir baru komplit dengan Harta berlimpah ruah-nya. beberapa tahun memang nama ini sama sekali tidak terealisasi menjadi tindak lanjut nyata, tapi entah lah, Otak ini tiba-tiba teringat dan tiba-tiba lupa ketika asyik mendengar alunan syahdu Old Amorphis, Pan.Thy.Monium, Ghost Brigade, Barren Earth, Opeth, Crematory, Ebiet G Ade hingga Ida Laila, akhir kata menjadi singkat cerita tiba-tiba lahir ide menciptakan sebuah lagu dengan durasi " Extra " lewat aransemen kompleks serta dinamis (katanya), dan jadilah debut Album pertama " Dogma ", 3 lagu berdurasi total setengah jam lebih sengaja menyajikan kenikmatan gado-gado sejuta rasa ketika hati kalian sedang dirundung galau tingkat Dewa, yah ga usah jauh-jauh, Galau tingkat Kelurahan aja biar tidak dibilang lebay karena berlebihan. still behind what is for the most part a metal Aesthetic, they sound horribly restricted and limp-wristed. The parts that most resemble Melodic DM in the leads and riffs are probably the weakest parts of the material overall : Gloomy the draw and accessibility of a Prog Metal song as well as any of the Punishing qualities of the Death or Doom Metal as a result of being an insecure straddling of the two poles. yang jelas kalian hanya bisa menilai sendiri ketika mendengarkan sendiri bagaimana materinya di " Dogma ". have more Effectively unified some ideas into a Stronger sense of conceptual direction, with less hesitation to explore different ideas and with more confidence with collective ability to realize those ideas. highly individual and mature album work of metal that manages to rise above Stylistic Expectations through a brave creative spirit, combining Youthful ambition, Challenge imagination and musical Intelligence at the most creatively inspired and exciting moment of the Artistic metal into more 30 Minutes. come with Melodic Doom/Death Metal with Atmospheric Touching. Mixture between in the vein Amorphis, My Dying Bride, Paradise Lost, The Morningside, and Rapture for the metal crowd everywhere is probably much more receptive to this part of the Emotional Spectrum than the listeners of other forms of music.
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VULGAR BUTCHERED - Violent Spasms and Decaying Enzymes ' EP
CDRR005 - Reprisal Records 2017
Tracklist :
01. Violent Spasms and Decaying Enzymes 04:10
02. Disgorgement The Excrete Gurgling Rotten 03:11
03. Oozing Sanguous The Mortified Enthrailment 03:52
04. Rupturing Internal Organs 04:25
05. Release Deadly Secretion 03:11
Jika hari ini Slamming BDM standard terlalu banyak mendominasi Kebodohan fans untuk mereguk stereotype karakteristik, jelas kalian sedang menginginkan nutrisi musik yang lebih menyegarkan daripada menikmati goyangan patah-patah lambat nan monoton yang makin membosankan itu. ingin menikmati suasana ajojing sebenarnya? Beruntung New York Death Metal punya solusi-nya, all hail to Internal Bleeding, Pyrexia, Suffocation, Repudilation, Entorturement meregangkan lagi pengaruh bernyawa hingga provokasi lahir-nya the Next Generation. SLAM GROOVY NOT IS FUCKIN SLAMMING, REMIND FIRST DAMN !!!
Check this full song at
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VISUM ET REPERTUM - Malpractice the Surgeon ' CD
CDRR006 - Reprisal Records 2017
Tracklist :
01. Parenteral Infect Molested and Transfused 02:34
02. Aterosclerotic Mutilate Munched Limbs 02:35
03. Etylogical Disturbance Optic Polydactille Adipose Ederna 02:56
04. Surgical Atrophic Pathogenicity Genetic Sepsism 02:25
05. Deranged for loathsome (Haemorrhage cover) 05:32
06. Deteriorated Undermining Shred Pustulated 02:15
07. Ingurgitate Pressing Reborning Neurophatia 02:23
08. Edematous Disordering Delighting Resorpt Corticonodules 02:09
09. Drepanotecmy Feedingness Worms 02:35
10. Cephallobraquia Prominences Necrotic Acute 02:25
11. Knifing Uncontrolling Ulcerative the Tumorous 02:06
12. Vitreobactereology Unfesting the Crabia 02:24
13. Macabre Pathogenicity 02:28
14. Polyblatopurpuric Sadistically of Morphoblasting (Outro) 03:30
Mendengarkan bunyi nafas terakhir nyawa melayang saat leher digorok belati tajam memang suara yang paling mengerikan, apalagi ditambah korban menjerit ketakutan, Arrrrrghhhhhhhh, Instrumen paling kejam di muka bumi ini deh... VISUM ET REPERTUM mungkin lahir dari Tradisi Barbar dari pendahulunya seperti Disgorge (Mexico) yang di Blend dengan gaya lebih atraktif dari Vomit Remnant untuk membaca sentuhan Groove menohok biji peler, inilah Death/Grind kampungan biasa biasa aja tanpa embel-embel sok ngerinya yang mempersembahkan debut full album bernuansa Scyzopherenia Death/Grind lengkap dengan aroma amis darah. gives the guitars an extremely raspy feeling, the piercing effect and Aggressive Blastbeating Assault from first till end. come awesome with brutal demonic growls, however they are constantly competing with the unexplained production issues. tidak dianjurkan buat kalian yang menderita gangguan lemah jantung hingga syahwat, karena produksi materi VISUM ET REPERTUM dikondisikan secara khusus untuk pemuja deru hyperblasting tempo, cause this materials like Extremely Frustrating, Urrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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CDRR001 - Reprisal Records 2017
Tracklist :
CD #1
01. (Jasmerah)
02. Hardest
03. Temporal Passion
04. Superior Overload
05. Mundane Apathy
06. Vulgarity Era
07. Respected
08. We Need Unified
09. Mentalitas Minoritas
10. As I Seek Serenity the Viral
11. Fight Them from the Inside
12. Punisment Abused
13. Seeming Defeat
14. Peace of Mind will set Me free
15. True Brotherhood always remains
16. Shattering the World
17. Will this Shit ever change (Absolute Shock cover)
CD #2
01. The Truth never found
02. Our Scene
03. Declinine Civilization
04. Supressed the Hoax
05. Scornfull Derision
06. Murder the Lord
07. Konspirasi Depresi
08. Play Victim Asshole
09. I've Got time to kill your Faith
10. Class Exploring
11. Timur Tragedi (Power Metal cover)
12. Basket Case (Greenday cover)
13. Narsistik Histrionik (Remastering) bonus track
14. Viral of Shit (Remastering) bonus track
15. Forgotten Yesterday (Remastering) bonus track
16. Bacot Besar Postulat (Remastering) bonus track
17. Find Your Stupidity (Unreleased track) bonus track
18. Lockedown (Unreleased track) bonus track
19. Prodigies (Unreleased track) bonus track
20. The Judgement call Your name (Unreleased track) bonus track
Melanjutkan agresi musikal keji tanpa mengenal lelah, kembali hari ini PTM Konfirmasikan lewat Double CD Album bertitel " Perang Urat Syaraf " yang mengungkapkan 37 track berdurasi 1 jam lebih dalam 2 cakram jahat. 25 lagu baru, 3 cover version (Power Metal, Greenday, Absolute Shock), 4 Remastering track dan 4 Unreleased track yang nanti akan tersedia dalam format Kaset dan CD. " Perang Urat Syaraf " selangkah lebih mencekam dari materi sebelumnya, lebih berat, tegas, cepat dan frontal dalam mengeksplor operasi penghancuran massal. Everything that Pissing The Mainstrean would try on and discard in the New Decade is present here: Multiple Straightforward vokill more mix with Hyper Spastic Death/Grindbomblaster, Bruising Hardcore Grooves, and Pummeling mid-tempo Intercontinental Death/Grind Assault! pengemasan komposisi dan Produksi sederhana pasti akan melengahkan persepsi, karena setiap serangan masif disini makin didesain dengan Groundbreaking mindset yang Menggilas tanpa bekas ! it's more Unique than it seems at first glance, at once Logical and Unpredictable without ever missing a step. Well, Pissing The Mainstream mungkin berbeda, inilah level kenyataan yang berani menghancurkan batasan para Pembual ! this is The chip of more Relentless extreme Blastbeat is on their shoulders here and the result is a non-stop Barrage of Fast, Brutal, and Cacophonous Insanity tempos, Yess It's a Proud Fuckin the Bastard !!!!
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CDRR002 - Reprisal Records 2017
Tracklist :
01. Violent Day and Age 04:00
02. Metamorphosing Surrender 03:11
03. Blueprint Madness 02:40
04. Carnival Bizzare 03:07
05. Dreadful Obscene 02:46
06. Bungkam Dendam 03:11
07. Korosi Rapuh Otak 03:37
08. The False Prophet 02:51
09. Beats Malignancy 03:25
10. Pelangi (Koes Plus Cover) 03:16
Dari sejak awal Kegilaan Cryptopsy era " Blasphemy made Flesh " hingga " No So Vile " menjadi Sihir mematikan bagi setiap musisi DM yang ingin bermain secepat cepatnya tanpa harus galau tersesat dalam sebuah Stigma. terserah mo nyebut bagaimana Karakteristik yang diusung oleh DEVIRGINATED di album pertama " Murder ! " ini, yang pasti album yang memuat 10 lagu kejam bingit ini adalah pengalaman mendebarkan melewati sekumpulan Bidadari yang berlumuran darah saat mencapai pintu gerbang neraka, hiiiii ... there's still nothing that ever came close to matching or even replicating the utterly brilliant slab of music that fills this album. And it's no wonder, this is a one-time thing. The world will never see a masterpiece such as this again. Countless bands nowadays all try to " improvefully " upon this album's formula, but most fail horribly by imitating this album the way most haters/idiots actually look at it : a wall of Chaotic into noise. lagu lagunya cocok menjadi soundtrack ketika kalian sudah mulai membenci pacar yang mulai menunjukkan gelagat menggemaskan, barangkali membenamkan kepala-nya dalam bak mandi atau menggorok lehernya hingga putus menjadi sebuah ide menarik demi sebuah kepuasan? jika jiwa kalian sudah menjadi Psikopat, tidak ada salahnya mencoba sesuatu yang Fenomenal. Absurdly Brutal and Absurdly More Than fast Musickal Aggression. What we have here is a near perfect blend of Brutality, Aggressive, Technicality, Songwriting, and Crushing Moshpit Crowd. " Murder ! " is a Masterpieceful of Sonic Depravity that, still to this day, remains one of the most Sickening, Nefarious, and Inhuman albums released with 10 track Uncompromise. Special for fans Cryptopsy, Disfigured, Severe Torture, and Fleshfeast. Impenetrable Guttural Inflection redolent of a Sepulcher wall, creating an Amusing contrast against the frivolous Insanity of the Musical Destruction. Ladies and gentleman, this is " Murder ! ", art Expressed in the most Eccentric way possible, Damn !
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SLAVESUN - Tartarus : The Deepest Evil Exiled ' CD
CDRR003 - Reprisal Records 2017
Tracklist :
01. Tartarus : The Deepest Evil Exiled 02:09
02. Disincarnate Illuminate 05:51
03. Titanoachy 06:33
04. Hellcome the Tartarian 06:05
05. The Battle Beast 05:31
06. Wrath of the Kraken 05:45
Entah apa yang pertama kali digagas oleh SLAVESUN ketika Obsesi mereka bermain musik secepat-cepatnya dengan durasi fantastis dengan Powerfully Bombaster. yang jelas debut full pertama " Tartarus : The Deepest Evil Exiled " menjadi Pembuktian kritis dengan mengusung lyric tema tentang Mitologi Dewa dewa Yunani Kuno. karena bagi SLAVESUN, memainkan komposisi yang memacu detak jantung bekerja secara cepat seperti ini adalah hal Mutlak kemarahan para Dewa yang dipenjara abadi dalam Neraka Tartarus. Faster than faster Production values and all over the place Uncompromised compositional Blackened Metal Approach. operate within the stylistically vague realm commonly referred to as " Blackened Death metal ", playing songs that are DM in structure and technique, with Black Metal Atmospherics and Esoteric concept the songs employ riffs that are efficiently consonant and Interconnected in transitions which are marked by sudden alterations of structural patterns to redirect flow or change mood, maintaining a constant Equilibrium of Intensity and Melody, Aggressively propelled by Surging, Relentless Rhythmical motion. Especially for Fans of Infernal War, Frozen Shadows, Behemoth, and Morbid Angel. The main melodies Emerge Characteristically from the interior of the non stop barrage of musical momentum and force that provides the foundation of songs, while remaining committed to the defining stylistic aspects and unfailingly focused on the singular thematic Realization.
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CDRR004 - Reprisal Records 2017
Tracklist :
01. Dogmatic 12:48
02. Creature of Nothingness 06:32
03. Paradigma 16:20
Lahir memang dari Khayalan saja, ketika hasrat masih belum mampu merangkai semua harmonisasi sebenarnya, namun nama CREATURE OF NOTHINGNESS sudah terbesit sejak lama hingga akhirnya tercampakkan begitu saja seperti mantan yang telah menemukan gebetan Tajir baru komplit dengan Harta berlimpah ruah-nya. beberapa tahun memang nama ini sama sekali tidak terealisasi menjadi tindak lanjut nyata, tapi entah lah, Otak ini tiba-tiba teringat dan tiba-tiba lupa ketika asyik mendengar alunan syahdu Old Amorphis, Pan.Thy.Monium, Ghost Brigade, Barren Earth, Opeth, Crematory, Ebiet G Ade hingga Ida Laila, akhir kata menjadi singkat cerita tiba-tiba lahir ide menciptakan sebuah lagu dengan durasi " Extra " lewat aransemen kompleks serta dinamis (katanya), dan jadilah debut Album pertama " Dogma ", 3 lagu berdurasi total setengah jam lebih sengaja menyajikan kenikmatan gado-gado sejuta rasa ketika hati kalian sedang dirundung galau tingkat Dewa, yah ga usah jauh-jauh, Galau tingkat Kelurahan aja biar tidak dibilang lebay karena berlebihan. still behind what is for the most part a metal Aesthetic, they sound horribly restricted and limp-wristed. The parts that most resemble Melodic DM in the leads and riffs are probably the weakest parts of the material overall : Gloomy the draw and accessibility of a Prog Metal song as well as any of the Punishing qualities of the Death or Doom Metal as a result of being an insecure straddling of the two poles. yang jelas kalian hanya bisa menilai sendiri ketika mendengarkan sendiri bagaimana materinya di " Dogma ". have more Effectively unified some ideas into a Stronger sense of conceptual direction, with less hesitation to explore different ideas and with more confidence with collective ability to realize those ideas. highly individual and mature album work of metal that manages to rise above Stylistic Expectations through a brave creative spirit, combining Youthful ambition, Challenge imagination and musical Intelligence at the most creatively inspired and exciting moment of the Artistic metal into more 30 Minutes. come with Melodic Doom/Death Metal with Atmospheric Touching. Mixture between in the vein Amorphis, My Dying Bride, Paradise Lost, The Morningside, and Rapture for the metal crowd everywhere is probably much more receptive to this part of the Emotional Spectrum than the listeners of other forms of music.
Check this full song at
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VULGAR BUTCHERED - Violent Spasms and Decaying Enzymes ' EP
CDRR005 - Reprisal Records 2017
Tracklist :
01. Violent Spasms and Decaying Enzymes 04:10
02. Disgorgement The Excrete Gurgling Rotten 03:11
03. Oozing Sanguous The Mortified Enthrailment 03:52
04. Rupturing Internal Organs 04:25
05. Release Deadly Secretion 03:11
Jika hari ini Slamming BDM standard terlalu banyak mendominasi Kebodohan fans untuk mereguk stereotype karakteristik, jelas kalian sedang menginginkan nutrisi musik yang lebih menyegarkan daripada menikmati goyangan patah-patah lambat nan monoton yang makin membosankan itu. ingin menikmati suasana ajojing sebenarnya? Beruntung New York Death Metal punya solusi-nya, all hail to Internal Bleeding, Pyrexia, Suffocation, Repudilation, Entorturement meregangkan lagi pengaruh bernyawa hingga provokasi lahir-nya the Next Generation. SLAM GROOVY NOT IS FUCKIN SLAMMING, REMIND FIRST DAMN !!!
Check this full song at
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VISUM ET REPERTUM - Malpractice the Surgeon ' CD
CDRR006 - Reprisal Records 2017
Tracklist :
01. Parenteral Infect Molested and Transfused 02:34
02. Aterosclerotic Mutilate Munched Limbs 02:35
03. Etylogical Disturbance Optic Polydactille Adipose Ederna 02:56
04. Surgical Atrophic Pathogenicity Genetic Sepsism 02:25
05. Deranged for loathsome (Haemorrhage cover) 05:32
06. Deteriorated Undermining Shred Pustulated 02:15
07. Ingurgitate Pressing Reborning Neurophatia 02:23
08. Edematous Disordering Delighting Resorpt Corticonodules 02:09
09. Drepanotecmy Feedingness Worms 02:35
10. Cephallobraquia Prominences Necrotic Acute 02:25
11. Knifing Uncontrolling Ulcerative the Tumorous 02:06
12. Vitreobactereology Unfesting the Crabia 02:24
13. Macabre Pathogenicity 02:28
14. Polyblatopurpuric Sadistically of Morphoblasting (Outro) 03:30
Mendengarkan bunyi nafas terakhir nyawa melayang saat leher digorok belati tajam memang suara yang paling mengerikan, apalagi ditambah korban menjerit ketakutan, Arrrrrghhhhhhhh, Instrumen paling kejam di muka bumi ini deh... VISUM ET REPERTUM mungkin lahir dari Tradisi Barbar dari pendahulunya seperti Disgorge (Mexico) yang di Blend dengan gaya lebih atraktif dari Vomit Remnant untuk membaca sentuhan Groove menohok biji peler, inilah Death/Grind kampungan biasa biasa aja tanpa embel-embel sok ngerinya yang mempersembahkan debut full album bernuansa Scyzopherenia Death/Grind lengkap dengan aroma amis darah. gives the guitars an extremely raspy feeling, the piercing effect and Aggressive Blastbeating Assault from first till end. come awesome with brutal demonic growls, however they are constantly competing with the unexplained production issues. tidak dianjurkan buat kalian yang menderita gangguan lemah jantung hingga syahwat, karena produksi materi VISUM ET REPERTUM dikondisikan secara khusus untuk pemuja deru hyperblasting tempo, cause this materials like Extremely Frustrating, Urrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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